How can you possibly recover from this?
Sup Forums B.T..F.O >AGAIN<
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Fuq u talm bout senpai? this be the original nigga
>Dindu remakes a shitty painting
/Pol btfo
We already talked about this like a month ago.
Literal holy shit.
>Cultural appropriation
>Turns out even the first nigger had no father
Where da fried chicken and watermelon? Oh right, this was before the white man came. Like thirty seconds before, judging by her clothes and housing.
Does this mean my old Nokia is black?
>Black women
Nobody wants to look at black women. Not even black men.
>anyone does anything involving black people
>"it's stunning" "it's awesome" "it's beautiful"
Getting real sick of this shit
I always love this sort of stuff. The art industry has essentially become one enormous liberal breeding ground of insanity. Imagine being one of these talentless morons and devoting your entire life to art. Then imagine the realization that all of the greatest works of art that our species will ever create... was already created... 2-400 years ago... by white men.
Lmao yet more proof feminist can't create anything, they just hijack everything established.
And no father to be found
>complain about appropriation
>continue to appropriate
nothing changes
have you seen the comments on that new super hero movie? it's largely "omg yasss this is the most beautiful cast ever slaaaayyyyy!" when will this meme end?
Damn. I guess it's time for us to go back to the caves then.
It's like they are delibrately trying to let the stereotype live on. A nigger steals something that doesn't belong to them, and fucks it up afterwards! They don't even have the creativity to paint something else, they have to use the white man's originality and just reshape it and claim they can do it too. What the fuck
I will say that this artist is thiccc, but I still wouldn't stick my dick in her. She'd be stealing my sperm and make black women out of that as well.
>This faggot did some bullshit and its amazing
Why half of the "news" titles have this form?
But that is ugly?
>mfw when I read " women and it's disgusting"
>Birth of welfare
>The version that never ate the fruit or left the garden
>uses fill tool in Photoshop
>10 clicks later
>BuzzFeed content
Pretty sure the picture needs to be modded where the black betch is asking for welfare from God
Where do you funny cunts get the bants? Is there no scarcity over there?
As if this crap matters
Good one, my socialist friend
well, it does stun you for a bit, in its vileness
subtle ironic kek
after seeing this picture,i have suicidal thoughts
Black Americans are a special kind of arrogant. Be glad yours are more tame
They even got the saggy tits right.
Stunningly awful, maybe.
>black people's divine creator is Don King in his Madea halloween costume
>Anything with black people in it
>Stunning, amazing, beautiful, etc.
>All those children
>No father in site
Makes sense.
>was already created... 2-400 years ago... by white men.
After a few hoops and hops they are ready to believe that the pieces were originally created by blacks and stolen by whites, so it's entirely ok to copy them because it's part of their own ancestry.
>Anita Sarkeesian doesn't like brown people
Yes the self loathing is quite obvious.
They're running out of adjectives
>hey have to use the white man's originality
ayo hol up son. i got some genetical informations fo y'all
Black race started without a father.
Let's get this out of the way
>This artist created "The Birth of Gibz" with fatherless black family inside a grape drink bubble floating towards another dindu on top of a mountain of PB&J.
after the black mama created her, the black female adam died alone because she didn't have anyone to fuck and procreate. shortest living race in human history. stunning. the end.
So how long until they start repainting the originals?
So much for the Garden of Eden being a paradise.
Turns out it was just Chicago without guns.
Isn't this cultural appropriation? Why aren't these amazing black artists creating their own classical masterpieces?
Looks like sometheing out of a Wayans/Zucker brothers parody movie. Like how can anyone look at that and not think they're being fucked with. If i was an educated proper negro i'd be offended as fuck.
Great. I'm into zoophilia. Nice fap material
Yeah, it's stunning how they ruined everything.
I'm going to fap to it
Is the artist's name Michelkangelo?
>painting niggers
Funny, she doesn't LOOK Jewish...
The artist is a fatass.
What is this new theme of trying to manipulate people into thinking thunder-thighs are somehow attractive?
It's like the equivalent of baboons drooling over red butts.
>tfw this could well happen, unironically
>Pretty sure the picture needs to be modded where the black betch is asking for welfare from God
Well, they got the lack of any father and the number of niglets behind her right, anyway...
>It's another "Niggers themselves prove that they can't create anything" episode
>A spin on copypasta
>not O.C.
Are Harambes even trying?
The brain should be smaller then
dats a small benis haha :-DDD
I can already see this being posted on some black history facebook page
>did you know x was black? The y stole it from us