MAGA Latino Beats Up Nazi In Texas

Based Mexican in a Trump Hat beats up neo-nazi with his Sonnenrad flag and doxx him for the cameras. Ethno Nationalists BTFO!

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Fuckin BASED spic

>people standing up to Antifa and defending Texas monument
>let's bully them in the comments because they don't like nazis

Muslims for Trump!

Video was taken down because everyone was bullying the uploader too hard

Non-whites all get the pike. I don't care if they support Trump.

Good for him.

lel edgy nazi xD
I'll bet you just got into National Socialism like a month ago.

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Difference between nupol and real pol.

Nupol thinks the spic supporting a kike enabler is "EBIN BASDE" and old pol just regrets the memewar even more.

BASED muslims!!







>hate kikes
>stone thots
>put women in burqas
>ban alcohol
>encourage masculinity
>many children
Islam is unironically based. White sharia is the only thing that can save the west.

white sharia is best sharia

stop saying latino for gods sake. These people have nothing to do with portugal, france, spain, italy and Rumania

>these are good memes


Beats up? He snuck up behind him with an ineffective choke hold.

Look at all of those proud cucks.

>I'm an oldfag h-honest.

Go back. Just go back. Please for the love of God.

BASED MAGApede! We need to submit to a foreign culture to preserve our culture! Praise le kek Xdxdxxxdd shadilay xdxdxd
P.s: can i get an upboat fellow pedes?

that's the only way brown people know how to fight

but the meme fail guy deserved it.

The fucking nerve to desecrate the American flag in public in front of veterans is pants on head retarded.

>be a memespouting retard in real life
>surprised you get treated like this

redditor BTFO

what kind of stupid movement do you part of when one dude with some shitty signs rustles your jimmies that much?


It's a term they have stolen from us latin europeans, the same with "hispanic", both come from calling the region and its inhabitants Latin-Americans or Hispanic-Americans, the problem is that they shortened it to just Latin(o)s or Hispanics instead of their proper long and composed demonym which would be Latin-Americans or Hispanic-Americans. They should have invented another demonym like Latams or Hisparicans for them instead of literally stealing ours.

Sadly, we will never get them back.

Whadya expect you fucking idiots. You're making too many godamn enemies
>muh mudslimes
>muh kikes
>muh spics
>muh niggers
>muh chinks

Those people were actively counter signaling Nazis at the confederate protest, talking about the based blacks who fought for the confederate

It's an American thing. American's invented the term "hispanic" as a bastardization of language so they could call indios white when they flooded out the country with them.


You mean Mexico Norte? That state is hopeless.

You didn't invent Hispanic for shit, m8, Hispanics is how the Romans called us instead of Iberians (Greek origin). Hispania was today Spain and Portugal during the Roman Era. Hispanic goes as far as the Phoenicians. The very name of Spain comes from the root word Hispania.

Now a literal indio-mulatto is being called a Hispanic.

I hate you.

Dumb. They used the word hispanos, not hispanic.

>average Sup Forums poster

It's the same word on a different language, you goddamn idiot.


Not really. They designate different things. I didn't make the definition for hispanic what it is, take that up with the Anglos.

I don't get it. Seems like a good ol' fashion lynch mob ganging up on some random guy who's not trying to fight anyone.

Eh. mobs gonna mob.

Guess what I also hate Spain.

Lol what a cowardly little spic. Yeah I mean the meme spouter is cringeworthy, but that doesn't mean you can just strangle the dude from behind.

White nationalists are people too, and have feelings. Hope he presses charges for assault

t. Muhammad

another video of the nazis in texas

Naw, spics are shit. I'd rather just everyone of those fags get gassed


THIS WAS THE SAME INTOLERANCE SHOWN TO JESUS CHRIST when he first started spreading his message of redemption.



Walking around with Pepe signs and other nu-Sup Forums autistic shit is cringey and makes us look childish, but there is no fucking excuse for """right wingers""" to be physically attacking the fucking guy.

If these are the kinds of people trying to defend Confederate monuments than they deserve to be taken fucking down because we're not worthy of keeping them.

That guy was obvious shilling fucking deserves to be removed

Shouldn't have brought a mockery of the US flag,,,
But the spic needs locked up for being a faggot bitch assaulting him from behind while he was surrounded and harassed by cucks with guns

Trump supporting spic has beat up more Nazis than the whole of Antifa

Anyway, sieg heil 1488

The guy wasn't even doing anything.

This is why I fucking hate mongrels, non-whites and cuckservatives. Jesus fucking Christ he was threatened with violence just for having somewhat cringey posters and a sunwheel american flag.


They become a frothing mob real quick and the Mexican committed assault.

No need to fight about this, you are wrong, in the same vein that we Spaniards were wrong in calling the Native Americans "Indios" (and we still do it jokingly).

Hispanic-American (it's a single compound word) = Mexicans, Peruvians, Argentinians, Puerto Ricans, etc. (the -*American* is an important distinction)

Hispanic (origin of the term) = Spaniards and Portuguese (until their independence where they abandoned the term for political reasons)

Hispanic used to be an ethnic and geographical demonym for the inhabitants of the Hispanic or Iberian Peninsula, now it's used as an ethnic and geographical demonym for people in the Americas which speak the Spanish language, the distinction between "Hispanic or Latin-Americans" and Hispanics and Latins (both groups composed by European peoples) used to obvious until the American cultural dominance of the West. The Brits actually knew the distinction, the French too, in fact the Latin-American term was coined by them, but they never called them Latins or Latinos, always Latin-Americans (again, a single compound word).

