I am a US citizen who came to the US as an immigrant. I can see that Islam is a threat to the US. I am also against illegal immigration because it is breaking the rules and hence unfair. So I did the right thing and voted for Trump and other Republicans.
But I am thoroughly disappointed by this alt-right Rhetoric against all non-whites.
And it is not just Rhetoric now, Republicans are making noise about to clamp down on all legal immigration as well.
Even though I agree with Trump on Muslim ban, Border wall and deporting the illegals, I will be voting straight democrats in 2018 and 2020. And I know a dozen others Trump voters who are turned off by this Alt-right nonsense.
Trump did not win in 2016 just on white vote. His victory margin was just 100,000 votes in swing states.
Alt-right is going to break enough non-white votes away from Trump that he will not win ever again. I hope that you enjoy the remaining 3.5 years of Trump. Because a democrat will be elected President in 2020.
The overreach of Alt-right is going to keep US from tackling even genuine issues like Islamic threat and Illegal immigration.
I am a non-white Trump voter. Will vote straight democrat from now on
Why should any nation accept any immigrants ever?
I mean fuck, Japan basically doesn't. And natural disasters / nuclear meltdowns aside they are a great nation.
Wow, that's very based, dear sir.
>it is not just Rhetoric now, Republicans are making noise about to clamp down on all legal immigration as well.
You couldn't foresee this happening? How could you not?
Any non-white (earning less than 500k a year) voting republican is just a stupid cuck, simple as that.
Not true. It's in the best interest of blacks to vote republican. Contrary to popular belief, welfare does more harm than good for their communities, and basically sets them up for endless failure.
This is a shill thread, Sage
>Anyone earning less than 500k a year (with no dependents) voting republican is just a stupid cuck, simple as that.
Would you have the same question if the immigrants were white? I mean most of the whites in US and Canada are immigrants or their decedents. Now that the majority of immigrants are not white...you want to question the whole concept of immigration?
Keep it up and see how you lose the battle against illegal and Islamic immigration as well. Because that is exactly what is going to happen when the democrats come to power.
US and Canada are relatively newly settled lands and immigrants have built these countries.
Educated and hardworking legal immigrants are an asset to the US. So too much greed is going to cost you guys my vote and many others like me.
I guess...I was too focused on trump saying that he is for legal immigration, while promising to tackle Islamic threat and illegal immigration.
You're on the board shitskin. Go cry somewhere else.
I don't think Trump's standings on the issue are changing. You're not gonna get deported. I say just ignore all the ethnonationalist stuff you hear on this site.
My main issues were Islamic terrorism and illegal immigration. Hillary was in Qatar & Saudi pocket.
>I say just ignore all the ethnonationalist stuff you hear on this site.
Most of it is ball-busting anyway. Very few legit white supremacists on pol, but lot's of justified resentment towards the idea of flooding the west with people who don't share western values. Then there's the idea that diversity goals actually destroy diversity.
That said OP sounds like whiny faggot who is easily seduced by identitity politics. Or this is a an antifag shill thread.
>legal immigrant
H1b work visas are all harm and no good by taking the smartest people out of their home country and moving them to another country where they are "employed" taking jobs from the people in the country they moved to and hired at severely reduced pay with no benefits. It's a complete scam corporations in the US use to jew people out of employer provided Healthcare and salary because they would have to pay a higher wage and benefits if they hired American workers.
You need to show that you're against illegal immigration. You need to show that America is already "diverse" and that accepting illegal immigrants does not enrich it.
Why do you come to a White nation and expect your view to be expressed? Obviously in some parties Whites interests are going to be prioritized. Stop crying, this type of fahgotry only happens in the West.
If a White guy moves to Japan, do you see him whining about it only caring about Japanese interests? No, they find a party that handles issues in a manner that they agree with. It's obvious you agree with some Republican intrests and therefore should vote for them.
That is, if you're even saying the truth. This could just be some shilling.
I know where I am. And I am telling the people here that there ethnonationalist bull shit is going to backfire.
Every year about 1 million Green card holders become citizens. So by 2020, there will be 4 million more immigrants who would have become citizens.
In addition to people like me never voting for republicans again, majority of those immigrants are also not going to vote for Republicans. And Trump's victory margin was just 100,000 votes in key states.
This total nastiness is not going to pay off. In fact its going to backfire.
eat shit nigger
Hello my fellow xir gender shitlords
ex drumpf supporter here
fuck drumpf nd the alright we wont win :((((
shareblue out
>I'm gonna vote for the people who are importing Muslims en masse as a matter of policy because Dicky Spencer and other obvious controlled opposition figures hurt my fee-fees :(
Enjoy being Allahu Akbared post-2020.
