Even Shaq admits it. Why are you (((pol))) still denying the truth?
Even Shaq admits it. Why are you (((pol))) still denying the truth?
Other urls found in this thread:
His shoe size must be larger than his IQ.
He's tall enough to see the horizon.
It's science, you can't refute it. The science is settled. 95% of 7 feet tall persons agree.
Hello IDF
I tried debunking FE and became a flat earther lol
That is not the milkyway. It might be andromeda. Its simpelt used as a Way of picturing our position in the Galaxy.
You collossal faggot
This is what happens when a Flat Earther tries to hold up their argument.
The Flat Earth joke was initially supported by troll but it turns out 5% of the group actually believes its real.
You are a fucking retard who is grouping with religious zealots about a "Tree of Life" mythology who believes that there is a conspiracy where the understanding that earth is flat is put behind smoke and mirrors by millions of people who have jobs in defense, air, space, and physics.
No one would have any reason to lie to you on this topic, start taking your xanex again op.
Well, he's not so tall to see the Earth's curvature.
>a negro claims the earth is flat
hold the presses
If someone who have been jumping into the air his entire life haven't seen the curvature of the earth then I must admit that there might be something to this whole "conspiracy" thing.
When you try to be serious but just cant anymore
but how
>that pic top right
I didn't know we have planes several kilometers in size
This almost physically hurts me to watch.
I guarantee you can't see the curvature of Earth anywhere in your entire life. You can infer it very easily, but seeing it is another matter entirely.
Earth is hollow slavnigger. Flatearthers confirmed for being nigger-tier.
This. Earth is merely the two halves of Sotka's Egg nailed together with the North Star. Everyone knows this.
This has a simple scientific answer but im gna spoil it for others.
I also wanna point out that qn does not support a flat earth theory as well
Did you actually get trolled by Shaq? Slowest of pokes.
He's tall enough to see the entire world
pic related
There's an easy way to end the debate:
>Fly over open ocean to 12000 feet
>Turn off autopilot
>tape over altimeter
>fly 300 miles manual, making attitude adjustments precisely corresponding to a drop of 4 inches per mile squared
If your plane doesn't crash into the ocean, the earth is curved.
His comments were a joke.
You would crash in the ocean if you did that. If you flew straight without ending up in space, then Earth would indeed be curved.
tech will evolve also for normal folks , if the earth is really flat the myth will bust soon , why keep it up ?
Probably because i am too smart to think that the earth is flat. Besides, i can form my own opinion and don't need "celebrities" to tell how to think.
>why keep it up ?
You wouldn't understand even if I told you. There are forces at work here, beyond anything you could imagine. What we do is for your own good. You had better stop asking questions.
Please spoil, I wanna know.
Yes goy, the earth is round, we've explored all there is to see.
You don't want to waste your time looking for things that aren't there goy.
Just admit it's a fake, rounder.
For real though, non-larpers in this thread, what makes you honestly think that 100+ years of science and media from literally tens of millions of people is false, and that somehow despite the intense time period and number of folks involved nothing conclusive has leaked?
Like, I can understand the people who think the moon landing was faked even if I disagree with them, because when it comes down to it only like what, 20+ people actually went up there, orbited it, set foot on it, and came back. But there's been hundreds of astronauts, thousands of folks who've circumnavigated the globe. They're all lying?
any scientist here? is this correct to say that the earth is spherical for the same reasons that water take a spherical form when in space?
>an American nigger holds a stupid and irrational belief
what's new?
He couldn't last long. I give him props for trying. He was so respectful in it too.
>(((tens millions of people)))
Thanks for proving my point, jew
>guy who makes a living handling balls says the earth is not one
Good enough for me.
This is my first time seeing a molymeme video but it was honestly funny seeing him trying not to laugh at the retardness.
>the majority of flat earthers are black
rely make u think
This is so retarded it hurts my brain. I
im sure the flat morons will embrace shaq with open arms
the earth is flat and is uphold by the great pillars , above the skies lies heaven and underneath is hell.
thats it there are also no "aliens" but rather distant relatives from above or under earth.
all the stars you see are parts of heavens infrastructure which is far greater than earth.
the sun is gods throne "he was so full of light that no man could look at him or he´d die"
the rabbit hole goes a bit deeper but these are enough religionpills for today.
holy shit I think my iq dropped 10 points
Nigger who spends entire life playing with a ball is now an authority on matters scientific.
Are you sure?
Some flat earthers think there's a big ass circle of ice surrounding us, where you can't fly over because if you did you'd be shot down, beyond that ice is more land
Because the clouds density are so low that the sun shines through them as if they arn't even there.
you do know he was just trolling?
