Jp is getting overrun with all these fuckin gaijins and they are breeding with the jp females and impurifying the gene pool with their american shit. Japan has such low crime rates because they did not use to have many people moving there, so their race was dominant and none of the kfcmonkeys were there to rape people. America is perfect example, we have so much crime because of the amount of shit races we have allowed to enter country. I fucking hate the americas for fucking jp.
Degradation of Japans pure race
>hate america for fucking jp
So you're either a jap tainting america, or you're a weeb tainting japan. Which is it?
Agreed, death to America.
Jps were never pure they are a mixture of chinese korean and ainu. Jp is a social construct.
Also your women BELONG to the white weeb
Is this really going on? I though Nips were xenophobic
Whenever I walk down the street with my jap gf, there's always some arrogant jap suit loudly sniffing his nose. Hilarious!
You're viewed in Japan the same way a nigger dating a white girl would be viewed back at home.
Digits confirm nip lust for BWC
>Jp is getting overrun with all these fuckin gaijins and they are breeding with the jp females and impurifying the gene pool with their american shit.
Their immigration requirements are still strict as fuck. You're only getting in via a work visa or marrying a Japanese girl (good luck). They're barely accepting refugees too. 0.06% of applications from asylum seekers accepted in 2016, compared to 40% in Germany.
>Japan has such low crime rates because they did not use to have many people moving there
Half true. Many crimes actually go unreported or are not investigated, therefore not accounted for.
We dragged them kicking and screaming into modernity but somehow are nigger-tier relative to them. Okie doke m8
You shouldn't compare it to Germany, that's not healthy.
there are jp females with white men, they are mostly xenos but some are not and are open.
Kill yourself and your race traitor whore gf.
You're doing what niggers are doing to whites.
i dont get what you mean, they are jp and have jp gf, how they traitor?
Ever wondered why there is no "weeb fucks jp maiden" javs?
The samurai fears the weeb
>Half true. Many crimes actually go unreported or are not investigated, therefore not accounted for.
You mean like in every fucking country on the planet? I love how you liberals try to pretend like Japan doesn't have low crime by saying that not all crime gets reported. You really think even 10% of the crime in the cities in the US and Europe get reported?
Japan declared war on us, you idiot.
white chicks with jap men
That's why I said half true m8. I still recognize that Japan, even with the unaccounted for crimes, has a relatively low crime rate.
I'm white and I can do whatever I want. It is the right god gave me
Except win a war
Why do you think other races should be okay with watching their women participate in race-mixing? No right-thinking man should be okay with this, regardless of where they are in the world. I would not even blame some random nigger in Africa if some man of another race came into his country and tried to have his way with one of his women. It's completely natural for us to want to stay with our own. Mongrelizing is disgusting no matter the combination. Unless you're on a proxy, we live in the USA, where that shit is increasingly common, and I've seen the effects first-hand. The kids are always confused about one of the most basic aspects of their identity and end up with all sorts of mental issues stemming from this. It's honestly sick to bring life into this world under those circumstances just because you and your partner let some miscegenation fetish get the better of you.
you gotta admit, half-white, half-asian is hot as fuck. Basically just a softer looking asian.
why does an american care about the purity of the Japanese race? why is the only comment from a japanon actually a whitey gloating over his jap gf? why should i care user, please tell me?
It's just a Slav then
Nothing wrong with a little controlled bleaching
It's more than likely she's ugly as well, nothing to worry about
Because if our goal is to spread the idea that race-mixing is inherently damaging to society, which it absolutely is, then you are going to convince literally nobody of this fact when you only hold that standard to the women of your race and indulge in it yourself with the women of other races.
There is everything wrong with it. It's unnatural, and it causes unnecessary life-long mental problems for the children that can result from it.
it's a false equivalency. Japanese are a civilized race and had their own culture and their own achievement.
you can mix races with any country/race combination as long as that country/race combination started a car company that is still in operation.
Do you really believe that's how it works?
Just because the flag is japanese doesn't guarentee that user is japanese himself. More likely that he is an westerner working as english teacher, business man, ect. in japan.
There's a lot of thievery in Japan though. I've had shit stolen 3 times (a camera, wallet and shit wal-mart phone) when I was in Japan, compared to zero thefts in states. I didn't report it, because I really didn't give two shits about what was stolen.
