if you support cops you're a fucking retard. Pig death should be celebrated.
If you support cops you're a fucking retard. Pig death should be celebrated
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Awwww. did some one get a ticket?
spotted a retard. You enjoy throwing your money away on glorified welfare recipients? Go suck pig dick.
If you dont like police so much, shoot some random police mate
Okay, so you be saying.
>be American
>get shot
when niggers will go inside your house and steal shit I know who you gonna call faggot
little bitch got triggered
>let me lick your boots
>blue lives matter
>yes sir please punish me im a bad citizen
>i promise im doing nothing wrong i love you officer please let me go
fucking cucks
Listen Xirniqua Leshawndra DeQuiQui
I know this is hard for you to understand but some people don't like it when black guys break into their house and steal their shit. You will understand it too one day, if you "make it big" and sell a few mixtapes and get an actual house of your own one day (hahahahahha) with some stuff in it.
fuck every cop who ever did his job.
You also failed to answer the question. While we're at it, how much was the ticket and what was it for?
The grammar is wrong there, you fucking druggie.
Why are americans so edgy? Its like they never stop being kids, they just go through their whole life as 14yo.
You're ignorant and have an extremely low I.Q and i hope you will get what you deserve in the near future, user.
Shut up nigger, Ineed them to remove Dindus from the streets
Tbh that's how most people feel brits are until they turn into their mid 60s then they're grumpy
>Disagree with one specific law
>Police's job is to enforce all laws
Leftist intellectuals
He hit the nail on the head, OP
A-are you a n-nigger by any chance?
Maybe where you are police actually do their jobs but here in the United States, especially the east coast, cops are completely useless and would take less time trying to get you into trouble than actually helping.
>you need them when a nigger breaks in
They come, they say they'll investigate the theft, do nothing for a few months and close the case. If they see anything they can fuck you up for in your house while they're there best believe they'll fuck you up.
Police in this country have way too much authority and power over regular citizens. This isn't about niggers, cops don't dominate niggers anymore than they dominate anyone else.
Listen, the cops aren't to blame, not entirely. Sure they chose to be a cop, but that's where their fault ends. When it comes down to it, almost every problem you face in your everyday life comes from stinky politicians making laws. Police just enforce those laws.
Let's pick out some swath of land and build a great wall around it. We will have cops around the perimiter, but no cops will go ever go inside. Anyone who hates cops will be welcome to go live there. It shall be a fine experiment indeed.
OP, sometimes i worry about your mental state and your ability to analyze subjects at any depth, are you on any medication? i suggest you seek professional health, unless of course you are baiting.
there are only a few reasons to wish for the removal of police, either you are an idiot, or a criminal. most likely both.
Kys OP. Take that shit somewhere else. Every faction on the right is pro police. Locking up junkies saves their lives. Dealers should be hung. And anarchists like you sodomized.
>getting this butthurt over a cop taking your weed
>locking up junkies saves their lives
what about if you are caught with a pound of mushrooms, or weed, or LSD, or DMT, or etc? (drugs that don't destroy your life)
Don't do drugs
wow I realize sucking pig cock comes naturally, considering what the average american looks like these days, but you cuck faggots are just pathetic.
I'll just wait for some normie faggot with a badge and a gun to write you a ticket (simply because he can) and cry because the law is 100% on his side for no other reason than he took the equivalent of an adult phy ed class. Then you can eat the donut off his porky cock you submissive cunts.
the only good cop is a dead one, fuckers. The police only exist to protect the weak that can't protect themselves. Buy a gun you stupid cunts. problem solved. no cops needed.
Police never do anything bad to me. I'm White. I only have positive benefits from the police.
>b..but muh drugs!
Using drugs dampens the mind. If I had my way all drug users would be hanged from the streetlights.
OP is most likely 14
Why not hate those who come up with the laws instead of the people having to enforce it? Retard OP
>Pig death should be celebrated.
so blacks being killed by cops is a good thing? why contradict yourself user?
Have you ever taken a class on criminolgy? Jailing them does not help. When these druggies go to jail there are no rehabilitation programs for them in there, they're just sitting and rotting in jail....and still getting their drugs through the prison "black market"
Also, The cops aren't assholes for arresting druggies they're just doing their job. If it was against the law to drive red cars after 6pm on weekends the cops would obey the law and give citations to those people. Don't like it. run for public office or actually pay attention to your local politics and kick out those ancient sherrifs and judges (who are constantly reelected) that let that chit fly.
