Your average /pol fascist

Your average /pol fascist

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kys CIA nigger

no, they are even worse


Fucking cia nigger get out REEEEEEEE

this is reddit tier faggotry, nay digg tier.

t. CIA nigger


I guarantee that guy is jewish

Johnson is pretty based, though, Pole-faggot.


I think that is the in n out by me holy shnikes

Guy is legitimately extremely intelligent

If he wasn't schizophrenic he'd be some rich Silicon Valley guy

Terry did nothing wrong

Terry is more Christian than you will ever be.

Too bad he's not. If he was, there wouldn't be so many glow-in-the-dark CIA niggers fucking up this country.

Who is he, you cryptic nigger?

>tfw no red pilled ginger cub bf

>implying every in n out doesn't look exactly the same

Sage because op is a fat, boarish kike. Kill yourself jidf

Give em hell, comrade

How the fuck does terry afford to sit around and build his os all day? How does pay bills?

t.CIA nigger

He lives with family and probably gets neet bux for the Schizophrenia

He is

vegas is fairly cheap in all regards

No, that is not a fascist but a schizophrenic programmer.

Try again next time.




This guy and Gail Chord Schuler truly freighten me. If anyone needed to be locked up for mental illness it's these two. Sadly the gipper got rid of mental health hospitals.

Don't you know that Sup Forums is constantly suffering from No True Scotsman?

You post some faggot, we'll downplay them and say they're from reddit or secretly a shill. In reality our anonymity makes us averse to any real life manifestation of ourselves. We pretend we don't exist and that we're a big secret club. As such Sup Forums is probably chock full of hundreds of thousands of young attractive redpilled individuals but they're all too self conscious due to chan culture to show their faces, resulting in outlier normie ideologically diluted fags representing a lot of what we are in the real word.

god provides for his prophet, nigger

If you wear shit like this you deserve to be shot.