What load have you chosen to bear?
Is it family? The fight for western values? What drives you?
What load have you chosen to bear?
Is it family? The fight for western values? What drives you?
Other urls found in this thread:
the possibility of a white awakening and this
Being comfy
It was my life mission to lose my virginity, so I fucked a fat chick. Now I feel empty.
Are you succeeding?
It's time to reevaluate and course correct, user. Time for a new mission.
love for family
possibility of white awakening
My hate for niggers
to conserve biodiversity
math phd student
hoes, bankrolls n clothes.
fucking nerd, what will you even work? math prof?
Improving my fitness
Improving my work life
Improving my house
Improving my social life
Learning things
Getting ready for the next great war/conflict of our time
And Improving my relationship with God through prayer and meditation
>What load have you chosen to bear?
To follow my own hedonistic desires to complete my mission in life and then die. Pretty much life the life i wanna live completing my own personal goals then dying before i grow too old.
>Is it family?
No and if i had a family it would be a result of me not wearing a rubber and barely being in the kids life.
>The fight for western values?
Modern western values mostly suck do we really need to fight for the values of feminism and equal rights?
Culture. I prefer A good mix of black and white........ Al Greene
Is this bait?
How often do you meditate? Any tips on where to begin if I want to start?
Hope that's a joke
>Is this bait?
In which way is it bait?
Pretty much everything you said sounds like bait. If you're being serious I wish you the best in figuring out a more fulfilling purpose
Nothing much, probably kill myself in a few years
look up transcendental meditation
do not pay for classes
My family and my goals I haven't achieved in life. I have a 9/10 blue eyed wife and the mother of our half asian half white children.
I am saving up to go to Antarctica and visit all the continents by myself. Mt wife is loyal I just rather explore alone. 2 weeks a year, 2 weeks in a country.
Once my goals achieved I'll get one more nut in and then kill myself. My insurance will take care of them until my kids die.
My genes go on, I get my list done etc.
slaying the dragon
nothing. No job, no skills, no life goals, no ambition, no nothing. I only live because someone hasn't killed me yet.
the desire to teat women like object
oppressing niggers with ropes
stuffing kikes in ovens
Becoming the hero. I should have enough money to bankroll myself for the rest of my life soon. Then it's time to find out.
The search for my meaning/passion.
So far, not a scintilla of evidence in any direction (-literally- crippling depression NEET) but I somehow have hope.
Maybe I'm meant to just lurk moar irl for the rest of my days...
>Pretty much everything you said sounds like bait
My goal is to live the life i wanna live how is that bait?
>If you're being serious I wish you the best in figuring out a more fulfilling purpose
I have to live the best according to my own ability i am too stupid to be a doctor or a lawyer, a brain surgeon or a rocket scientist my education level is high school tier and not the advanced classes but the ones solely required to pass classes (no AP classes or classes i did not need).
Sure my purpose will not fulfill everyone but it fufills me knowing i am on the path to completing my personal mission in life.
Maybe one day the being that runs this simulation will enlighten me as to the reason for all of this.
The study, catalog, and interpretation of history and culture and educating others who wish to talk about it. In my profession I get a lot of time to do that passion as well as an outlet for people who ask me to talk about these things to do so.
I think that a full and comprehensive knowledge of history and how we got here is a fairly heavy burden in itself. It carries with it a kind of opinionated misery that I can't stop myself from inflicting on others given the cycles end we are currently running in.
>life having meaning
I just want to kill niggers and jews lel
I've come to the conclusion that war and violence give's my life meaning. Nothing else does. No aspirations, no sense of mortality, nothing.
I may be a psychopath in denial.
getting my pisshole fingered by my uncle
Self learning and personal skill development, without any time constraints that comes with splitting attention and working at the same time.
Becoming an expert in something that pays extremely well, whether that be getting a BS and taking past skills into QA or nuclear industry, or financial advice(I love numbers and finance).