Amerika Syarikat negara polis
Polis sekuriti
Polis sangat bagus
Weed does destroy your life and if you do those other drugs frequently they do too. You for instance don't have a good job and won't ever have one and that is before the years and years of drug abuse takes its toll. When it does and your brain is nothing but jelly, I wouldnt even get pleasure out of saying I told you so. I just feel really sorry this is what your life is lad
meme is totally irrelevant. The reason why they will arrest if you're on drugs is to prevent you from ruinning lives of others.
When you use illegal drugs you :
- can be a direct threat to other citizens safety
- are a threat to other citizens safety because you're feeding a market which literally kill hundred per years
If I was a cop, I won't care at all about the drug user. This meme is cancer because it doesn't reflect the reality. It supports drug users in their false believes and it prevents them from understanding their true responsability.
I'm not a fan of the police. I really don't think any form of authoritarianism is beneficial to men.
The police and the justice system are there to benefit women. Women receive less harsh sentences when they commit the exact same crimes as men.
You know what cracks me up about the police is that they will come arrest you if you so much as touch your wife during an argument, but if a female resists arrest by pulling her arm away they will slam her on the ground hard enough to break her teeth. They're such faggot hypocrites.
I just don't like them myself, nor do I think they're good for men.
Been to prison. My own fault. Still respect cops. Fucking retard. "Waah i cant smook da weed caus am scared coppy cops will shoot me!! But i want smok weed i is tough but i never smoke but i would if no coppy coppie bad moppie wasnt so meany weany!!"
OP has a good point. I got several buddies that got their lives turned upside down just because of weed. Good guys that the state fucked over hard. There's no need to ruin folks lives over this minor bullshit. One man's right stops where another man's nose begins. Victimless crimes don't deserve harsh punishment
bumping because this thread needs more cop hate.
Edgy 12 years old nigger detected
+policemen are just applying the law, not making it.
Go home, Jamar.
You're stoned!
Cant wait till all cops have mandatory body cams so all the cop hating can be owned with footage showing the cops were right almost every time.
I've read stories where police stations get body cams, and police complaints dropped over 90% because when some dumb nigger walked in to complain they would first tell them it's all on tape, and then they would just nope the fuck out.
subservient goys.
America was safer before the cops made it so you cant police your own communities. They protect the parasites and bankers. They will send you to jail if you dont pay taxes to support your own genocide. They all get paid off by drug dealers too so its all just a big game.
Only boomer faggots like cops.
>police ruined my life! all i did was rap[e 15 children and they arrested me, ruining my life!
>Using drugs dampens the mind.
>dampens the mind.
Boy, I bet this cool guy gets all the girls. :^)
Never had any problems with cops, on the other hand, I'm not a criminal retard degenerate either and always act polite towards cops like a civilized human being.
love that video, squeals like the pig he is
The real redpill is hating both cops and niggers. My dream is that niggers and cops kill each other and that will be the end of both menaces. Police are the force keeping the corrupt system in place. Imagine if cops suddenly didn't exist. Race War. That would be a GOOD thing. But because they exist we can't solve problems. They won't let us, cops will come down on white people fucking hard the moment we stop being passive tax cattle because police ultimately take orders from the globalist kikes.
I suppost cops. I do not support the war on drugs that cops didn't write.
They are enforcing the law, change the fucking law you morons. And don't do drugs if they are illegal, you knew they were illegal.
There needs to be a Racists on Sup Forums meme for people that post just like OP. I'd do it myself but my creative bank is spent and I'm lazy.
Wtf that never happens in America you racist idiot Italian fuckhead. Shut the fuck up. Blacks don't rob anyone. I live in inner city Oakland and never been robbed once by a black man.
Fuck cops. They target innocent black men and peace lovers for no reason .
reminder that people that post anti cop shit are usually retarded insecure autists
>arresting someone for petty victimless crimes like possesion of marijuana
absolutely degenerate
pretty much everything else the police do is ight i guess
Yes because I trust everyone will only have my best interests at heart and wouldn't be killed by roaming gangs if law and order completely broke down.
