Are we, The Millenials, the Greatest Generation?
Are millenials the Greatest generation?
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Not really.
There's a minority of millenials that took self betterment seriously and spend a lot of time self improving, they're a large minority and mostly male and definitely "red pilled" but they're still a minority. About 60% of female millennials are full feminazis and make the entire generation look self entitled, lazy and resentful.
The others might actually be considered a historically relevant social movement, they'll be known as the digital renaissance.
Greatest at Photoshop, maybe.
If the world ends with us, then it will be a bigger accomplishment than anyone else has managed. So we CAN be the greatest.
No. We certainly won't rebel against Jews, plutocracy, Last Man existence/End of History, etc., but we won't murder and die for it like the "Greatest Generation" did. They put down the last stand of noble European blooded man, and for that they will remain the Jew's greatest.
We can ruin everything, but only if we try.
LOL, no. You are the most worthless, the most useless, the most entitled and the least forward looking of any generation.
27/7 larpers, thats all you are.
Fuck off.
Kek no, in 5-10 years they won't be the bulk of the army. No war will come just yet. Gen Z will be the next one to see massive war if any
Not in the slightest.
The greatest generation destroyed Fascism and stopped its spreading.
Stop this memeing about Gen Z. This is a generation that as of now is shitting in their diapers while staring at a endless YouTube playlist on an iPad.
Our biggest achievement is being the last generation to not be enslaved by technology from birth
A greater generation figured out the connection between immigration, low wages growth, unemployment and feminism. We only look like fascists because we want to close the borders, I swear.
Bullshit. They won't be the greatest generation until they come to the truth that the only way to destroy an enemy like the islamist is to kill millions in a single second to break their will. The same horrible way Japan was defeated in the 1940's is the only way to stop these jihadist.
> Hard times make strong men
> Millenniums live in hard economic times
> Still have weak men
Also, first time i clicked on that thumbnail. Ha!
Fuck no Gen Z has that title
>Ignores traditional media for new media mostly seen on the internet
>Most of them have right wing views
>Pragmatic unlike the Delusional Idealism of the Millennials
Only if we finally expose and defeat the Illuminati plot
Fascism was the last hope for stability, order, and sovereign nations. Now, globalism marches without any true challenge.
Is becoming less valuable consumer-drone slaves for our Jewish Plutocratic globalist overlords really a degeneration though?
>without any true challenge
The "Greatest Generation" died for nothing and raised the Baby Boomers.
Honestly if anyone has a chance of being able to call down the wrath of the militia, it might be Donald, odds of successfully doing that outside of states that actually have well known and civilian loved, state hated militias, unlikely.
The issue with him is the Republican leadership won't back his nationalist plans. He can pass EOs but they will be overturned by whatever shill follows him.
The Biscuit Hammer generation. It figures.
Friendly reminder that 1996 marks the beginning of Gen Z
>the connection between immigration, low wages growth, unemployment and feminism
that connection, the republicans...
You are all damned.
Friendly reminder that everybody in this thread has different ideas of when certain generations start, usually because they want to put themselves in an older cohort.
Well fuck, I'd rather not put myself in the Millenials seeing how shitty they tend to be.
punching nazis is LITERALLY captain america's fucking job
also fuck old white people
and fuck the troops
and fuck racists
>tfw no qt loli to end the world for
Actually didn't they turn Captain America into a Nazi for the Millenials, cause they hate the US so much?
Millenials are the next greatest fellation
damn these people really get a lot of enjoyment from an awful show
I wish I was still like that...
>Are we, The Millenials, the Greatest Generation?
That's a big, fat negative.
Gen Y is 1984ish to 2005ish. The youngest members are just getting into middle school. A generation is 20 years bro, don't you know? And every generation has a "searing" event to mark the beginning or end. Gen Y was reagan and the expansion of the 1980s(end of the depressive 70s/early 80s recession), and their end was the collapse of financial/real estate markets(2005-2007). Even assuming 9/11 as the end, the youngest members are 15.
Boomers started at end of WWII to kennedy's death, gen X was next and ended with reagan's 1st term(a generation born in domestic turmoil filled with anti-war protests, oil crises, inflation, recessions, and divorce). The gen Z group is similar to the silent generation which began around the great depression, we just called it a great recession this time.
haha thats some faggot shit.
We suck.
Generational theory confuses me but the way I see it is that there's a shift toward the end of the Millennial generation away from the previous generations. The "hero generation" will be Generation Z, some younger Millennials and whatever the next generation is.
I'm gonna need some saucerino bud
>I'm a nationalist and a globalist
Millenials stopped buying houses and cars so they can buy designer clothing, apple phones/laptops, and Starbucks coffee. They fucked themselves out of ownership of things that appreciate in value so they can have trendy, disposable crap. They're the kind of label whores kikes drool over.
Those women are fucking hysterical
As much as he is on our side, Trump says things that he doesn't mean in order to play the game a certain way.
Full honesty gets you where Ron Paul ended up.
No, we are the generation the next generation will have to clean up after; we are the gilded age generation
I would say they are definitely less valuable workers for our elite class. The contagion of Last Man/End of History has fewer dollars and fewer soldiers to spread abroad, so Jewish/plutocrat plantation is slower to conquer the earth. At home, they are less invested in, less willing to sacrifice for, our economy and society. More wrenches in the gears of modernity is good. If this shit show keeps humming along, we go out with a whimper. Our states and institutions are entirely in the hands of the Enemy. The more they are weakened, the more they crack up and balkanize, the more opportunities can open up for something positive to develop.
Wait, that chick is cuddling with that one dude and is holding the hand of the other.
