Laci Green is in an interracial relationship with a Puerto Rican, how could she be /our girl/? Why are people so happy about Chris Ray Gun and her being a thing?
Laci Green is in an interracial relationship with a Puerto Rican, how could she be /our girl/...
e-Celeb garbage
I guess that answers the question.
They're both the obnoxious hanging fruit from both sides, although must feminists respond to Chris raygun with some shit about his appearance or slight weight or youthful appearance or assumed virginity, which kind of demonstrates why feminists only ever think they're winning arguments.
Otherwise, both of them are just the inexplicably popular YouTubers that aren't actually that great.
Now if Sargon dated Winters I'd be truly shocked. It might even be a mistake emailing over.
Isn't he a fair bit younger than her?
problem glasses.. fucking edgelords.
Who cares about youtubers? They're cancer, for the most part.
>shitty feminist videos don't pay the rent anymore
>commence infiltration operation "pls fuck my seemingly hairy redpilled contrite cunt"
>muh skeptic community too retarded to see said contrition was implied and not actually admitted
>start to white knight and fight each other
>e-celebs take sides and reduced to atheism+ faggotry
>power of feminist moon-faced fish-eyed cottage cheese tits and pussy wins again
fuck off back to 8cucks
Go to bed Laci, we know you are an attention whore who knows about Sup Forums
Seriously, don't you guys have work to do? This is all a farce.
Who the fuck is Laci Green and why should I know who she is?
Let me guess though, is she an e-celeb nobody, attention whore?
Why are you shilling her here?
Notice how every prominent ally you have is a coalburner in some sense or another. They're all just going to turn liberal when they grow up. You'll drive them all away and your movement will fade into irrelevance.
shes a whore..............nuff said
>Laci Green and Chris Ray-Gun
Toppest of keks. So this is the power of the alt-right?
It's actually the power of the left. As soon as they heard about this, they went fucking apeshit. Doxing her and calling her literally Hitler and everything they always do, because her sex life is their business. The only power they have is eating their own and drawing big dramatic lines in the sand with ultimatums and threats for everyone. A lot of the right(outside of Sup Forums) is showing her that at most they don't care and at the least are glad to see someone with an open mind to alternative ideas.
>interracial relationship
>/our girl/
white puerto rican or niggarican
Fuck off Lacy.
Puerto Ricans are white
The left is very powerful. They just made TRS $17k today because they sperg'd out so hard over them doing ad reads.
OP here; I'm not Laci. i've been seeing a lot of shit on YT about the two, did know if there was more to this weird happening.
>Green was born in Utah. Her mother is a Mormon from a small American town, and her father, from a Muslim family, is from Iran.
And coons wuz kangz
Very perceptive. You are a very sage user.
Laci was, is, and always will be full of shit.
She has deleted about 70% of her videos over the years as her mind changes.