Why are they always 8 year olds? Is there some numerological/Kabbalistic significance?
Why are they always 8 year olds? Is there some numerological/Kabbalistic significance?
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Link for those who haven't seen it: youtube.com
jesus christ, who gave him those dresses at 3 years old.....
8 years is when the sphincster is the tightest.
Link to full video?
How is this not child abuse? What the fuck is going on in the world?
that kid acts really mature for his age and is very eloquent. when I was basically retarded at 8yo. (still am)
>How is this not child abuse?
It's just a Canadian. Part of their rich cultural heritage.
Mastodong fans btfo
They're fucking degenerates. That's why.
>Western culture founders notorious for fucking little boys
>Boys start dressing like that
>Modern western country surprised gays want to fuck little boys
How are westerners surprised nowadays when in the past "straight" men would fuck little boys, and that's WITHOUT makeup and shit that made them look even more like feminine that we have now.
Honestly this shit is child abuse, and the kids should be taken away and the parent put in camps.
YRYL thread?
In Canada, it's child abuse to be anti-LBGTTTZDX around your kids.
8 year olds dude
girls are conditioned differently than boys.since this one has been conditioned like a girl, xe has adopted girl priorities and mannerisms.
God have mercy on us
>single mommy
There you have it. Biggest threat to humanity.
There's something wrong with this fucking guy. Why is he so antiwhite?
that has to be a troll post, no woman is this retarded
8 and 6 are the first two perfect numbers, a Babylonian discovery
I want off mr bones wild ride.
Because 9 years old is the age of consent in Islam.
Have you ever met a woman?
Cannot wait for islam to put them in their place.
It is a mystery.
Nice to know I'm not the only "christ cuck" here.
Because whites are degenerate and they're facing the punishment for their sins
the worst part of it:
This person probably even wants it to be legal to pump this child with drugs and hormons, chemically castrat it and fuck up his whole life with the only reason to be more progressiv than anyone else.
In the end, progressivs don't care about others, they will simply show the world that they are better.
Because by 9 they are no longer children and must don hijab.
oh god it's like he's probing my anus with his eyes
I feel violated by this image.
Thanks faggot.
(Also kek)
Peak obedience
Are they pedos? So this is the result of homos gaining the right to adopt kids?
Can't we just drone these people? When will the gas be turned on?
Its Jew Hollywood SJW brainwashing, case closed, next.
My fucking city once again.....
Are the leafs the most tolerant people in the world?
It's because they were conceived when their retarded liberal parents were orgasming over muh Obama winning.
because whites are at the forefront of modern degeneracy. the jew creates the goyim buys/adopts.
I bet he's already got the aids
We should have never stopped calling it GRIDS
But whites fulfilled the great commission and preached the gospel to all mankind. What you really think blacks, who rape babies to try and cure themselves of AIDS, or Asians, who invented hentai with tentacles, are less degenerate than the pure Aryan?
The Jew forces it down our throat and some can do nothing but accept while some resist.
Pic related.
Well, if you look close, every civilization has its degenerate behaviour and disgusting sexual fetishes.
>Afghans: Bacha Bazi
>Arabs: Taharrush
>Indians: Just plain rape and shit-fetish
>Pakistanis: Basically Muslim Indians, see above
>Japanese: Hentai, Widespread pedophilia-fetish, chikan in the metro etc. etc.
Wrong till 18.
I'm going to fuck his faggot ass and ram my cock down his faggot throat when I'm done
Is that a trap?
I feel like it's less creepy if it's a girl...or...I'm not sure.
there is absolutely zero goddamn chance that poor kid's mouth hasn't been filled with cum
drag queens are not necesseraily gay
There is no god.
All children poop and need to be fed. Cuz they are kids and can't wipe there own ass proper, and gather there own. This is exploitation. Peeps be sick as shit. Dis fucked.
Shut up ruski drag queen
mfw it's now against the law to raise your kids with christian values here..ww3 when
There is a massive hidden beast thirsty for sucking the life force out of future generations and poisoning older ones. Alex Jones was right. Sometimes it rears from the depths and makes an appearance in the form of "harmless" liberal propaganda, hoping to become more and more mainstream.
With every day we stray further from God's light.
this dude is mesmerised
Exactly, which makes CF's anti-white stance unfounded.
No it's a boy. That's his son.
You can drop dockable
>Alex Jones was right
keep buying the toothpaste
You are fucking nonsensical.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
I would genuinely bet good money he's molesting that boy.
I don't fall for the gamble and proctor Jew. I use coal toothpaste, free from any adulterants or flourides.
Don't forget the water filters.
every fucking time
Canada is really giving Sweden a run for its money
I don't buy into that crap. I get my water from the glacial run off near my house.
It's true. All of it.
So how old was this kid the first time he was butt fucked by his faggot father?
Looks like a proud dad to me.
on his back is the Jewish Hamsa sign.
I get it straight from the Peckham Spring.
8 is probably the age where most kids start being able to say political things, which makes it the easiest age to exploit
first thing i noticed
His mother is obviously Jewish as well and wears a jacket with what looks like a goat and a swastika with a line through it. His dad's shirt says 'leviathan.' The whole thing reeks of Satanism and Kabbalah.
any pics with the leviathan shirt, or any with more biker type vests? any more symbols?
>comments and dislikes disabled
>Hey bro just let the gays marry it doesn't affect you bro so like who like cares
Thank fuck they still can't marry here. The world should've never emboldened the queers.
It's in the OP.
poor girl
I am converting to Islam, officially
am i the only one who thinks the black guy knew she was a mind controll victim
Jefree Starr
Maximum degeneracy
As soon as I'm el presidente this kind of people gets the work camps.
>post yfw its happening
thanks. looking for a specific connection to the Current 218 branch of Satanism
Very nice and progressive.
>implying you wouldn't.
Good lord... I'm absolutely convinced this woman was created by God himself...
Maybe I should move to Norway if this user honestly lives in a place where women don't act like this
Triremes confirmed for kikery.