You found out you had 1/16 non white ancestry. Would you still be a white nationalist?
What would you do if
You think the dune coons and spearchuckers are gonna let me into there group or advocate things that would improve my life hell no. If you still look mostly white its your best option
It's still acceptable by National Socialist standards at the height of the Third Reich.
Everyone suffered from down breeding last century. You can't discard 15/16th for the 1/16th. Just do your best to make a better genetic future.
>Implying they don't exist already
Also 1 drop fags are the biggest cancer and threat to this movement, and they really might as well just join Tyrone and Boquesha's black supremacist movement, since they're obsessed with raising dindu numbers as high as possible while decreasing their own.
Caring about skin color is stupid since genetic modification can make your child's skin color to be whatever color of the rainbow you want it to be.
Sup Forums is 1/16 and it's still a white nationalist.
kill 1/16th of myself
t. not white
Is that an entire tree in your flag?
>leaf prime command me
holy shit rare
Coning out of weimar Germany accepted 75% as national members and 1/16th as standard German blooded.
Good enough for uncle Adolf, kys faggot.
Jews accept anyine into tribe if mothers were jewish, all my mothers were Iberian and all my fathers too.
Very white, actually.
I've just been involved in the real white nationalist movement for two decades and I've watched it decay from a viable political movement to a non-stop circle jerk of feds and retards. The purists obsessing on who is a Jew or 1/32nd non-white are always the one's who are fucking Mexican girls too.
The German standards were pretty clear and 1/16th is more than acceptable.
>implying I'm white in the first place
I just hate gays and mudslimes lmao
Norfolk Island, I had a workmate from there once.
Weakening the tribe because soneones grandfather might have fucked an indian is completely stupid, 50% have no definition of the tribe and nation, 75% is the limit into acceptance to population.
dumb frogposter
Keep shitposting soldier
Yes master
oy vey it's our green overlord