Is there anything better than redpilled polish girls?
My Polish GF:
>Doesn't want our country (Norway) to be infested with muslim scum
>Calls blacks sand niggers
>Knows that we are superior
Polish girls
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For all my enmity with polish behaviour, their woman are usually nice and beautiful. And good to talk to.
Hell, we even have a folk song about how great they are.
Blacks aren't sandniggers, they're regular niggers.
Your gf is a retarded cunt.
>Mixing with der untermensch
Agree OP, but please show us your gf
My gf says the same, she is 3/4 Polish 1/4 Hungarian, stronk hussar genes.
>polish girls
Does it matter what she says when she's sucking Jamal off when you're not watching?
Meant to say muslims are sand niggers, but im tired as fuck
Sorry but im a fucking faggot and care about my own and her safety
believe what you want my dude
Poles over here get blacked like it's no tomorrow, maybe Poles in Poland are different
what the fuck is that polish whore doing in norway though
how is she better than niggers, muslims, etc?
shit thread
Yeah Hans, and we have this saying that the only attractive females in Germany are polish.
Watch out though my norse friend. Slavic females are known to be money hungry whores. The hard earned cash that you've worked hard to get will be spent mostly on her.
more like the only women some sad polack could get with in germany, are other polish subhumans since nobody's really hyped to fuck with a poor plumber
Looks like your V4 application was revoked Helmut, enjoy being stuck with the western faggots and their "refugees" forever :^).
That depends entirely on the area and the genes they have.
Women don't get redpilled. I dated a woman like this once and after about 2 months the crazy started to come out. And she was truly crazy: tried to light my computer on fire.
Don't look for bro-tier qualities (watches sports, drinks heavily, avid deadlifter, "redpilled") in your girl. Unless you're into traps. Just don't.
Here's some pretty good video evidence of what OP is saying.
>Lives across the ocean
What daddy is is this broad running from?
He said Polish, not Swedish.
My observations as a burger are a bit different.
>Be Nord Stronk
>Sexually strong liberated woman
>Every girl is either a serial monogamous slut or is friends with benefits with all your buddies.
>Be 30, after gang banging army training done try to find wife.
>All woman want open relationship, or want to date Tyrone.
>Go to Thai massage parlor for 600 nok rub and tug.
>Get Take out fetish
>Order wife from Thailand
>Pretend kids are Finnish.
It is so easy to pump and dump chicks here. They are so "sexually liberated" they will fuck anyone for a fiskbuger.
What you said might be correct if you're talking about American girls. We are a product of our environment. An American girl GETS redpilled, in Poland red pill is the default and it's the bluepilled people that are the weirdos.
>Norway across the ocean from Poland
American education never ceases to amaze.
the only european women I fucked so far was two polish girls. I'm not joking. they always talked trash about polish guys which I don't like it because I don't respect sluts wherever they are from.
>Order wife from Thailand
>Pretend kids are Finnish.
How many do you have in (non eu) Norway? Probably not that many, lucky bastards.
Of the 60 million Poles in the world. Only 38 million are actually in Poland.
> v4 application
ayyyyyyyyyy LMAO
I might as well go be a plumber right now to experience your epic transformation into an only BORDERLINE 3rd world shithole
Catching and eating monkeys with your based asian cutie wife?
poles are subhumans , your halfbreed children will have to go back or into the oven my friend
> after 30
> didn't get married with a
We have the ovens and we may consider placing little western euro faggots like you inside one of them, right next to muslims
Make sure she isn't a joo though.
Check for AIDS
don't worry slav, you will be nr 10. once again , in the upcoming war , we'll only make sure to get rid of all of you this time
why burn coal when you can burn worthless slavs
kys slav diaspora, you have to go back
No, they're scum who breed with the enemy in my country. Kick them all out, Polish dogs.
Ignore him. He is proud polish patriot cleaning toilets in sweden. He is almost in every thread about Poland.
Keep wet dreaming
>my polish gf
lmao you sound pathetic as fuck
>he hasn't taken the Slavpussy pill
but yes don't forget this
Women don't get redpilled, period.
