A whitey hate thread a day keeps the ethno nationalist away
White people hate thread
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The comic is more anti German than anti white.
>implying there are any major white civilizations around still that are as relevant as Germany
>White people hate
>posts German hate
What did you mean by this?
>What is America?
inb4 56%
your stomach hurts,
you need to poo,
but i wont let you near the loo!
begone from here, young pajeet,
to the designated shitting street!
pajeet you bring shame on Greeks, sons of India
>go back to your loo and abort the caste system FFS, wtf it's rejected as beastly, it's a point of darkness in the Indo-European light.
please user. don't embarrass yourself any further.
>inb4 56%
it's 52 tyrone
Y'know, I've never seen a non-white contemplating if Traps are gay or not. Really makes you think desu
Traps are gay
>be poo
>60 iq
>post anti-german comic
>believe it's anti-white
>show everyone how fucking retarded you are
>poo in loo
Still better than a 0% white country, Pastanigger.
Your history is a lot easier
>Day 1: Cave man slips into a pool of his own shit
And the rest writes itself.
Traps are absolutely gay and anybody who disagrees is a faggot in denial.
cancel post, traps are gay
ok LeShawn
That's anti-German you dumb fuck poo.
a Brief History of the Importance of India
traps are not only gay, but fake
Hows the immigration problem going on?
Oh look it's the daily divide and conquer post by the (((proxy))).
Everyone on the right side is white though, pajeet.
Brazillians do it all the time.
Also black weebs
it's a problem, big one i won't deny, but not catastrphic as medias picture it.
it's way worse for istance in France, Germany and UK.
most of our niggers see Italy as an hallway to north, and our police can handle the situation
Hey poo in loo, why do you curry niggers always leave comments on pornhub.com videos? Do you realize our bitches would rather fuck zipper heads before you?
dont laugh you fucking sausage eater , you are the 4th migration wave (of which I'm the first, punk) of Indo-European migration from ... Indo-india. So silence and wrench-turn. Fucking lubricant.
>but I'm but. Shut up, I have an ancient language and understand the progression
You mean pakistan? Most of the river like 90% run in pakistan.
comon mane b serious
Fucking retarded if you knew the slightest bit about history.
1. Surely it was the sole fault of some idiotic barbarians that rome fell
2. Not Germany's fault alone
3. Luther never wanted the churches to split that's why it is called REFORMATION
4. WW1 was NOT started by Germany
5. Completely justified war, literally nothing wrong with invading Poland to regain our land.
6. Blame the Allies and their "denazifizierung".
Countries Pakistan (93%), India (5%), China (2%)
honestly ?
>was there a pakistan 5500 years ago ?
no comment , what can I say
Sorry id love to particpate but I have go go use my TOILET you should try it op
Traps should be fucking gassed