ITT Videos that Sup Forums will ignore because it doesn't fit their closeted narrative about "stupid niggers"

ITT Videos that Sup Forums will ignore because it doesn't fit their closeted narrative about "stupid niggers"

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Serious question to black American anons: How does it feel that all of your current accomplishments, however great or small, are currently tinged with Affirmative Action?

What I mean is, while you personally may have worked extremely hard to get where you're at, does it ever bother you that whites have deemed you intellectually inferior and thus must be given a leg up to compete?


Fucking burgers

Just think how much better he would at mathematics if he didn't get his brains knocked out for a living.

But blacks being intellectually is a biological fact.
If a white man worked as hard as an educated black man, he would probably perform 10 times better than the black man

>closeted narrative

I'm not trying to use an exception to disprove the rule. I know that blacks are on average 1 standard deviation in IQ below whites but that doesn't mean that all blacks are dumb. Just blacks as a group. Outliers obviously exist.

In the states there's incentive to play sports because you get a free-ride in college when you're an athlete. Also he actually made it into the NFL and is worth millions so he didn't have to get a degree in mathematics.

Now show the part where he robs them.

The only people that should be upset are the ones that got denied admission solely based on their race.

and with that said, a degree is a degree. Money is the ultimate goal. If they graduate and are good at their job then it doesn't matter what leg up they got, al that matters is if they can do their job well.

>niggers are smart thread
>posts videos of white college football scholarship recipients and a black guy born in china who can speak the language of the country he was born in.

was the only video worth posting and even then the guy just seems like a recovering addict being a psychopath

Yes, I use the phrase "closeted" because the people you'd call "normies" don't align with your notion that all blacks are inherently dumber than other races.

What do the scholarships have to do with their success? You still have to put in the work to get the degree. Myron Rolle was in the NFL AND in medical school at the same time, graduated top of his class as a neurosurgeon.

I can order food in english, japanese and probably a dozen other languages could be learnt in a day.
Where is my Youtube celebrity status?

Europeans are the exception. Its not just blacks, but Americans in general typically only know English and one other language (usually French or Spanish to the extent that they can ask for directions) So it is incredibly unique and rare to see someone in the states that can speak fluent mandarin.

and lol mandarin can most definitely NOT be learned in a day.

If you truly are a polyglot and can speak half a dozen languages fluently then maybe you should create a YouTube channel showing off your talent.

You're against being denied admission based solely on race. Wonderful news! So am I and most of Sup Forums I would reckon.

Unless I'm misreading you're text, you seem to be fine with being granted admission based solely on race. That's the problem. I would be too embarrassed to accept a scholarship / grant / hand-out of any kind if I thought that the other party thought of me as a charity case.

>and lol mandarin can most definitely NOT be learned in a day.
Ordering food in mandarin definitely can be learned.
A lot of hacks on the internet only learn very specific situations, which anybody can do.

Only the smartest dindus understand the Gaussian distribution.

I like how he went straight for the chicken

no I think its wrong that colleges have racial "quotas" I'm saying the people who find out they were rejected solely on race alone are the ones that should be upset, but if you're the minority that gets into a competitive or prestigious program or school based on your race you should just ride that wave.

Its like putting money into a soda machine and three cans of soda fall out instead of one. Are you going to feel guilty and call the vending machine distributor to try to give them the two cans of soda back? or are you going to say; "Cool, today is my lucky day!"

BTW, ethnically exclusive scholarships have been around for decades so thats nothing new...and they really don't matter. When I was a freshman I applied for scholarships that were only for women and asian americans and won them (even though i'm black). They're not going to "assume your gender" or race and disqualify you because that would raise a pretty big chit storm.

this one really sheds light on why africa was such a disaster. Literally left everything needed to become prosperous and the niggers destroy it.

He was having a full-on conversation with her. He didn't just order food.

why are his 4's backwards?

Basic stuff.
I will start caring when they are writing in chink.

if you're only looking at the thumbnail you're looking at an image of him behind a clear sheet of plexiglass so what he's writing it mirrored.

>you should just ride that wave.
I completely agree. I was going to add something like that to my previous post but it just didn't seem to fit.

Eventually, the college bubble is going to pop when enough people start defaulting on their student loans.

so why are his 5's backwards then?

Oh shit i speak english i must have an IQ of well above 150. Bill Gates fundation should give me a free scholarships. My people wuz kangzs until Germanics enslaved us and stole it all.

>first 5 seconds are a nigger who can't close his fat lips while mashing gum in his mouth
i stopped there

For the same reason. He's writing to his perspective, not the viewer's perspective. Remember John Nash's window maths in the movie A Beautiful Mind? It's like that.

Yeah but if you mirror the 5 it's wrong which is why I'm bringing it up. The 4 and 5 do not face the same direction like he has in the image.

Right you are. I didn't notice that. My guess is what looks to be a backwards 5 need not be a number. It could be zeta with a lot of "english" on it. It could be another variable for the summation.

the point is, he's black. If I learned everything I ever knew about black people from Sup Forums alone,I would be lead to believe that black people can hardly learn english let alone a secondary language that is historically known to be one of the more complex spoken languages on earth..

Wow! Someone who was born in China can speak in Mandarin? Holy shit, what a fucking coincidence.

>Learning another language qualifies you as smart

I can learn African by making clicking noises, is I a smrat person now?

Its quantum mechanics, he's not just writing numbers there's a lot of greek symbols used as variables in there as well. They don't look like "fives" to me.

see post:

that is valid for a 4(symbol) next to it but not that 1(symbol) next to it. He did it twice in the line.

Most black people can barely speak English. And I'm sure that if we moved all our niggers to China, a good 80% would make a Mandarin Ebonics dialect. Surely you understand what I'm saying to be true. Or have you not had extensive contact with the negros?

worded that terribly because it is 5 am but retrying. The one on the right is fine because it would be 1/(symbol) but the one on the left isn't because it is 1/1*(symbol).

Holy shit a black man can learn another language!

Sup Forums was wrong slavs are not subhuman. I mean just look at this based slav man being quite fluent in english.

I bet i make you wish your country was overrun by slavic migrants?

Guess I better throw out the statistics because a nigger ordered food in chinese.

Most slavs can barely speak english. You need to give me citizenship, free housing and scholarship.

My country was just ruined by American colonialism so you need to take me in. None of our problems are our fault. Also we wuz opressed by Germanics

A lot of people who speak many languages are not really intelligent they just learned them through work.

If you work in Germany for 3 years you can easily learn how to speak German if you bother trying.

Some simple truck drivers know how to speak 4 different languages and they are not the brightest people out there.

>it's statistically accurate that well over 90% of blacks would never be able to do what that black does
>but one le based black man shatters all that data because le based black man based le based black based black le baaaased


False. Learning how to speak a language does not take a great intelligence. Hell even people with down syndrome learn the language of their environment.