Why do Conservashits vote against their own economic interests


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cuz they are 98% white and christian

why do you pretend to know what my interests are?

is that you bernie?

What's Denmark's maximum wage?

>I wanna be lazy and gibsmedat
Really makes my marbles rumble


Pure North Germanic Superiority.

>60.2% tax rate
"""""""""free healthcare"""""""""""""""
"""""""""""""""""free childcare""""""
""""""""""""free university"""""""""""""""""""""

To live a comfortable lifestyle working a blue collar job , which Conservashits absolutely fuck you over on

Not to mention there's only 5.1 million of them. OP is retarded.

Fuck off. Denmark is a shithole filled with immigrant

Economic systems can scale up according to population size , retarded dirty Portuguese friend

>people who don't know what their gender is
>zero understanding of how markets work
>telling us what our economy interests are

It doesn't exist, also saging this shitty thread.
>When our PM literally takes time to visit some US uni to debunk all the socialist memes

>no military

>yuge tax rates
>petroleum and metal exports
>low population density
>near homogenous population
wtf i love socialism now?


You are retarded
The average is about 39%

Very wealthy people pay more.

You do realize that the picture is fake af, or did you just come here from Reddit?

Why do Americans keep believing that bullshit image?

Buger in Fiskland here.

Ya I make ~2x as much at my job here but I pay 35% income tax and 25% sales tax. Also the cost of living is very high. Food ranges from 4-10x more expensive, rent is about 2x as much, cars are about 3x as much to buy and 15x as much to operate.

I had a better quality of life for half the money in the US. I am just working and saving as much as I can for when I go home so I can buy a plot of land and live in an RV.

How can I be a Denmark citizen my friend ?

Don't forget the 25% VAT.

what are you majoring in?

>be danish
>see something nice
>want to buy it
>try to save
>50% tax
>rest goes to food, rent etc.
Danish isn't that good



>There is a minimum wage
there is not, only negotiated wages with unions.
>33-Hour work week
yea for all those who are never gonna amount to shit have fun being an entrepeneur working 80 hours a week to make it.
>free shit
yea taxes + fees on pretty much everything and living costs being far higher compared to average income compared to other european countries + childcare is becoming shittier because the state has to cut to make ends meet now that our aging population is failing at being replaced in the work force by poor "refugees".

fuck off with this bullshit pic.

Wow who would think an ethnically homogeneous nationstate that takes care of its own people is working out really well

Add like 8% AMB and a flat 25% VAT to that, buddy.
As for the "free" healthcare; the system is falling apart. Hospital staff are forced to work about 2% harder every year and they weren't exactly sitting on their asses all day to begin with.

Minimum wage is not 20 bucks but rather like 13 bucks if you are 18+

A work week is usually 37 hours full time, can be more.

Healthcare etc isn't free per say, it's paid by the people through taxes which is why taxes are so high.

population heavily dependent on SSRIs.

>The average is about 39%

Oh that's ok then.

Denmark also has brain drain and absurdly high taxes.


Can't believe no one has posted that piece of shit yet.

Also, you can't into our wellfare in the US - and you don't want to. We can't sustain it for many more years without needing to reform the shit out of it, due to all the immigrant gibsmedatz and our low birth rate.

America could never into wellfare because you are so (((diverse)))

Trump is only 5 years younger and in much worse shape. I'd bet 100 dollars now Bernie out lives Trump.

Certainly not bad , multi millionaires should pay a lot more into the system

>hurr durr fees are not a tax so your are stupid because we are actually paying 39% + all the fun stuff!
dræb dig selv m80

Oh wow.
What University? I'm planning to do my Masters in Econ. in US.
Can you please answer few of my queries?

We already got 500k

Just come here and wave a Danish flag, while looking like you care about the country. It works for all the shitskins


christian lol no more like 80% non believer


Doesn't mention the 50% tax...

Also administers the most anti-depressants. Literally drugged by the government to be happy.


you have to be a freshmen. you will drop it and switch over to business school or public administration.

you owe it to yourself to read more. stop being a faggot.

We are talking income tax moron.

Don't pretend youd be able to handle any bank account savings, Danes a clueless vapid fucks when it comes to personal economy.
>hurr durr muh capitalism denmark socialist shit taxes is theft reeeeee

Hæng dig selv og lad mig pisse på dit lig, oxygen tyv.

What do you have in your curriculum.
We have
Adv mic1
Adv mac1
Adv mic 2
Adv mac 2
Urban eco
Int evo
Public eco
Development theory 1
Dev theory 2
Economics, State, Society,
Game theory
And 3-4 elective majors too.

Is it at par with urs syllabi.

I'm an undergrad and this is 3 year curriculum.

Doesn't Denmark rely basically on NATO to keep it safe? They probably don't even pay there fair share and that's why they can afford all their 'free' shit.