>fox and grapes
i'll be over here enjoying my loving gf while you complain about race on Sup Forums
wouldnt it be easier to get rid of the temptation? get rid of shit skins. nothing to race mix with by default the race will be contained.
trying to change behavior wont work. an unfortunate reality is that whites are susceptible to degeneracy and i dont think there is a real good way to change that right now
Untrue. My mother isn't mentally ill, nor am I, and we're both mixed.
Even if that's true, it's not worth the risk to hope your kids end up outliers.
Nice LARPing, everyone knows Japanese don't feel love.
I'm friends with several mixed people, and they're just fine. These studies are for adolescence, if you can't figure out wtf you are in high school and bitch and moan about it, then you weren't meant for the real world anyways.
Not to mention 2 of these studies are based on half asian people. I don't even understand why hapas are depressing people.
If you're both on this site, and a weeb living in Japan, your girlfriend is definitely a bottom-tier slut
Because the relationships they spawned from are a meme on the level of white female-black male relationships.
Ironic ive seen weebs praise japan as a place where their stuff wont get stolen.
>Jp is getting overrun with all these fuckin gaijins and they are breeding with the jp females and impurifying the gene pool with their american shit.
This is not happening.
Hapas raised by conservatives tend to be more well rounded people.
Hapas raised by liberals become sjw.
Hapa girls have a tendency to be more normal than guys too. Thats not really odd.
slowly but surely tis
Why do you care? Answer this simple question, why are you so personally invested in people race mixing? It doesn't affect you, you're from the fucking US, a country with no majority ethnicity, a multicultural country.
That's not true at all. 2 thefts were in Tokyo, another in some off village my gf and I visited, and the theft in the village was my fault because I left it on a table when I went to take a shit
That's really weird, I don't understand why people care so much about their race, as long as you aren't looking like a chimp I don't see why a person would hate themselves. I didn't look ahead, are they mostly female or mostly male or equal number of both? I can see the issue if most of them are female.
because i want to uphold the belief of keeping races seperate, no mixing. Morals, and i hate america for being the "melting pot" fuckery land, make some other cuntry the cumdumpster for races.
i have had my car fucking broken into and totally emptied, they even took my fucking lighter. America is much more theft prone than jp.
Yeah i saw this post recentl about a weeb saying that you can just leave your stuff lying around in japan pretty funny.
I mean ive had my stuff returned to me in South east asia and places like eastern europe but i dont go around saying you can expect no theft in these places.
America has to spread its nigger problem across the world to cover its embarrassment at being a third world sewer hell zone.
>no majority ethnicity
I beg to differ, there are still more whites than anything else. I've been all over the U.S and I still see more white people than any other race. The "whatever%" is a meme, unless you live in a nigger or spic infested place, even then they're quarantined to their part of the neighborhood.
exactly, america needs holocaust on all but whites
Most of the angry ones are products of white male/asian female relationships, the stereotypical one of a beta white guy and an average to below average asian chick hungry for white cock/money.
I would never fuck a jap girl
just like i dont want to get cucked by Tyrone, I dont want to cuck Takahashi
>captcha gives advice on how to deal with race mixers
Depends on where you live man, I live in KY and half the time I leave something at a store or restaurant, I return and get it back. I've had a guy peak in my car at my apartment parking lot, but video'd him, confronted him and never had a problem with him again.
I only visited Japan twice, but both times I had something stolen, 1 of them was straight in front of me when I tried to take a timed picture. Guy grabed the camera and ran. Never happened in the states, but I'm sure it could. Not saying the U.S is steal-proof just that thievery does happen in Japan. It isn't crime proof.
>forgot captcha pic
gonna go kms right now
The only beta cuck I know is Elliot Rodgers. If he wasn't so autistic about women he wouldn't have been such a bad guy. But I'm sure he was a spoiled brat and didn't have anything friends to talk to because he was so pretentious, and that's why he did the bullshit he did.
of course everywhere has crime but how come statistically jp is so low crime rate wise and us is fuckin high. I live in nys so idk take that as you will.
99% of all weebs in Japan with Asian girls are beta cucks. Why do you think they go to Japan and not get a girl at home?
>third world sewer hell zone
I've been in 3rd world country twice, and the U.S is not at all close to that level of fuckery. What drug are you on?
Baka gaijin TRASH.
Come home white man.
We can't secure the 14 words by banging a Asians, besides think of the identity crisis they'll have.
rip it is pretty fucking annoying, i see amerijew with jap here and think wtf is going on there. She always is pudgyaf too.
