Please everyone troll these betas


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But sweety its true

>they post on the meme page without realising for a second that the only reason they can easily communicate shitty memes to thousands of people across the globe for effectively no cost, is capitalism because of the commercialisation of the internet and the funding of a concept like facebook

they just don't think

>the reason the economy exists ruined the economy

>money ruined the economy

>you're revolting against the russians?
>but you're using russian made weapons!

>Medicare and Social Security ruin the economy
>socialists blame capitalism

Always accuse your enemy of doing what you're doing I guess.

It's interesting because almost every first world country tried capitalism and they are all doing pretty well for themselves. All second world countries tried socialism, and they are doing meh only because they are white (and a little asian) and all third world countries are doing shit because they never had any economic system.

>the economy is ruined

The only parts of the economy that are getting fucked up are the areas governments have directly gotten involved with by setting up awful programs.

This. It's Alinsky rules for radicals as fuck. And the only millennials complaining about the economy graduated uni with a debt and are now realising feminists have decided we need more women in all the jobs and it's all young white men's fault they're getting fucked by gen x women.

Boomers.. Boomers did what helped boomers. Selfish, sure, but not malicious. Gen x women are actually going out of their way to make millennial white men miserable

Niggers and jews ruined the economy and this is true for every place in the planet.

I know a british cunt that liked that page. Fuck you Suzy

>We have never had better living standards in the west than we do now
>Le economy is le ruined xdddd
The meteor can't arrive soon enough.

To be fair our living standards are mainly because of how much technology has kept pace with things like dollar devaluation and other things designed to make people poor.

With the level of productivity we're at now most people shouldn't need to work more than 3-4 days a week.



Jews use non white immigrants and financial fraud to destroy economies.

>It's so hard to work 6 hours a day, 5 days a week.

>better technology than any point in history
>wages so low and prices so high you can't afford a 1 room apartment

Lol, capitalism IS the economy

Private debt is 3 times the annual GDP of the entire US economy

Things are just as bad in the rest of the west, if not worse.

Lol that's an American issue, and only an American issue, because your society is capitalist through and through, when will you Americucks realize that Social Democracy is a superior system?

That picture is of a house in Canada

So stop taking a bunch of useless loans for useless things. Only borrow from (((banks))) if you're planning on buying a house. Luckily enough uni is free here in the superior welfare state so I will only have to take loans for my apartment, you don't even have to ask the (((bank))) for (((student loans))) here in Sweden

Capitalism is the cancer that spawned all this misery and greed. And the internet and other stuff would have been developed even without an exploitative market due to the inventor nature in us.

How come houses are this expensive in North America? Houses aren't sold for nearly that price here. When will you cucks realize that Europe is just superior in every way?

Capitalism and Communism are both inferior and unrealistic systems. Social Democracy is the reason why our country managed to become the best country in the world. Until Palme and his (((mentor))) decided to cuck us with mass immigration.

Shut up Sven, you're embarrassing yourself again.

that's in north london you idiot

>He thinks he would be able to live his NEET life if we weren't a welfare state.


>So stop taking a bunch of useless loans for useless things.

I, personally, avoid debt. But I still have to pay for the exorbitantly priced real estate/health care/ education anyway

>retards actually think somebody payed $1M for four plywood walls and a roof, not the land that it stands on
Stupid idiots this is why you will die poor.


Oh shit, I just read Canada and I immediately thought he meant that the house was in Canada. But yeah a million pounds for a shitty run down house, jesus. Why UK? What the fuck?

Not even remotely what I was getting at, but think what you want.

I wish the Social Democrats still did the eugenics thing, that way I wouldn't have to see your retarded posts shitting up the board.

>can't ruin the economy if there is no economy

Lmao, who would pay 1 million pounds for that shitty little bit of land and that shanty? We're not the retards here, Jamal.

>sassy nigger memes

just because you have taxes doesn't mean you're not capitalists....

That pic is the UK

but w/e

It's mostly mass immigration and deregulation of lending

Most loans are given to non whites who typically don't even have a job. There was a term for this before the housing crisis "NINJA"s

Banks liked to lend to them because they had "No Income No Job or Assets"

Dude I know how "buying land" works

They are literally paying millions of dollars for a plot of land where they are going to have to knock down the old house and build a new one.

I wish they still did it so that you would be insitutionalized instead of living a comfortable life off of NEETbux all day long

Social democracy is a mix between free market and socialism. It makes no sense but it's worked well enough, until now.

The economy DID ruin the economy. Just not in a way these college gommunists think. It ruined it through the insatiable greed of corporate interest groups and bankers that wanted the cheapest possible labor and the most profits.

wow you can't live literally on top of everyone else

Go away /leftpol/

Fascism works because it's ingrained in human nature. You idiots are correct on the race and culture part but then go full retard on the economic part rewarding leeches and punishing natural hierarchies

Damn, that's shady as fuck.

It's just a sociology word for capitalist countries with high taxes and social services.

It's true though.