>haven't accomplished shit
>calls itself the "Greatest Generation"
Well, considering the "greatest generation" sold the most powerful and safest nation in the face of the earth down the river as well as had arguably the largest desertion rates in US military history. I would say yes
The Greatest Generation wasn't great at all, everything they had they were given by the generation that came before them and they proceeded to shit on it and then throw it down a drainage pipe
If you're millennial then you're underage b&, considering the oldest millennial is still 17.
No, generation Z will lead the fight against the Jewish menace and savage hoards. We will merely be the generals and commanders.
Nazis weren't fascist at all though
And iirc WW2 was not about bumping off italy
The generation prior gave them the 1920s (aka birth of coalburning and degeneracy in the US) and the Great Depression
Stop being so faggy
>Gen Y is 1984ish to 2005ish
>20 year span
>How generations work
I hate Jews
Someone born in 1984 has absolutely nothing in common with someone born in 1994, and they sure as hell have nothing in common with someone born in 2004
Generations are about 4 years in length and it's been that way since 1980, culture changes way too fast now to just blanket an entire decade as a generation.
Doesn't work that way anymore, shit I was born in 1992 and I have absolutely nothing in common with someone born in 1994, the mental gaps have become far too wide
>They're the kind of label whores kikes drool over.
>I'm a nationalist, but I want to stay globally aware and not be exclusively isolationist or make our friends think we will abandon them
Do you not know how to read between the lines faggot?
Checks don't lie
>Generations are about 4 years in length
How does it feel being completely retarded?
Wrong picture user.
the word you are looking for is "cohort"
Cohorts describe this sort of thing better. Men who get drafted, grads who leave school during a deep recession, people who lose work due to manufacturing collapse.
It is better IMO to talk about generations in terms of the big effects first and not care so much about when they were born.
The 1920's was the most prosperous period in American history and Coal Burning was not a thing back then unless you were a full on liberal yankeecuck and even then it was looked down upon even harder than divorcees.
The Great Depression was created by the Jews, America's globalist network, and FDR to guarantee that America's burgeoning freedom and prosperity could be taken away and many liberties stolen as well has have us aptly prepared to enter into WW2 so that the military industrial complex could be started.
Hoover was the third best president the US ever had and they made sure to crash the stock market right after he started and gradually made it fall. Then when they noticed that it was getting better because if Hoover's policies they dropped it even more and continued to hold it down despite it even coming back on it's own so when he ran for re-election they pointed at him and called him ineffective and FDR won in a landslide.
Look up Hoover and what he stood for, America actually mirrored the guy almost to a T before FDR became president. "Muh greatest generation" took over America from the real greatest generation, the last redpilled generation of America
Thanks, then that means generations would describe the period in which the generation spans not the people that came of age in it(which is how people use the term)
>pay for muh pension, medicare
>t. old fart
No Traditionalists were the last great generation.
Yes because you're gonna all die in a war created by the previous generation
True, but how far back do we go for that? If we're talking Europe wide, we might have to go to the 13th century.
Not that far. They were those born between 1920-1943 also known as the "Silent Generation".
>I was born in 1992 and I have absolutely nothing in common with someone born in 1994
We are still in time to fight the more destructive war of human history so we can still be pretty badass user.
You're talking lower case t traditionalist then, not Traditionalist in the Evola/Guenon sense. Couldn't they have at least cast anonymous ballots for Pat Buchanan?
9/11 was supposed to be "our war"
by the time the first millennials could enlist Bush sent us into the biggest clusterfuck since vietnam, and everyone with a brain saw it a mile away. If it wasn't for Iraq I'd have joined up, but fuck the neocon pigs, I aint dying for your profiteering.
>2017 and Poojeet still can't into toilet.
>culture changes way too fast now to just blanket an entire decade as a generation.
Lawd. Popular music hasn't changed in 10 years, nor have clothing styles changed drastically either. Generations have to do with people growing up in similar environments and sentimental climates. Being born in the great depression and watching young men go to war is a completely different experience than being raised by a vet during a huge post-war economic expansion. OPs pic is half-right, millennials actually mimic that generation's attitudes and behaviors more than most realize. They weren't "the greatest generation" though, a more accurate term is the general issue(GI) generation. Not only because of war, the generation that started in the early 1900s was marked by standardized consumption and mass-marketing of goods. Think about the 1950s when they reached adulthood and were raising children, they created the suburbs, wore regular clothes, grey suits, fast food(mcdonalds). The millennials are very similar: their favorite clothing brands had the labels stuck right on the front in big letters, their purchasing habits turned apple into an enormous company and they continue to pursue mass-marketed culture in tv shows, movies and music. In adulthood they'll probably re-create the suburbs in some manner too.
>over reactive women
Ok, I've watched this like 30 times just now. Case study from left to right:
1.Muzzy- Moving in on that dudes girl / unfazed by death of non-muslim on screen. More worried about that dog touching him.
2. Weak Millennial Girl- Prob cried in the kitchen for an hour and made it all about her.
3.Complete Cuck- Does not notice/care about muslim stealing his girl, but cries like a baby over a TV show...
4.Average Bluepill Bro- Looks involved/ concerned but more like he has no idea whats going on (Tucker Carlson face), probably what he'd do in a robbery.
5.Potential /pol user...- Moment of shock, then then hands hide how much she's enjoying watching somebody die.. Secretly laughing at friends crying over TV, redpill slow-release capsule dissolving inside her.
6. See # 2
7. Jesus- Praying its not too late for mankind.
Millennials are not the greatest generation. Children born before the 9/11 ptsd are the worlds last hope, back when music was angry and they didn't believe anyone if they were smart.
What did you read between the lines when your butt buddy went to Saudi Arabia to dance and place his hands on a glowing orb?
>154907457D quad dimensional chess you guys!
Nah. I'm happy Trump won just for the tears it's created but I have a feeling he'll end up like every other politician: a lying sack of shit.