Is the Room the most red-pilled movie ever made?
>Drug dealers are latino
>Women cant Be trusted?
>Traditional family values
Is the Room the most red-pilled movie ever made?
>Drug dealers are latino
>Women cant Be trusted?
>Traditional family values
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Hai doggy
youre my favorite customer.
Flying vampire car
oh hai mark
Do you understand life??
Mark: Yeah, man, you'll never know. People are very strange these days. I used to know a girl; she had a dozen guys. One of them found out about it... beat her up so bad she ended up at a hospital on Guerrero Street.
Johnny: Ha ha ha. What a story, Mark.
So based
You're a real human bean
Tommy did nothing wrong
He was even that lady's favourite customer
Nice try you massive faggit, but Tommy is cuckolded by lisa.
Nice effort trying to meme your cuck fetishes into the Sup Forums zeitgiest tho. Now go drink some bleach.
This guy reads
People are very strange these days.
What's with all the forced Room meme shit tonight?
That movie fucking sucks. It's not even a good bad movie. It's overrated to shit. It's boring as hell and has like three really long, boring, sex scenes where the most that happens is you see Lisa's saucer sized nipples.
Tommy's film shows the natural conclusion of beta bucks.
Empathetic kino is not for autists such as your self
There aren't any hospitals on Guerrero Street in San Francisco.
Thank you, honey, this is a beautiful party! You invited all my friends. Good thinking!
She was speaking to Doggy.
You betrayed me! You're not good. You, you're just a chicken. Chip-chip-chip-chip-cheep-cheep.
>tfw you have breast cancer and nobody cares
Don't touch me moderfacker get out
i care user
smoke weed
Tfw you find out Johnny financed the movie with his connections to the criminal underworld.
>The room sucks
cool opinion dude
if everybody love each other
the world would be a better place to live.
this movie tore me apart
i would also like to remind all of you that Tommy Wiseau challenged the jewish bank problem in a subtle and philosophical way in "The Room"
I quote: "The bank saves money...They are using me and I am the fool"
and later when Lisa asks him about his promotion he says: "(((THEY))) didn't keep their promise, they tricked me, and I don't care anymore
Was it really a bad movie, or did they just meme it as stupid because it exposed (((((them)))))?
>implying Tommy Wiseau isnt a Jew
The movie is pure red pilled genius,and (((Hollywood))) did everything in it's power to supress it and keep it under the radar of normies..(((They))) underestimated the power of truth spoken through based Tommy Wiseau
He's not..He's a Polack. He speaks english with an east european accent that was hit by a parisian bus
Very good thinking
Last post best post
how is your sex life?
Enjoy being alone in your shitty opinion, you fucking chicken.
Voted worst movie ever made.
Its so bad it's good. Basically how Trump ran his campaign.
Inside Man is the most red-pilled movie
and it's fucking kino
Mark: Betty? Yeah. Yeah, we don't see each other anymore. You know, she wasn't any good in bed. She was beautiful, but we had too many arguments.
Johnny: That's too bad. My Lisa's great whenever I get it.
Mark: [sits down] Oh man, I just can't figure women out. Sometimes they're just too smart. Sometimes they're just flat-out stupid. Other times they're just evil.
Johnny: [on not receiving his promotion] That son of a bitch told me that I would get it within three months. I save them bundles. They're crazy. I don't think I will ever get it. They betrayed me, they didn't keep their promise, they tricked me, and I don't care anymore
The most beautiful scene.
I never understood the meme of this movie
is the main character actually a pretty decent actor and he just didn't know how to make a movie?
Tommy is legitimately an alien. After observing earth and our culture of producing media he thought it would make him fit in if he too got involved in the movie industry. However his race's speech patterns are like nothing found on earth so he has difficulty emulating English. His poor grasp on the nuances of human communication are novel, yet his insight betrays a deeper intelligence hiding behind a clumsy tongue.