Your argument is pleb tier. You'd be better off combatting policies or laws that cops have to enforce (even though most agree they're retarded) but no, your faggot ass goes straight to kill them and anybody with a semblance of reason is a bootlicker. Yet you wouldn't join the force and change it from the inside either so who's the real slave now bitch boy. Step your game up low quality b8 m8 faggot
>unironically neck yourself
Last time I got arrested I told those pigs Justin Bourque did nothing wrong.
The average adult blacks have the intelligence of 14 year olds.
This post is fake news. Niggers are trash and subhuman. To be honest I'm about 99% sure you are a nigger just by the way you are acting.
Unquestioning order-followers should be despised. for starters - They are BROKE. There is no buget to pay them. Our countries simply print the currency and give them it - which devalues it - which is illegal ! ! ! ! Currency debasement was a crime on par with treason, like if you planned to assassinate the queen. But these days its considered normal.
If pol doesn't like "cucks" these blind order followers are the most cucked people in our society.
They are literal communists. Their "jobs" are state funded, but they pay taxes, right? Unless they are making a loss going to "work" they are literally robbing you of purchasing power and pol glorifies them because the media has you believing police protect you from niggers. Police don't protect you from shit. they come and write down what happened after it happened. thats it
It is. Or whiny libtard, but I repeat myself.
I don't support the Jewish controlled state, we need less cops.
>unironically hating police
Either a nigger or some SJW cow.
Here's a novel idea for all you commy faggots: Police increase their power in proportion to the threats that they are facing on a daily basis. So if you have a problem with the police, STOP GIVING THE POLICE SO MANY PROBLEMS TO DEAL WITH.
>we could literally disband or downsize more police departments in the country if niggers disappeared.
>if niggers stopped nigging, police problem disappear
Hi BLM, thanks for posting on Sup Forums!
Now kindly get the fuck out you filthy negros!
>when niggers will go inside your house and steal shit I know who you gonna call faggot
If I'm home? I'll call the cops to clean up after I shoot them. If I'm not home I'll just say "oh well" because the odds of me getting my shit back are zero.
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? How the hell was i suppose to know that it was illegal? Fucking bullshit, nothing i could do
i don't condone killing cops but mate,
if you feel that way fucking do something about it ay
its an abstract kind of just
>Theft deprives of money, so if I catch you I will condemn you to give back that money by stealing it from you.
>Murder can destroy a life, so if I catch you I will condemn you to death destroying your life.
I think this reasoning might be flawed.
Killing cops is indeed wrong. We need to lobby against the police and remove their power.
The opinion of a literal nigger. Worthless.
Not every country has insane prison sentences for minor crimes
Cry about it faggot.
This is an obvious slide thread
4 posts by OP
Kindly move along people nothing to see here
How's life? Is Libya now democratic country with freedom and liberty or anarhcists wet dream?
The cops should only be required to uphold the common law. Beyond that they are overstepping their boundaries and protecting the commercial corporate state.
Why can't pol understand libertarians and Ancaps?
Police debase the money supply to get paid, which is literally criminal.
Also, they dont give a fuck about you.
For your own safety we're going to lock you in a cage with another man.
>The state is insolvent
>The state prints currency to pay cops
>State goes into more debt
>Increased debt debases currency's purchasing power
>Cops are literally robbing the public through currency devaluation
>Cops protect insolvent state
>literal communists
Pol cannot defend this.
If pol could understand basic economics you guys might not be quite so autistic.
Let's be honest here. You are a skinny flat-Bill yeti cup drinking little passive aggressive faggot. When your shift ended at smoothie king you got pulled over for driving like the little shit you are and got a ticket for the stemmy Mexican shit weed you left sitting in your crusty cup holder. Shut the fuck up and stop blaming others via the Internet for your constant mistakes.
OP when you get raped by a shitskin make sure you dont report to the police.
Ignoring for a moment that you are an edgy kid with worthless opinions, lets adress your argument just for the hell of it. Do you believe cops make the laws? Furthermore, if all the cops are doing is upholding the law, do you fault them because you think we would be better of without any laws?
what a bunch of pussies, seems familiar somehow...
they arn't all ba- >burg flag
nvm do as you will.