Why is she allowed to have such a pretty voice?
Why is she allowed to have such a pretty voice?
I'm sorry, but she's actually fat.
How do you know? Also, cute fat, or too fat to fuck?
is there a pic? like, is she correctable fat?
cuz i am madly in love with Murdoch Chan.
my first celebrity crush
>your first celebrity crush
>not Evalion
nice keks but still. i prefer my crushes white and fictional
Do you know if peach is fat?
nah she isnt
she had a patreon where she posed like a typical attention whore
Pics or gtfo
She doesn't look that bad here.
What did she look like?
Well... She does have a nice voice.
How do you know this is her?
i think shes cute desu
i dont.
>first celebrity crush
You need to be over 18 for this site kiddo
I don't get it then...
its probably dr murdoch with higher pitch
Oh wow.
Found her.
Literally just look up "Murdoch Chan: on facebook.
Cant post the link.
Should waifufags be gassed
Definite QT
Sounds exactly like her.
lol, is that really her? I think they said she's half Asian on TRS podcast, so it actually could be.
The voice acting for this anime is perfect.
Yeah dude, she's hapa af.
It's an undeniable FACT that this is their BEST episode:
If you disagree, you are WRONG.
Except it is easily TLSOIW AND TRRPB (HATE SPEECH EDIT) or Last Son of the West.
Meme Magic is a lot better. Honestly, that's one of their weaker episodes, but it's still good.
I'm messaging her right now ^.^
dont be a creep.
fucking its about to go dark
fucking this is why we cant have nice things
fucking leaf
I'm not dude, I just asked if she's the real Murdoch Chan. She probably won't ever see the message because of Facebooks stupid shit where you can barely see messages sent by non-friends.
The voice acting is pretty professional
What the fhe fuck pol
I thought you are autistic sorry ass losers
I want to give her my superior mongol penis
I heard she's a Hapa IRL.
Also I heard she's this chick.
>"Video games are degenerate."
>streams on Twitch
I just want people to think that. In reality, I don't work with anybody with less than a million in assets.
Any pics of her irl?
You will burn in hell for shilling your channel
who cares? this shows fucking reddit tier cancer
Best moment is the fireside speech from TRRPB (HATE SPEECH EDIT) and Nice Guy National Socialist is tied with the Revenge Of The Murdochs.
I like 6:40 the best
i can just see some dwight shrute looking faggot asking someone about their assets over a wendy's lunch meeting
what a tard
yeah well too bad for him i'm a chef at wendys with an 800k dick and making 16 inches a year
My line of work is directly related to peoples assets in a way. One wouldn't even have an opportunity to meet me professionally without meeting the barrier of entry, so I don't have to ask, I already know what people own. Sorry you have so much bitterness in your life.
When will Sup Forums realize that all youtubers are at some sort of degeneracy attention money whoring?
do you always LARP this hard or was it a rough day at the ol' greeting station at wally world?
Definitely not her. No way she's that attractive IRL.
its not her you tool
I have to say, this series actually really changed my view on national socialism. I still wouldn't call myself one, but it really taught me that not all NatSocs are violent, bloodthirsty white supremacists who want to kill all the non-whites and Jews. Heck, he even fucking saves a little nignog baby in the TLSOIW and TRRPB video.
That's my vent I guess. I'm just legitimately impressed at how good the storytelling is and how surprisingly intricate the characters are.
National Socialism grants perks.
How does it make you feel knowing that I own A FUCKING CHANDELIER worth more than your bank account.
She's a lot cuter and a lot less ratty than I was expecting.
i feel like u mad...
The short hair ruins it for me