Finding things to do with my money. My favorite investment/purchase is my solar panels on my roof.
Working on recreating a social circle. I don't have one anymore, not since the Navy. I don't interact with my coworkers, my high school classmates, and I don't live near anybody I liked in the service. Society is fucked.
No family/gf. Should probably slay that fucking dragon.
>nigger: the post
Clean your room faggot
>working on recreating a social circle
that's a bitch ain't it? I'm ex-navy too and I don't socialize with coworkers, or live near anyone I went to school or served with. You take a multitude of like-minded people for granted until they're gone
i want jordan peterson to be my boyfriend
Nothing. I work all the time and the few hours I don't I spend drinking at watching Netflix. I keep thinking once I have more money I'll make some meaning but I doubt that sometimes
Sciences are math, bro. At least physics is.
don't be a Peter Pan. Find your purpose, leaf
Canabro, I'm sitting at 1/3 of a million(USD), and that's not the answer.
I recently started a notebook, that nobody but me will ever read, and in it I'm tracking my commitment to my own personal development. Find in yourself some way of holding yourself accountable for your own self development. CLEAN YOUR ROOM. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, so get the fuck off of your couch, turn off Netflix, turn on an audiobook or decent podcast, and at least start doing -something-.
Not sacrificing myself for religion or a race =nigger
Family, for the most part. It's the one thing that really kept me going when I was considering to just give up and wait for the end.
I'm looking forward to a new fall of Rome, what a sight it will be to see, truly worth living for it.
Meanwhile i amusing myself looking at Romans here who seriously think they will stop it and talking about glorious future too much.
pure autism
>Clean your room
Holy fuck man. My room was such a disaster last week and my mom went over to grab some shit that I forgot for a trip (she doesn't live with me but she thought I didn't pack enough so just went over). The next time she saw me she was in tears.because I was such a slob in private. She said "you don't even have the.gumption to keep basic hygiene in your place"? It cut deep. The genuine disappointment. But cleaned my room and every day since when I wake up in the morning to clean room I feel way better than waking up in filth.
Yeah, it feels good. I don't have a clean house yet, but I'm just working on incremental progress every day on that front. Living room is thoroughly cleaned now. Bedroom is 90% cleaned(guess I'll finish that tonight). Dishes are done, except what I generated in the last 2 hours.
Right now going to spend the next hour or so going over meditation stuff, then attempt it for 5 minutes, then will move on to reviewing some more basic maths, then should reward myself with some more videogames in ~3 hours.
*teleports behind you*
Shitpost, create a comfy world, and see my foes driven in before me as they are forced to bear witness to the peepee poopoo of a thousand autists.
Also, I've done 35 miles of biking in the last 3 days. I'll probably do another 36 just going to and from work over the next 3 days.
I think what was fucking me was fear of someone seeing what I do or the journal. Now that I'm planning on never allowing anyone to see it, I feel less afraid of moving forward.
triggering fags on twitter.
You think I'm joking?
Fair enough. Who would take me seriously when I say those kinds of things.
The idea of killing people gives me a thrill.
Playing vidya and reading shit online. Look, most men live like this, they find some, often meaningless, thing that makes them happy and do it after work then go punch out the clock and the cycle goes on. I used to be motivated to fight for various values, but I don't care anymore because I've concluded that human nature is such that it will always ruin anything good. I don't particularly care for procreation or women, I'm just happy to have food on the table and money to pay for vidya.
Don't take life too seriously bros.
>3 edgy 5 me
go do your homework
I teach judo and jiujitsu to kids and adults. I love it with all my heart. I do my best to help people become better people through physical activity and combat. It feels great.
My life has no meaning.
Can't cough up the atheism pill, and everyone around me is blue-pilled, so it's not like there's anyone to sacrifice or live my life for.
thats really cool man keep it up
So? Pure math majors end up just being professors.