Fuck off shitskin.
Im on the oppossite side, u.s citizen from spic background, the illegals bring down wages and fail fo accept american norms, wtf, if you love mexico so much go earn pennies and eat shit for the rest of your lifes.
Well....Here is my mail in Ballot. Votes for all republicans except for one democrat in local elections.
Travel ban, it's not a "Muslim Ban".
Get informed shill/Shareblue.
Didn't bother reading past the first sentence but I'll just assume this is bait.
>who came to the US as an immigrant
you have to leave no exceptions
At least I won't be the only one screwed. And I did the right thing first by voting Trump.
If you people turn around now and try to fuck me over than guess what.........we all will be fucked together by Allah Hu Akbar.
>Former Turmp voter here
I give you a 1/10 for no Redshit spacing.
>Trump: I'm gonna pass a Muslim ban.
>Everybody else: You can't do that. Constitution n shit.
>Trump: Watch me.
>*Trump does it*
>Courts: Nope. Can't do that. Constitution n shit.
>Trump: Wait, Obama did it.
>Courts: Travel ban, not Muslim ban. Did you read the constitution? It's literally the first Amendment.
>Trump: Let me talk to my lawyers.
>Trump's lawyers: Yeah, you can't do that. Constitution n shit. First Amendment. Literally the first paragraph of the amendments.
>Trump: Oh, well it's not a Muslim ban, it's a travel ban.
Do you support white genocide?
>Even though I agree with Trump on Muslim ban, Border wall and deporting the illegals, I will be voting straight democrats in 2018 and 2020. And I know a dozen others Trump voters who are turned off by this Alt-right nonsense.
Bullshit. Democrat shill spotted a mile away. If you're not a shill, you have no excuse for letting anyone sway you and for voting for communists. No excuse whatsoever. In other words, there's almost no chance you're not a shill.
So as Trump
so in other news, they've managed to convince you that the alt right is a big problem... I'm disappointed
So you agree with Trump on everything but you're going to vote for an extremely destructive group of people because of some shit CNN said about Richard Spencer and his irrelevant band of retards?
I doubt this is a real post, but if it is OP you're a grade A dumbass.
If you think pol represents the republican party, or even trump for that matter, then you really don't know anything at all about pol or political parties.
Pol doesn't have a party. Neither do stormfags. Neither does antifa. These are fringe groups. And not everything said here is literal. It's banter. IRL I don't care about your race. On pol I'll call you a shitskin, because this board is about being politically incorrect. So lurk more newfag before posting stupid threads.
Of course a parasite will vote for in it's own self interest. Just as it is in the hosts favor to vote in his.
The reason whites want to keep non-whites out is because they inevitably want to make the host nation non-white.
You yourself said you are disappointed that Republicans do not want to make the U.S. Mexico.
Despite you yourself leaving Mexico.
Why would someone want to share their nation with self destructive people like you?
Man noone fucking cares what you look like in the real world
Pol is where people go to vent the truth that's fucking bottled up all day from submission and PC bullshit - otherwise everyone would go mad - there's fucking obvious problems going on and everyone can see what's going on behind the curtain and the tide is rising and rising. Somethings gonna go down.
If you feel like whiteys got ya down then take a nap and eat some ice cream. Noone cares. The left made race an issue, not the right.
Do you know that even if you support Trump, you will never be white?
Not really. Unless you rely on illegal labour or exploitive labour, you're a cuck to vote Democrat, especially if you're black.
It's not even race - if I was a black guy working as a welder, I'd vote Republican.
If I was a white farm owner, I'd vote Democrat.
If I was a spic and most of my family was illegal - Dems.
Legal spics only? Repubs.
>Farm owner
>Voting for more tax money to cities
>Would you have the same question if the immigrants were white?
Nope, because whites are capable of maintaining modern human civilization and won't irreversibly destroy it.
>Now that the majority of immigrants are not white...you want to question the whole concept of immigration?
Of course. It's a very rational thing to do when you consider average group intelligences and how much of the world outside the West is a third world shit hole.
The irony is you're actually the racist one.
You know that Trump won 30% of Asian vote. Well...I am one of them. He'll be lucky if he gets even 10% the next time. I know a lot of others who feel the same way.