>He is almost in every thread about Poland.
And you're almost in every thread in which I am. Fuck off.
Poles are racist af and believe that there is a natural hierarchy of races:
Nordics (Germans, Norwegians etc.) > Central Europeans, i.e. Poles > Russians > Muslims > Niggers
Which is why OP's girlfriend has no problem sucking his cock while hating Arab immigrants.
Hope this helps.
polish whores are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to slavpussi, way to out yourself as some sort of inept turk who can't score top qt slovenians or russians
next thing you're gonna tell me is that ukrainian bimbos are worth my time
Suck my jewish dick xD
Across the sea. Happy now you pendantic power-sperg?
> pendantic
you can't even speak your own language, you illiterate tub o' lard
i thought poles should be cleaning toilets, why are they shit posting all over this board?
janitor applications are still open, if you hurry you can follow your destiny fagpoles
My gf is the same, but she is finnish.
The toilets aren't going to clean themselves, untermensch.
she's too dumb to understand the difference between sand nigger and plain nigger?
must be those mongoloid genes shining through, you two have a bright future ahead of yourselves, let me know when you figure out whether your child has downs or not
> mfw 3rd world village-states have fights with each other
Croatia, literal shithole. They reason you dont have a skitskin invasion is becuase it's too dirty and poor for them.
The fuck are you talking about?
Yeah Polish girls are the best
Herregud, vad fan for SJW cancer har du skickat mig?
>mfw Sup Forumstards see polish whores as some luxury
They can keep the fat and ugly ones.
Must be cultural. The greatet Chicago area has more Poles than Warsaw. At least 20% of those girls head Southside for action. Your shit is nowhere near as robust as you think it is. The minute one of you grows a $10b comany, globalism will come in and flatten you.
Autism confirmeds
White woman are a luxury at this point. The west is literally nigger land.
Obvious Albanian is obvious
this. Seriously what the fuck.
Could be worse desu, I'm mixing wirth a gypsy. :(
We're above you, you dumb cunt.
Men fan vilka kungar de är, sitter och kallar sig arier och talar om den negroida rasen - i svensk tv.
>All woman want open relationship, or want to date Tyrone.
Not true. Why are you lying?
>At least 20% of those girls head Southside for action
dumb meme
I live in Czikago and the only people that head soutside for action is spicks doing drivebys on the niggers
>you realize the iron curtain was to keep all those whores out of the west
Richest Pole alive has net worth $3B, his company is worth $7B
Not sure about womyn but Polish guys in here are bro tier.
my last gf was polish, looking to find another one ngl
>not yidish
that's a nice meme you got there, paddy
sadly in real-life Ireland is a massive shithole
>Tfw jungle gook
>Tfw 5'4
Maybe I should visit Finland.
>>Doesn't want our country (Norway) to be infested with muslim scum
She is only a guest
Finns are tall af my man
Polish girl in Poland are based, the ones outside are degenerates usually. Just shows that you had to downgrade in your own country seeing you were not able to aquire a girl from your own heritage. Pathetic.
Damn it's fucking provoking that sub-humans claim to be "just as Swedish as you" because of their passport
Fuck me, I assumed the Mongol genes would drag them down a few inches.
And the fucking literal Jews in the audience
how are portuguese so much shorter than spaniards
They might be predisposed to such behaviour. You should fuck them, but only for your enjoyment. If you reward people for betraying their homeland(Slavs) and joing your group(Turkish), this behavior will infiltrate and spread among your own group(Turkish).
You agree?
Just show that all the non Germanics are the butthurt manlets who always had to sperg out against the master race. We now know who destroys Europe over and over in their manlet fits. That's why they became liberal democracies first, small and inferior they pushed liberal ideas to equalize everything, just like modern leftists are doing to lessen their insignificance and justifying degeneracy. Spain already has a different color, seeing they also were fascist. Looks like 1,775 is the cutoff, also explains why Italy was always such a failure.
>manlets, when will they learn.
Women always follow what the herd tells them to, if the majority of a country says this, they'll say the same, because they have almost no critical thinking whatsoever, and cant risk being frowned upon in their herd (friend group).