>have majority in parliament
>make elections anyway and loose
Have majority in parliament
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Bad advice was given and she took it.
fucking illiterate nigger
Firstly you couldn't even spell lose. She didn't lose she simply lost her majority, nobody is taking her ace, she is now at the head of a coalition government. Stop trying to commentate on UK politics unitl you've read a bit more.
The election would have gone smoothly if she had just written a decent manifesto desu, the bad advice wasn't "hold an election" it was "campaign on cutting school meals, taking old people's homes and bringing back fox hunting".
>she didn't lose
>she just lost
Brits, everyone!
she is not a smart woman
Ummm... no sweetie, he lost by a massive margin. Theresa May won by over FIFTY SEATS.
She is the true winner. She is who the British people chose (especially the ones who contribute to the economy). Any time a corbynf supporter tries to brag, I laugh HARD in their face, and educate them with the facts. It feels good being on the right side of herstory. Corbynf is literally the least popular candidate of all time.
Oh yes.
Don't mess with your core vote of Oaps,my grandparents are lifelong tories who changed to labour.
The Damage control is delicuous.
wow, these memes actually exist
'Lose' you illiterate faggot. Now never post here again
May got what she and the Torrey's wanted to not leave the EU!! Just the people that vote for them want to leave. Have election 10 days before talks to leave.
>a typo to get you to reply
Thankfully, I know of the Options field to address bait like this. One post by this Czech fuck, who probably works for the EU.
Her goal was to secure an even greater parliamentary majority and she failed at that. Of course, this is the most interesting outcome since we get to see the DUP push the Conservatives right.
She did an absolute shitty shit-show of a campaign and yet Corbyn still couldn't win. But in Gommie bubble reality when you lose, you win, apparently....
May had Clinton campaign advisors. Crazy that those people still have jobs
had an obama former chief of staff doing the PR
her two closest advisors hated trump
wouldnt be surprised if there was some sabotage cos brexit
are you that fat old man from question time who was banging on about nukes?
She didn't lose you fucking favela monkey
Holy shit, you're the same shill from last night! That's literally of a copypasta of what you posted before. What's with all the 'dear' and 'sweetie' crap, is this supposed to be bait?
>implying that's not what she wanted
May was always an anti-brexit, now she has the excuse to go with a super soft brexit because 'muh i've lost the majority'
The election was a good idea. She was just too fucking retarded to be supported.
>Hurr I'm going to combat islamic terrorism which is being organized in mosques by creating literal gulags and cracking down on hte internet durr dur
>I'm also going to have the government steal all your shit if you get sick
May is literally a stereotype of a retarded, self centered boomer. She should be shot.
Our politics are a mess, american are just plain hillarious but UK is a fucking nightmare.
If May didn't lose, why is she going to lose her job?
It's still delicious that the government is now going to be more right wing because they have to keep the DUP happy
How many languages do you speak?
Oh thats right! You're british you cant speak anything but english.I will enjoy watching your country go brown while your government shits on you for being white.
They won't, though. If the Tories go right-wing they lose the moderate wing of the party, who are more than the DUP's ten MPs. Outside of budget items, the situation is completely untenable.
This. All it takes is for 3 conservative MP's to disagree and she can't get anything through parliment.
Is there any chance some conservatives will drop her support altogether, forcing a resignation or new elections?
>Predicted a huge majority of up to 150 seats and landslide victory destroying labour for a generation
>Loses election and majority, can't form government
>Can only form government without the political wing of Ulster loyalist terrorists.
>Will probably be replaced as Tory party leader.
>Needed majority for serious negotiations with Europe.
>Is now laughing stock of Europe
>Hasn't!add Jeremy corbyn look strong and stable
She didn't lose user reeeeeeeeee mummy don't lose reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Lol, she's done lads. Probably another election within a year that she will lose.
Agreed, but at least Brits can write English properly.
Most Americans can't even write English.
Technically the literacy rate in America is something like 20%, if they didn't lower the standards to accept shit like random apostrophes and indeed not knowing the difference between loose/lose, night/knight etc.
Nope, she isn't. The cons issued the wrong fucking statement. I'm not even shitting you senpai twitter.com
>Austrian right wing lost
>Le Pep lost
>Mommy May lost
Loving it
Neither of those things will happen. DUP want a soft brexit because they want to keep the NI border open to the republic. There's a chance that they do reduce how many weeks pregnant you can be before an abortion, though.
100%, it's just a matter of time before they stab her in the back. They'll probably wait a bit to get Brexit negotiations started.
Dear and sweetie are basically baby's first troll attempt.
>What is lingua Franca
We don't need to learn your shit languages, you speak how we want you to. Whats the point in us learning a second language to talk to one, maybe two more countries? Whilst you learn English to speak to all of them.
I'm so sorry to tell you all this, but there are no true liberals or conservatives in the UK. You have full blown communism, and communism light. Tough choices. I would not want to be in your cucked shoes.
she is not a beautiful women either
Why do we have a lower corporation tax than you and a monarchy then
Her plan all along was to fuck brexit.
are the quotes in that picture real or fake?
lies m8
the tories cuts was brutal for many,nothing left wing about them
they would scrap the nhs if they could also
How does this affect Brexit though?
Is it because May wants to connect all her shitty neoliberal Torie policies with Brexit and somehow ruin it by association?
Are Brits ever going to vote for am actual Nationalist party that doesn't believe in screwing over the people just to pay off a few jew bankers?
Women in politics
Fuck off, faggot.
Best part is brits wont be able to shitpost soon after she cuts the internets.
>socdem and neocon
>communism, and communism light
You need to spend some time away from Sup Forums
No she's not - the DUP haven't agreed to fuck all yet.
Shes so fucking ugly.