And I have already attached the picture of my ballot. Just imagine what is going to happen to demographics when Democrats get in office in 2020. You people had a chance at controlling the Illegals and Muslims. But you overreached.
>farm owner
>not increasing margins with cheap illegal labour
You do realize that USA was made by white nationalists don't you?
>let us shitskins take over or else!!!
Yeah go kill yourself.
The argument is literally: eventually there'll be enough of us to destroy your country and there's nothing you can do about it.
You're the fucking asshole, guy.
>literally nothing has been done to curb illegals or muslims
>not even any suggestions of doing anything else
Sure thing Shareblue.
>be op
>you have to go back
>concern trolling this obviously
top fucking wew
>OP is an assblasted micro dicked chink or poo
Asians are even worse than niggers and spics. I'd nuke them fifty times faster than you could name a Chinese baby.
>Going to backfire
>Your nation is going to be destroyed whether you complain or not
You are literally making no fucking sense. How can it "backfire" if the outcome is pre-determined.
Kiss my ass faggot.
We're stopping immigration and there's nothing you can do about it.
Dems won't be allowed to win. This is our country and you can go fuck yourself if you think you're going to import more shitskins to replace us.
For us it's all or nothing so we'll start a civil war over this shit. Quit trying to steal away the few white countries that there are. We already share enough with you faggots.
Great post, I really feel where you´re coming from and I sympathize. This is why non-natives should be immediately shut out of all voting. Haven´t lived here for 10 generations? Then shut the fuck up about how the country should look and run, thanks.
God damn, even I know that this is a Jew thread.
Well I guess it depends on the farmer. Grain farmers just ride a giant combine, so they don't employ many people.
You have to go back
Implying cucked liberals would ever understand this? They are idiots and traitors to humanity, why even argue with them. Also yes, welfare MUST be abolished, you cannot have multi-culti and welfare, unless of course you want to crash society - as they do.
Hi guys, totally normal Dru- Trump supporter here. I agreed with just about every policy of his during the election. But from now on, I'll be voting for a party that is totally against what I stand for. I really hate Muslims, but I think we need to import them by the boatload because of the racist, sexist, homophobic and islamophobic white males.
Cry me a fucking river you chink faggot.
You faggots are at least half of the world's population already.
Timestamp or it didn't happen
>will vote straight democrat from now on
so if democrats advocate for the destruction of the entire world and a painful death for all, you'll support it? ok. you're retarded. way to cuck yourself to a side for eternity. SAGE
>Trump listed last
Wow what a fucking shithole, eh poo?
The argument is that you can capture a lot of legal immigrant vote, if you are not a total asshole to them. This gives you a chance at controlling the illegal immigration, anchor babies and Muslims. But if you want the fuck everyone over, than you are going to lose on all fronts.
Get it?
>guys we need to destroy the altright
is this some r/the_dildo psyop?
If you're threatening to destroy our nations if we don't do as you wish then you're an enemy combatant and should be executed as such
They are an American too. I don't think they appreciate how much a culture that has had so much work put into it can mean. It is your family + unit of scale.
If Nigerians want a better quality of life "for their people" they should probably stop shitting out so many kids. And if an immigration ban gets them to think about what the fuck they are actually investing their time/efforts towards sublimating their own Nation/Space then it is a great thing for the world.
What the hell makes you think democrats are gonna be any better?Both parties are shit, the republicans have some redeeming values to them compared to completely turning america into a fucking dump like the liberals do.
>he thinks clamping down on legal immigration is racist
this is the problem. what the fuck do you think you're owed?
>They are an American too
Sorry only white people can be Americans according to the founding fathers
American = white, if you're not white then you're just a parasite living within America
And it's good that all these parasites will start showing their true colours and threatening us with "voting against us wah wah wah"
Gonna be hard to do that when they're getting shoved into ovens
You will turn the USA into a third world country. Enjoy its last decade or 2 of prosperity.
I seem to recall the last Republican president turning America into a dump, and the last Democrat president salvaging it from the wreckage. Now Republicans elected an even bigger retard than the last.
Date is in the File name (2016-10-16). It is dated October 16th. That's when I mailed my mail-in ballot.
I took that picture with my Samsung Phone.
Give it up shill. No one here is going to suck your cock to get you to support trump. No one is going to convert to your retarded identitity politics either.
Fucking Donald "build a wall" Trump won. No republican in a century campaigned so strongly for tighter immigration and he still won. You represent far fewer people than you think.
By the way, permanent residents can't vote because they aren't citizens. Coming to the US as a kid doesn't make you a citizen unless your parents were naturalized.