Pure math is a trash major unless you do it out of personal interest. It has no job prospects.
I teach judo and jiujitsu to kids and adults. I love it with all my heart. I do my best to help people become better people through physical activity and combat. It feels great.
Why would you kill yourself? Just scared of old age? Are you that much of a pussy? Think of how your family will feel if you kill yourself.
Once it's clean don't let it slide.
Also last year I was biking 30km per day and I lost alot of weight. Then I bought a car and put it back on despite telling myself every day "I'll bike tomorrow" heed my advice!
I'm being serious. I don't do anything but bring harm to animals. I trap and torture anything from house-pets to small rodents like squirrels and beavers.
Though people have started to notice their pets going missing.
I don't feel very much in my life, but hurting things seems to intoxicate me.
white awakening
That one day the current system will collapse and a racewar will ensue which will sew the seeds for a white utopia without feral subhuman trash.
Family, video games and shitposting.
Yea maybe. A friend of mine got 2 seperate math degrees at MIT and he's a CFO at a relatively large company, basically he's statistician but literally genius. Like on the spectrum, odd but really good with numbers. He was a weeb but married a trophy wife.rexently and I'm happy for him.
>muh depression
I feel for you user, I really do. I was in your situation many years ago. Lots of things contribute to depression, including systemic inflammation and gut dysbiosis - which means your first steps should be to stop eating crap, exercise rigorously and drink plenty of water. Also - STAY BUSY. Don't confuse overthinking with intelligence. Pick up a hobby that gets you out of the house, moving your body and connecting with people.
I have no meaning. I constantly search for it and post threads like this. I'm trying to read more. Without good parenting I think you have to develop sensibility and go through a lot of introspection. I group up a bastard though, so I my experience is a lot different.
>What gives your life meaning, Sup Forums?
I do.
why did you fuck up your flag. it was cooler when it was all green.
Finishing up my first novel. If I'm lucky and it sells successfully, it'll be easier to publish a second, and then a third, and so on. My goal is to write increasingly red-pilled shit that also has literary value, so that I can do my part to save the West. My unrealistic dream is to become a part of the Western Canon. Fucking sucks because writing large volumes of text (current draft is at 110,000 words) is very challenging, especially when you want it to be quality writing with plots and themes worth reading. Getting published is ridiculously hard, too, and even after that, you probably never sell more than a dozen copies if you're the average writer.
I'm also young, and my worldview and experiences have fragmented me entirely from what people my age are (should be?) doing. No partying, no dudeweed, keeping the drinking and vidya to a strict minimum, reading all I can, while everybody around me is getting shitfaced and fucking their brains out. Not that I deserve sympathy, the whole thing's my choice. I'm decently good-looking and could pull the theatre of it all off well enough if I ever bothered to tone my cynicism down. Used to be a total player and now I haven't fucked in almost a year because I don't bother going out. I've lost touch with all of my friends, too; they were embodiments of everything I had grown sick of.
I interned for the White House, Congress, and one of the four big banks, and none of it appealed to me. It was all like watching a girl take out her tampon, seeing the disturbing reality of all the things you grew up thinking simply "worked" with no mess and no incompetency. There isn't much meaning in anything, and though I'm too young to really understand what anything USED to be like, I'm certain there were more things worth living for before the postmodern era. The world we've inherited from our fathers is being overrun, and the few people that notice don't seem to care. It's all very depressing, but I'm doing what I can.
im working since 10+ years on a theory of everything that should settle "basic questions" once and for all. am putting big focus on it that its fit for real world usage. have a basic+simple model set up, but will need propably another 5-10years to have it going live. i really want it to be true and not some crazy man bullshit that is just made up. i wasted already 2 prototypes and am honestly in a quest for truth. i hope so much that it fixes a lot of smaller issues. contents are: integreal/differential, primes/pi, push/pull, longitundinal/transversal waves, open/close, zero/one, relativity/classic mechanics, object orientation, nodes/connections, 2types of singularity, convergence/divergence, surplus/lack, entropy/structure, real world usage via abstraction and self-similarity.
i can afford to study all the time, so currently im doing software engineering, after that i scheduled electrical engineering and pure math. i have a background in economics and general technology (mechanics) and eventually that theory of everything is what drives me. i know if im gonna do this i cant half-ass it and have to pay the price by constantly pushing me into relevant fields , study the subject and take a accredited exam.