Ex-Flat Earth denier here. You can only be willfully ignorant to cold hard FACTS for so long.
I was once as dumb as you. I fell for the round earth memes. Just seeing the truth already.
Fish-eyed lens
Really activates your almonds.
Tell me flattards, how come we still breathe?
If earth is flat, how come air hasn't diffused into space?
(((science))) is the reason you're not dead of disease, busy subsistence farming, able to eat food that doesn't kill you, and able to shitpost on this very forum, you dumbass.
Problem with these flat earthers is that they already reached their conclusion without doing a decent amount of research. They want it to be true, so they will make mental gymnastics to reach it.
The heat of the sun pushes the gases back to earth, the reason you get tired at night is the sun isn't there and oxygen is thinning as it goes higher up until the sun comes around again and pushes it back.
>more land
You hit the base of the dome
Daily reminder the flat earth is the ultimate redpill
You don't seem to understand thermodynamics.
Not an argument.
Yes, yes it is, it's the Dunning–Kruger effect fully at its best.
Get some knowledge first, then talk about what you know, brainlet.
I don't listen to jew """"""science"""""""
>You had better stop asking questions.
lol, ah no, fuck you.
Why do you fuckwits keep posting these flat earth bait threads on fucking Sup Forums, it has fuck all to do with politics.
I'm yet to see a convincing model that explains observed reality.
can the flatards use their model to predict time and path of some eclipses?
Still waiting for the proofs and equation of your claims.
No it is because in absence of light melatonin (5-methoxy-N-acetyltryptamine) production is favored over serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine).
This works exactly the same with a globe you are just too stupid to imagine it in 3d
See >Jew science.
The sun is too far away for it to work.
>le nigger believes bullshit
>you should too
fuck off nigger
I know it's a meme, but I would be so happy if the world was proven flat because the ensuing shitstorm would be more epic than anything that ever happened
the spirit of Kek is strong within you.
So you turned into a korean?
This makes 100000000 times more sense than
>well the bottom and top is colder because light doesn't hit it directly
You think only jews can prove this?
It's because of people like you that antisemites have a bad name.
As real as the holocaust, my picture is more real than your crap
>a square orbital rotation
Now that's just craz.
>Tfw no one actually believes this bullshit and it's just people rustling
No one really believes this do they?
Well, if a negro sportsman says so, it surely must be the truth.
>implying (((they))) wouldn't lie about the shape of the earth if they could
That's not a thing you could keep secret even if you wanted to though, is it.
Probably is. What are you gonna do, fly to space and prove them wrong?
>Even Shaq
wow, some no-brain basketball player thinks so, who would knew better than him the shape of our world, the most wise people of this world in cosmology and astronomy are the basketball players and we always have to listen to their expet opinions.
You can't really uphold a lie like that when the evidence to refute the lie is found everywhere, and experiments to disprove it are easy as fuck to do.
It's like conspiring to claim that sugar is actually made of nitrogen and not H,C,O. Every damn kid can prove that's not the case.
Try hanging a pendulum off a tower.
why does this stupid picture make me kek every time i see it
That's because you couldn't understand high school science, Cleetus. Best leave the thinking to others, dummy.
>Someone made this in complete seriousness.
Probably an American educationalist.
Looking at the curvature of the earth would probably do for most folk. This is why I can't believe these are not just trolls threads.
Easiest stab at why they do it. It was a plan by the devil to unseat man as rightfully the highest creation of God. If we knew for a fact the Earth was flat and below a firmament then it logically had to be created and we'd all accept God as the one true God and reject evil.
>globe heads literally can't refuse this
>unironically show me one picture of the Earth that isn't cgi
I'll wait for your response.
>it's oblate spheroid
>it's pear shaped
Yet no picture ever shows anything other than perfectly round. Also the continents drastically changing in size. It's current year and y'all still fall for the globe meme
Name one person who circumnavigated north to south and back again on the other side glober
>unironically show me one picture of the Earth that isn't cgi
unironically state a reason why you would put a non-digital instrument on board a satellite
You won't see a film camera mounted on a space platform, buddy.
>nigga you dumb
The Jews say the earth is round. Jews always lie. Therefore, I do not know what shape the earth really is, but I do know that it cannot be round.
cuz ur a mind control zombie they even predicted you would laugh at that
>since the global warming is dying they are going for the flat earth bullshit
Because no one lived before (((science)))
>crops took hundreds of thousands of years to cultivate for agriculture to rise
>first civilization was 6000 years ago
Really maks ya tink
is there anything worse than a globehead spherecuck?