The story goes that people got so tired of Tommy forgetting his lines that they printed them out and showed them on a big sign. You can see how Tommy zooms his eyes in this scene.
Truly before its time
Keep your stupid comments in your pocket
It's so shitty it's comical. The acting, the writing, the set design, every aspect you could think of is atrocious
You’re right. Thanks for paying my tuition.
tfw the drug dealer was the best actor
What if the room they are referring to in the title is Room 237 in The Shining
>Drug dealers are latino
i think Chris R is armo, thus a sandnigger, not a latino
Do you think girls like to cheat like guys do?
What makes you say that?
Girls these days are worse than guys. So many girls with BFs ive hooked up with that its terrified me of getting my own GF.
Women always looking to trade up.
You need to find a bitch who worships you.
a fucking leaf
Maybe it's Room 101 from Nineteen Eighty Four?
In the book, apparently the actor playing Mark had flubbed the line a bunch, and threw in Guerrero St. because that's the street Tommy Wiseau lived on. Soon as they said cut Tommy had a shitfit for his up personal info being brought up on set.
Oh hai mark
Women really cannot be trusted, this is a fact.
Mark: Yeah, man, you'll never know. People are very strange these days. I used to know a girl; she had a dozen guys. One of them found out about it... beat her up so bad she ended up at a hospital on Guerrero Street.
Johnny: Ha ha ha. What a story, Mark.
Johnny laughs at domestic abuse. Why?
Read Greg's book. Tommy was a legitimately awful, maligned actor with an empty social life and shady finances. He nonetheless had genuine passion for the craft and tried his heart out to make a movie he and his "best friend" Greg Sestero (Mark) would be remembered for. This is the result.
You millennial fags don't even have good bad movies.
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit. I did not hit her. I did nnnoot. Oh hi Mark.
You betrayed me, you're not good. You— You're just a chicken! CHEEP-CHEEP-CHEEP-CHEEP-CHEEP!
I read he just included the sex scenes in the movie to be able to make out with lisa
It is really bad actingwise. Storywise no idea. Never watched it only parts of it in some compilation
He's not Jewish.
He's not even from planet Earth.
>implying jews are from this planet
Once you're old enough you can play the drinking game.
Skotchka is SO GOOD!
The Room was real. it was a documentary.
Fateful Findings > The Room
Why doesnt this guy have his own sitcom yet? I'd watch it.
Im watching FF right now. Its awesome
"Its the Rolls-Royce that hit him I so' it, am witness"
Hot fucking take bro
Room 222
best scene in the movie.
I feel like FF was made intentionally bad to gain cult status.
The football was an analogy for the back-and-forth emotions of each character. The film is full of deep techniques and will be remembered as a modern masterpiece.
This guy gets it
Watching Wiseau's The Room, the Patrician's journey.
Best way to start is to accidently play the computer file that guy at the party put on your laptop amongst other more normal recommendations. You have never heard of the film.
Suggested by a friend and you watch it alone, you know nothing of it.
You first watch it at an official cinema viewing
Watch it with friends and they tell you it's a weird movie, but nothing more.
You watch it for the first time with fans of the film after they have told you every single thing they know about it. Totally ruins it, do not recommend.
Now for the watch amounts.
1) You go from hating/confused by The Room
2) You appreciate that it's so bad, you start to count all the things "wrong" with it
3) You enjoy watching it ironically and in groups
4) You watch introduce so many people to it that you watch it so many times, that you start to notice that this is unlike any other film "so bad its good" or otherwise
5) You realise that this is a pure vision by a man with his own perception of reality. You realise that perception of reality has many many more facets of truth to it than you initially noticed. You begin your journey to fully understand the Auteur Kino that is The Room.
This film is a money laundering scheme, just like modern art.
Oh hai denny!
its apretty interesting guy though this tommy wiseau
just to imagine he set all this up and thought that the end product is "good" or "acceptable"
is he italian? I bet he has to do with mafia