>impurifying the gene pool with their american shit
This is what gave you away as an r/asianmasculinity faggot
Fuck off back to /r9k/ where you belong
I agree, buffelofag here for 6 years and that place was rough in some places. But like I said before, japan is not immune to crime at all, I lived there for a year, granted on military post, and spent semester there in college
I couldn't tell you anything about relationships with homebrewed Japs. I know like 3 guys, on regular basis relationship, from Japan that were actually dudes living there, 1 actual jap and the other 2 are half because of military families, and 2 of them are married with kids. The other still in college.
>My Japanese girlfriend is so hot
>Japanese men get jealous over my superiority
mixing is barely a problem in the US, much less japan. fuck off retard.
>Being so shit at life that you don't stick to your own race
We kill race traitors before traitors, turncoats, and even Jews. Let that sink in and realize you are literally worse than jews
im a amerijew that literally only goes to jp for weeb culture, but never consider racially mixing with their people, i know my place as a jew gaijin when im there and support their economy by spending thousands on shit there.
>We dragged them kicking and screaming into modernity
t. ignorant race traitor
The Japs literally modernized themselves on their own accord in under 30 fucking years flat. The Chinks have been trying for literally 100 years to do that and they've failed miserably
Use your fucking brain
It's the truth though, Japs are the ONLY race on earth directly comparable to Germans in so many facets it's ridiculous
how come you say they are like germans, cause they are xenophobes, if so yes makes sense.
>Japs are honorary whites
>That means you can race mix with them
>Implying whites should cross-breed as well on the larger spectrum
Please tell me this is bait. Aryans should stick to Aryans, slave to slave, Anglos to Anglos, frogs to frogs, etc etc
Actually it was a Scotsman that pretty much singlehandedly modernized Japan. You can still visit his house in Nagasaki. His house is in a better location than the daimyo's was in that area which should tell you about his standing.
Gaijin GO HOME!!!!
>the japs modernised themselves
Haha weebs
lol. Americans are .04% of the population, you autistic retard. "1.6% of Japan's total legal resident population are foreign citizens".
Maybe you should focus on cleaning up your big cities.
So many white niggers.
You're the same people that go crazy when a white girl is with a black man.
None of it matters as long as it's not a nigger. I'm not racist against all races, I just hate niggers.
Their entire culture was based on warfare
When they stopped that they converted all of their efforts to work and diligence since warfare was no longer an option. Henceforth the meme"Germans love to work even when they get home from work" or "Japanese people work themselves to death".
Their obsession with efficiency, their culture revolving around an honor system and the respecting of your elders, their attention to detail, unique specialization in crafting of almost every kind, punctuality is almost born into them, extremely technical as a people.
You could literally write entire papers on it
I'm with the sheep shagger. I have respect for them, unlike the niggers in this thread.
I was under the impression it was a nationwide effort after good 'ol Matthew Perry talked the government into opening up again
>I'm not racist
Then you're a cuck
Lol you don't understand the reason the japanese modernised is they were humiliated by westerners being better than them. Their insane sense of honour (literally kys if they ever fuck up) meant they had to change.
>I lived there for a year, granted on military post
No wonder you saw crime. You and your friends were probably committing them.
after we nuked them and then went over there to help rebuild, the japs had specifically selected japanese women to give to the amerijews because they knew we raped natives whereever we went, they had those specific women to prevent the americans from impurifying their race.
This is true not only for post-WW2 but also almost 200 years ago when battleships started appearing on Japanese ports and absolutely humiliating whatever boats Japan had. They realized that the hundreds of years they spent secluded led to them being outdeveloped by everyone else, so they had to open up ports and actively tried to improve their image to impress gaijin.
>No wonder you saw crime. You and your friends were probably committing them.
We shouldn't have military bases in Japan. It's literally inflicting the dregs of our society on innocent civilians.
Soo true im mixed and hate niggers and hate myself for hating them will kill myself brb
seems true, they are by nature and blood always wanting to improve and remain honourable. Idk where i read this or heard it but, sony was literally created on the same basis. Apparently a jp was in a meeting with some people, and this one american picked one of those umbrella straw things out of their drink (apparently it was cheaply made or something) and said "this must be from your country." And the jp felt so put down that he wanted to create sony and make high end electronics or some shit.
They didn't just humiliate Japanese boats. They threatened the entire port itself if they didn't open up. Nigger-tier behavior.
What's it like being this pathetic?
u are a jewish weeb?
They just wanted to make friends
amerijew, saying america and jew which are the two most vile things.