I think we pay way to high taxes here in Sweden, that much I can agree with. It's bordering on theft. Which is why I absoloutely will not vote for the Social Democrats, that and they keep letting in ''peaceful Doctors and lawyers'' without any kind of an ID check or without trying to find out if they might be Allahu Ackbars :^)

>Capitalism is the cancer that spawned all this misery and greed.
No greed did that. Communist, socialist and capitalist societies are all run by greedy Jews. Obviously greedy jews are the problem not the system of governance.

no economic system is superior the the other, all that matters is how its done.

Socialism and Capitalism can both result in a wealthy country as long as there are no lazy niggers in the country.

to the other*

>your society is capitalist through and through

It is fucking baffling how anyone can say this with a straight face.

Best post.

But it was all legal thanks to Reagan and Clinton

and after 9/11 Bush stopped prosecuting all jewish financial crime in order to focus on Homeland Security.

And after 2008 Obama gave the banks $14 trillion as a reward for destroying the global economy.

in a capitalist country you can trick lazy cunts into doing something useful with money.

It's literally the entire reason capitalist countries are successful while communists whither.

Well you are. Enjoy working 3 jobs in order to barely make the rent for the one room flat that you share with 3 of your mates.

>All the Jews working at WTC were conveniantly away the day the planes hit
Really makes you think.

leftypol is nazbowl now?

man when did they become high test and not fucking gay?

>deregulation of lending
>lending to people with no jobs and assets
pick one and only one you stupid faggot

Oh wow. What a tale of conflict and resolution. Now we stand united.

Socialists are pretty simple minded.
Funny how it looks like a cave painting.


There will be always misery and greed, friend.

Otherwise we would be colonizing space long time ago.

If there were no IRS/income tax/federal reserve bank, you *might* have a leg to stand on when you say that.

I know burgerbro. I'm just shitposting. It fucking sucks how you're barely allowed to keep your salary after you get paid before (((The federal reserve))), (((IRS))), and other (((elements))) want to grab it all for themselves.

was the guy on the right originally a male feminist

But that's what deregulation means in context of wall street/ finance. It means letting banks commit as much financial fraud as they want.

It's the same as "deregulating" murder and being confused when homicides spike.

Btw deregulating murder is literally what the left did in the 1960s

Maybe, all I know is that he was holding up a ''refugees welcome'' sign and people made a meme saying ''Swedish men 1016 vs Swedish men 2016'' with a picture of Travis Fimmel as Ragnar Lothbrok and this emasculated low testosterone manlet.

turbomanlet dude

stop lumping in the midgets with regular manlets


>Lol that's an American issue, and only an American issue, because your society is capitalist through and through, when will you Americucks realize that Social Democracy is a superior system?
You obviously haven't been to New Zealand

Technically everyone under 5'8 is a turbo-manlet.

I've heard about how shitty cities like Auckland can be. I feel for you, kiwi.

>the internet would not exist without capitalism

ahahahah. you fucking retard

>Social Democracy is a superior system

Its not 1950 anymore. It cannot work when they nigger-tax drains the system and marxists ruin social trust.

>implying banks would have given loans to nogs with no assets
Deregulation implies removal of state regulation. The Community Reinvestment Act added regulation, It didnt deregulated.


>Capitalism invented technology

I love how they think adding sunglasses to a picture makes it a meme.

>20/79 posts
>all shilling for socialism
really gets the bread baking...

>haha le sunglasses, hahaha le Marx was le cool xDDDD le le le le le

At least unregulated capitalism is that good of an idea

>without capitalism we wouldn't have technology

5' 8" is average global height

5' 6" is below middle height and the turbomanlet cutoff

The Community Reinvestment Act wasn't deregulation though it was the altering of the CRA so that loans to non whites would be guaranteed by the government, regardless of how bad they were.

Robert Rubin, Clinton's sec of the treasury, who is a lifetime Goldman Sachs stooge, was behind that.

There were however lots of other bills passed, starting with Carter and going all the way to Clinton that did remove financial regulations which essentially legalized security fraud

shhhh you can't shit talk capitalism. national socialism and marxism is le evil. capitalism gave u technology remember, it wasn't government research.

tfw 5'5.5"

N-No I'm fashy like you gookbro

I 100% trust socialists to handle my food. They have such an excellent track record.

Not your personal army, faggot.

You would be in the mud if it wasn't for the EU floating your sorry broken ass. With leeches as big as you, it's no wonder Britain wants out of the swamp.

I was only responding to his retarded argument that without capitalism there'd be no computers by parroting him with a greentext. Newfag please leave.

Marxism is shit though

I can't even imagine someone being delusional enough to make that

"Natural selection ruined our life!"

When will you cucks finally ban Ebay and Amazon to stop those pesky refugees from throwing grenades at you?

>5' 8" is average global height
No one cares, it isn't in the West. In your country the average height is 5'9.5 I think, in mine it's 5'10.5.

That only happens in the urban suburbs of the really large cities. The police is being paid way to little because the government is incompetent. We pay a shitload of taxes yet the (((government))) refuses to give the healthcare system and the police the funding they need. Löfven is almost as incompetent and apathetic as Reinfeldt was.

It's true but needs opening up a bit more.

Whites of all generations, backgrounds and political stances need to stop arguing and blaming each other and unite against not only the capitalist but the kikes and the major Sunni powers trying to expand into the West.