My life has no meaning. I have no meaning. There is no purpose and no amount of pretending otherwise will change that fact. I just do whatever I can to keep from driving my car into a tree.
what you mean "theory of everything" do you know physics? quantum theory and relativity ?
maybe you would find some meaning if you start acting a little less nihilistic. you cant predict the future, so you cant know if you wont. and if you are hopeless then that just chemistry in your brain. that does not mean its correct to be hopeless.
yeah its true, dont take this shit to serious here. in the end we all gonna die anyway
i chose the pursuit of 'transcendence' of mortality thru tech/whatever means necessary; im very much a lone wolf
my grandparents disowned me b4 i was born.., i wanted to create a new surname/family, but my parents/the ppl that love me/raised me, r taming me right now... i dont think its gonna last b4 they die tho (& they had me when they were already too old)
get some help buddy, something's wrong
its not exactly about a unification of the four forces into a ToE but more like a Supra- or a Meta-Modell thats on top of everything else and can even be applied recursivly to itself. Long story short, it looks like a Vortex. i called it a ToE cause eventually, if its correct, it has to contain a ToE as a sort of sub solution it it OR you need to be able to modell a ToE through it.
i stumbled upon that Vortex idea by sheer accident in 2011 and figured it has "potential" nit only as its way easier to get into it for an average person than eg standard physics but also
cause it keeps things rather simple. biggest problem i early faced on was to "keep it simple+short" as complexity tends to grow very fast and as soon as its too complicated people loose intrest/attention.
i set up a website in 2016 at vortex-modell.de , but its shitty explained right now and a still construction site with only parts of the content + badly organized. i made some youtube vids but put them down after a while as i discovered i didnt knew my shit 100% exactly and was just guessing on a couple of points. i need to fix some holes in my education by tackling math and electrical engineering, after that i can continue more
confidently. i really want to apply to high standards and do it right, coming to a point where i can get it peer reviewed without having to be ashamed. i plan to redo/update the website in the 2nd half of 2017 but currently im occupied being a full time student at age 34, taking an exam every 4 weeks.
This makes me feel sad
You need mushrooms or lsd
it sounds like bullshit, dont steal already defined words like "theory of everything" if you are not doing physics
sit still and watch whites ppl suffer
look you piece of shit, the term "theory of everything" is not patented by physics. if a better modell comes around in an adjacent field it can take the name. now go fuck yourself and die you worthless cunt
You have the energy now transform it into something useful you do not need to kill people just transform the energy into a different work (like music) put all your hatred into music and use that as your relief.
And since you kill animals you already fit the bill of a artist i had a shit childhood with a religious wacko mother who fucked me up and gave me the desire to break shit and abuse my body and you dream of killing people both of us are in the fucked up camp.
Transform the energy into something just do not make it about murder unless you want to go to prison for life.
i just found this test and it seems pretty legit. its set up so you can take as many questions as you want to be as accurate as you want. i took 200 questions they work in a lot of stuff even some iq test questions. i suggest it if you're trying to figure yourself out a little
Im torn between the Natsoc life and a life of degenerate pleasures
Insurance doesn't cover suicide dumbass.
Preparing for civil war and protecting my native lands from muslim scum
you are a lunatic im telling you. dont waste your life on this. 10 years on nothing ? or maybe you just shilling your site
how can a theory of everything not involve physics?
yeah whatever nordic fag ,byebye
anime titties