Hello Gutman, how's the weather in Ireland?
Also; why are you holidaying in Ireland?

I'll look for Denmark now for sure.
I really like your country BTW


documentary about danish military in afghanistan


FPBP as usual

>highest rate of anti-depressant use


>My knowledge of the world is based on meme photos

Iceland beats us senpai. We're basically the same as the rest of the nordic countries when it comes to that, barring maybe Norway

>Danish people are lazy
That's where you're wrong, we're actually one of the worlds most productive countries.

>multi millionaires should pay a lot more into the system

but they already do

I must be thinking of the communist utopia of Sweden.

Why does pol think "personal" wealth redistribution scheme is any more morally defendable position than socializing it through government or state level

>I really like your country BTW

Feelings aren't mutual, friend. I guess you're better than muslims though

why is denmark the happiest country in the world?
>white people
next question

wrong again, friendo. check out this hottie


Yeah I'm a Hindu. And as per our reputation we are seen as nicer compared to muslims.

I'm quite introvert myself and I don't really have any friends. I like studying and that's yet.

Christianity is pretty much dead here.

give it some time

Aren't we the happiest guys now?

and Denmark will become even more atheistic, less Christian.

> Christianity is dead here

That's fucking awesome . Such a toxic religion

nice rare

maybe, but hard times tend to bread religiosity.

Only religion I have seen a rise on here in the North is the modern version of the pagan religion Asatru.

Christianity civilized north Europe which was bunch of low IQ suburban retards shanking each other with knives for hundreds of years.

It's dead, like completely, the Churches are literally filled with spider webs

Agreed it is only really old people and christian brainwashed kids (which there arent many of) that still go to church here.
Many young people don't get married anymore too.

It served it purposes but reiglion is antiquated


and spain, italy, and greece were muzzie territories for a long time. they probably will be again.

understand, i am not religious, but i am a historian. every generation is convinced that they are breaking ground, intellectually. the reality is we cycle back and forth, with wobbles of variation.

for all of the failings of religion, and they are many, no single motivation behind civilization can claim more progress.

i know a bunch of edgelord faggots are going to say some stupid shit. if you plumb the depths of history, behind every great empire you will find a military, a faith, and a family.

Because most Americans are as dumb as a bag of hammers and haven't studied economics while proudly proclaiming to understand it despite only having a high school understanding of these things.

Yeah, but our faith is not in Christianity, that's not the heritage of Scandinavia.

yeah, this one is a puzzler, because your guys' history is so long, it is perfectly valid to say that the Nordic countries are Christian, but if it comes down to chronology, then yes, they follow the Old Ones.

been balls deep in the 30 years war lately. you guys definitely left some indelible marks on the Faith of Central Europe.


Christians burned down our temple and destroyed valuable knowledge of our history, anyone who is a Christian here is literally a traitor.

Exactly Christianity is not our blood therefore it is dying we are basically going back to our roots.
Just look at focus we have on vikings and our old ways nowadays, and the actual rise in the religion of Asatru.

the religions christianity replaced were dog shit that kept the region from developing. retard shit norse mythology couldn't even teach your people to read and write their own fucking scriptures.

yeah yeah and my ancestors smashed the shit out of a bunch of natives and their fairy tales too.

i get it, but it feels like jewry. they got BTFOd by persia then a 2 thousand years later they reconstitute their homeland and use a made up language.

What right do you have to another person's money?

talking about scandinavian history now faggot. try to keep up.

Happiest in the world!

you don't actually need a religion to learn how to read. And we had runes.

You don't, but Christianity was smart as fuck when they taught people to read and write their scriptures in native languages. Something norse beliefs failed to do.

>edgy atheist LARPing as a Viking


i can't think of an example that supports your statement. i mean, even the sand niggers figured out writing.

don't get me wrong, the spread of the vikings is unparalleled. but they are the historical equivalent of the retard that is so good at faking normal he gets a decent job at walmart.

I'm not a roleplayer I don't do that shit, I simply have the faith.

legit question: how does one practice that faith? more to the point, it is a faith built on clans that were incredibly brutal. i have a hard time seeing a bunch of liberal nordics playing at being vikings without the warfare element. wasn't it integral to the whole thing?

haha well that might be true.


>no minimum wage in denmark
>we dont have a 33 hour work week
>free tuition true
>we dont have free child care
>"""free""" healtchare

because that picture is bullshit
>tfw $9 wage
>tfw 40 hour work week
>tfw didnt wanna go to university
>tfw our healthcare is so shit people go to other countries to get checked out because they suck at finding super dangerous diseases

>implying healthcare shouldn't be free

You go out and cleave muslim skulls with an axe until you're tazed by the police and go to Valhalla