So if you voted as a non-citizen, that is voter fraud and makes you a felon, subject to deportation with basically no prayer of re-entry. That would be hilarious if you got deported over voting for trump.
you have to go back
timestamp faggot
>salvaging it from wreckage
So putting us into even more debt and starting the great divide is not turning it into a dump?Trump isn't perfect but he sure as hell done a better job than bush or obama ever did.
>But you overreached.
Correction. You overreached.
Get lost, communist. I see right through you. Only scum would take everything for granted. White western civilization engineered western civilization. You should be fucking grateful for it. I'm grateful for it.
I'm not white. I, however, acknowledge 101% that nearly every goddamn thing everyone around us here now takes for granted was due to whites pioneering and engineering the whole fucking place. That's everything from your libertarian secular government to your electronic materials to your indoor plumbing to your basic social and legal stability. You should be on you goddamn knees. Kiss the American earth for what a 90% white population accomplished between the 18th century up until 1960 just before (((leftists))) flushed this country down the toilet. They pushed the Immigration Act and (((globalism))). In the course of 50 years, the white population went from 90% to 50%. That's insane.
You haven't begun to feel the effects of such a radical population change. You'll see when the old white generation dies. You'll wish to holy fuck whites were still the dominant population. You'll look back on these days here as the golden years for you and America. You won't begin to understand the instability that's about happen within 20 years if you value liberty. Communist voters will tear apart the Constitution. They'll sell the country to the globalist New World Order like the cucked robots they are. You and your family will be drones with no liberty. Slavery on repeat.
The "melting pot" theory worked here only when respecting and keeping white population high. You, I, and everyone who values liberty will be fucked in 20 years. I don't think you value liberty. No "conservative" would make a threat like yours. You're a democrat.
I have a high IQ, though. I see through leftist bullshit easily. Everyone who can't recognize let alone respect reality is unnerving. Fuck off if that's you.
>I know x y and z are threats, but fuck that, you insiginficant minority ideology are mean so I'm going to vote to make those threats worse
This is bait, but regardless, this is literally why we hate niggers and other worthless scum. You are stupid, short sighted and pathetic. So go ahead. It literally doesn't matter.
get a load of this cringelord, lmao
How am I going to add a time stamp to a picture that I took on 10-16-2016? The file name is set according to date. And it is dated 20161016.
Assblasted poo detected. Go shit in a street subhuman
What kind of a paper thin skinned bitch are you? Why are you worried about legal immigration? You're already here you stupid son of a bitch, just what are you afraid of?
t. Faggot
write "hello Sup Forums, 6/11/2017" on the ballot and re-upload.
even then, it could just be someone else's ballot you borrowed.
You don't know how debt works, do you faggots? Guess you were too cool to take that econ class.
write "hello Sup Forums, 6/11/2017" on the ballot and re-upload.
even then, it could just be someone else's ballot you borrowed.
t. cringelord
Fuck off spigger.
You're about as American as the shit I took this morning. Get out
>Would you have the same question if the immigrants were white?
Our immigration policy's before the immigration act of 1965 was a STRICTLY European policy. Even then, we ONLY accepted the best of the best (maybe like 2%). Of those, there were a whole slew of stipulations they had to follow, or they'd be deported. Let's not act like having a problem with immigration never happened before the 21st century.
It's not like we didn't realize this. People like you (non-whites) are typically parasitic beings who vote for free handouts (The Democratic party). You wonder why we want you shitskinned fucks out of our country? Well, that's why. You'll vote for your own self interest over that of your country.
What a piece of shit you people are. That's why all of YOU come running to OUR country's by the millions (literally billions, if you all could). > Choosing to vote Democrat even though it will be the end of our nation
> Believing all the anti-white rhetoric on mainstream media
It's no surprise that a lot of us on this website want you all gone. That's the truth. But just lmao @ you believing that's what most Trump supporters want. Just go to the_Donald. They literally worship non-whites over there.
We speak the truth over here on this website whether you like it or not. When you want to be coddled, go to T_D, when you want to hear the truth, come over here you shitskin.
Who the fuck is talking to a fucking leaf. Go suck Trudeau's balls. If he has balls.
Forgot your leaf.
reddit dot com slash r slash the_donald for you my friend. they love based chinamen over there. Also waiting for that timestamp on that non-existant ballot larping fag
>blowing money like no tomorrow totally won't make us a third world country down the road
If standing up for whites in the US makes you cringe, you're probably a communist or a (((shill))).