Holy shit pol this is so embarrasing

This just confirms that 90% of us are fat NEET single virgins who are obsessed with hentai.

This is the ultimate redpill : we're fat, unemployed and will probably never save the white race. They're literally laughing at us rn!

The normies are enjoying their lives and procreate while we're sitting here and fattening ourselves.


You. YES YOU!! Get off Sup Forums and find a nice gf


hahahahahaha oh man. which one of you is posting this? where do I find updates.


>pol, why do you hate gay people? Where my /polgbt/ at. AMA



It's sad that I'm actually happy he didn't go with a samurai armor and a fedora.

I hope something truly catastrophic happens soon. That or i learn to live a media and internet free lifestyle

I tell you hwhat everyone was talkin to that dude though.

>tfw hope no pictures of you make it on here. pretty sure I stayed off camera well.

I'm just happy that he wasn't a chink wearing a maga hat and desperately trying to convince white girls that he is also white

>ugly as fuck trannies making fun of autists

This is now /facesofpol/ thread. Show us what you look like

>This just confirms that 90% of us

>Beat 5 antifag thugs today. AMA

>90% of us are fat NEET single virgins who are obsessed with hentai.

hey, im not terribly fat

Why haven't you killed yourself yet Mike?

You have to go back.

Let him get knifed on your behalf, once the antifah guys start killing larping children, they'll actually get dealt with.

>not pointing out he's a shitskin

half of Sup Forums are shitskins. fact.

do not reply to slide threads, move on




You are terrible, and fat - the conflation between the two is the fault

inb4 30% white American mongrel kek

Don't worry man
Half of kiwis on Sup Forums are probably Maori or islander

Completely false. 90% of posters are American. Of that 90% are white


Shutup mike.

speak for yourself & sage

sure is shareblue around here

yeah I'm not OP.

He's good looking and clean shaven

The armor is practical

I don't see the problem?

whoa so this is what a civic nationalist looks like


>not being a fat NEET single virgin obsessed with hentai

you're asian so it doesn't really matter. I implore my white brothers to stop watching anime. We must save our dying race

Thats still 10% of us winning :)

female, employed, married and definately not a fatty.

The anti-fa in Europe look better.

>90% of us are fat NEET single virgins who are obsessed with hentai.

I actually workout quiet a lot, im pretty autistic about my health

shut up ian

>90% of posters are American. Of that 90% are white

I'd wager that 40% of them are spics, 10% Sikhs (bro-tier bullshit), 40% white and 10% jewish.

I want to race mix with a qt maori/islander

or joe. or mogley

>tfw still no article on the demands for tendies.

oh shit...that ummm doesnt happen sorry...the qt bit

>qt maori

dont exist

Fuck off Mike.

Don Jr son is not a NEET. We must strive to be like him

>Just went fishing with my daddy, pol. What did you today? Hehe

>roman armor
>not discreet chainmail with a coif worn under the clothes
enjoy your throat getting stabbed, foolish knave



This is what I call the 'Fuck my life all hope is lost pill'

see this is why I don't do pictures. cause you'll fuck around and put my name with it online as a joke lol.

Here's how it actually works out. Most people here are probably about average.

The people that are vocal about their views fall into 3 categories, idiots, people with no social life to lose and the smallest group, e-celebs who can actually making a living with this shit.

The rest are sensible enough to know that you keep your politics to yourself unless it's popular.

>I'm doing my part to save our race, pol.


Alot of Sup Forums is either half azn or jewish, but thats not inferior, its just not really white.




>Hey pol, hehe ;) It's me and my brothers ;)


>at least three of these people have reproduced

>shitposting from Malaysia

I dont know why no one realizes all they would have to do is get on a roof or something and start shooting people, because then all the antifa niggers and baby boomer militia LARPers would start shooting each other

>hey there fellow peeds ;)

thats why police is there, because they know retarded boomers with guns equal trouble

are the similarities a coincidence? I think not.

>This just confirms that 90% of us are fat NEET single virgins who are obsessed with hentai.
No it does not, you nigger.

How much money came to CREW after the Comey testimony disaster?


who is this nigger

/ourguy/, a fellow pede

dude it's milo 2.0 now with less gay. just wears a scarf in like 90 degree weather. alright guy though that can take being called milo for no reason.

Can't say he wasn't prepared.

Fuck off Mike

Give him props for pulling out some sweet armor

However, the plate metal armor was really rare amongst Roman legions, the chain mail was much more common

Even the dog is fat.

alright where did I get posted to and what is this shit. why do a bunch of
keep saying my name?

says the NEET muslim faggot that draws shitty anime comic books, how long did it take to make $45? two years? HAHAHA

Probably because you forgot to turn on your proxy you cuck.

only Legionaries used Segmentata, regular foot soldiers (auxilia) used Hamata.

Yeah there are some smokin brown grills
Pity no girl has ever shown interest in me

"Oat Keeper"

Also, lol, Sharia caused his heart to explode. That and the years of poor dietary habits.

The hell we are cunt. My genetics are more European, than the average Brit living in Britain.

>You're in the club and this guy slaps your girlfriend's ass. What do you do?

I tried that once. Not worth it, they are the most degenerate type of modern female. They mimick nigger culture.

nigger we all know only legionaries used segmentata, please dont talk down to us


>this is what americans look like

>antifa are such losers that they get scared away by LARPing nerds

>tfw all VPN IPs are range banned from other faggots abusing them.
just got the fucking thing and it's useless for Sup Forums. idgaf.

Thank you white Malaysianon. Very based, my white friend.

to be fair, about 1 in 3 people out of 2k+ had at least a pistol and a lot also had long guns. plus there were like three helicopters overhead at one point.

>being this ugly
>being this autistic

This isnt good for my depression.

I refuse to believe that these people are NatSoc

Speak for the burger but european user are fine and beautiful

yes we know our generation is cringy and embarrassing and should have never happened. these guys are still the best we have to fight against the marxists.

Evan, I'm telling your mom you post on right wing extremist sites for more twitter likes