But calling a Mexican Hispanic because they speak Spanish or because they form part of a region formerly colonized by Spain, is like if we called Americans, Canadians, Jamaicans, Kenyans, Belizeans or even Indians ANGLOS.

I realize the corruption of the term is practically irrevocable, though, so writing this is just food for thought at this stage.

Are you mentally ill? You couldnt tell he was awkwardly laughing the whole way through? That faggot was trying to infiltrate

He was shilling and trying to infiltrate and kept waving that shit while awkwardly laughing you cant be this fucking retarded and believe he was innocent

ain't that the truth. is this the blackest of pills, Sup Forums?

no shit. the dude was obviously weird and probably trying to have a good time. These fucking larper boomer fucks need to gtfo

Werent spaniards conquered by mudskins? I remember seeing early accounts of the conquistadors as having darker skin back in the day because of their arab heritage

4channets should just go back to their bedroom.

Nice man when did you come here during the election?

>using the term shilling
Go back to /r/eddit

I don't care if he was innocent or not, he wasn't doing anything to warrant the choke hold or the other reactions those animals were giving him.

This is what you get for bringing the internet into real life fucking reddit scum

This is pretty pathetic black pilled as fuck these shitheads still don't fucking get it.


Literally everyone in that video is a faggot, God that was cringeworthy

I dont want another kike faggot infiltrating to make us look bad. We got enough shit media articles

>what about the memes... while awkwardly laughing

Fuck that guy i dont buy hes on our side. Probably another liberal faggot trying to be funny

Good. Fuck Black Sun worshipers. Don't give a shit if Hitler started out good with good intentions, he thought he would wield black magic and not get swallowed by it and he was wrong. Fuck Saturn.

Jesus, I bet you are an """Hispanic""" extremely butthurt at what I just wrote and your other messages in this thread kinda confirm it. And I wonder why because I never insulted you, just talking about the etymology of a word, it's just that you people have this eternal butthurt towards us and try to backstab at the minimal chance.

There have been literal neo-nazis with black sun banners and skull masks at these rallies before and there's never been an internal confrontation with (((civic))) nationalists and other races despite disagreement on principles before (see: battle of berkeley). Something tells me this is a staged event to try and rile up the different "alt-right" groups and help create a schism. You need to remember they used the same tactic with occupy wall street.

>see occupy wall street
>pay some far left tumblrinas to dominate the discussion and implement the progressive stack to divide the protesters by race and lead to a purity spiral
>protests disperse

You guys really need to be more wary of this kind of shit, these protests are important enough to be targeted by subversion so don't be surprised when you see stuff like this.


Hello lebbit what more do you want me to say? I am fucking tired of this faggot shit. No matter what you little faggot fucks do to make yourself appear nice little gud goys you will STILL get shitty media articles you dumb fucking retard. LEAVE REDDIT LEAVE!

I'm a hipanic that supports Trump and this unironically made me laugh. Holy shit those signs were cringe worthy


please leave

Great way to get arrested for assault.

hello reeddit

Lol i wasnt trying to fight dont get butthurt because muslims raped your country. Its true everyone knows it

Is that type of rethoric gonna prevent your daughters or grandaughters from being cumbuckets for muslims? Because i sure as hell believe that behavior is not gonna hell your cause. You better think straight if you want to actually achieve anything. The real world is not /pol dumbass


All the white nationalists and hard core Neo Nazis don't seem to mind you if you can take the bantz, shit I'm a bean I befriended one because I can shoot bantz back lol, now THATS tolerance

You're essentially preaching to the choir anyway.Hispanic is an obvious evolution of the language from forms that are similar and from which it derives but as it began to be used most people with ancestry in Spain referred to themselves as hispanos or in English simply to say they were from Spain. When people started using 'hispanic' specifically it came from what was essentially the spic version of ((NAACP.))

Sorry for trying to deny that you are a true "Hispanic", Paco.

For some reason that always makes you mestizos extremely butthurt.

I dont use reddit dumbass

Only an infiltrator would bring 5 edgy signs and ask randos to hold them up.

America will rule the universe so get used to it, spico.

I dont get it why does it bother you? Lol relax dude

While lauging on his way out. An obvious shill

this desu. the rest of the group had well produced signs - looks like they were shilling and trying to be the ones photo'd > drawing association of the group to Nazi and white supremacy. anyone dox that guy and find out what his background is? but fuck assaulting him tho.

>ban arts and music
>fuck goats and little boys
>build a culture so balls-deep in its preconception of honor that it can't get over cycles of vengeance and honor crimes that keep it in the stone age
>only ever manages to build brutal, actually oppressive (as opposed to microaggression 'oppressive') dictatorships that repress further advancement of the human race

fucking based shitskins amiright

How common are these people in US? They can't be a lot. I refuse to believe otherwise.
Anyway, I'm glad to have turned down that H1B job, I can't accept to live in a country where such people have more rights than I.

hey this might be of interest, has it been brought up yet? based sparta guy was fake.

I tried to make a thread about another false flag guy named Brian Fife but it's dead.

Anyone that's interested, pay attention to those guys.

Literally california is mexico 2.0

Spics are violent and with sucker punch people when they arent looking. Its a coward tactic. Never relax around them just like niggers. In fact never let your guard down around anyone. Nobody can be trusted.

will* sucker punch

>can't accept to live in a country where such people have more rights than I.
That's what you literally did to the original inhabitants of "Turkey"

That flag should actually replace our current abomination.

Fucking disgusting. They claim to be there to stand up for free speech, then assault someone who doesn't have the "correct" speech, then chant and shame him calling him a Nazi

They're just antifa in a different uniform. Fucking faggots

"beats up" lol no