German men selling fatherhood to refugee women for cash, say prosecutors

German men selling fatherhood to refugee women for cash, say prosecutors.

In which category should we put this?

Cuckolds, con artists or just-german-things?


>Cuckolds, con artists or just-german-things?


>The pregnant women pay German men to claim fatherhood of their child, meaning the child automatically has a right to German citizenship and the woman obtains a right to stay in the country, prosecutors allege.

>refugee women buying germans to father their kids



These laws need to change

Its not their own children
(didnt read it, but the first line says: "In Germany it is legally possible for men to claim fatherhood of a child, even if they are not the biological father")

Why are they such fucking cucks? Im pretty sure they even open themselves to getting sued for child support. Whatever the woman is paying them probably isnt worth 18 years of child support

Wrong, they're claiming to be the father of someone else male kids.


Monetised cuckery topkek

Mother Fucking P.I.M.P.

Race-mixing level: ABSOLUTE

desu, aside from the race traiting elements, banging a based hot Muzzie is probably slightly better than dealing with the cancer of leftist SJW German Helgas.

And as long as the body is good, you can just get her to wear a veil without being offensive -- as opposed to asking Helga to put a brown bag over her head.

Although I suspect most of the "Germans" doing this are actually of the "tan" variety. Although I'm sure there's a few cucked white guys doing it.

How do """"refugee"""" women have money for that

I've got a great idea for you my German friend.


It is the only way to save your country from tyranny.

Oh in that case it's pure cuckery.

The only way it would make sense is if you could actually get sex from them and get them to submit to the jihad of your white superiority.

It's mostly hartz IV junkies leveraging their passport I guess.

>But Berlin prosecutors said on Tuesday that the system is being abused by female refugees and German men.
This is actually mildly amusing that German men have figured out how to exploit a system designed in favour of feminists.

It's unwanted for German men to knock up the Refugee women.

They don't like how the genetics line up that way.


They take it from taxpayers and give it to the refugees.
So basically:
1. Cuck works all day
2. 50% of his pay goes toward taxes
3. Government distributes free money to refugee women
4. Refugee women hire those same cucks to pretend to be their kids' fathers

For fuck's sake.
Germany again. And again and again.
That country must be erased.

Bet if the rapefugees were hot nubile 18 years old females who will do ANYTHING for a € the feminists would be marching for deportation and walls.

>"In Germany it is legally possible for men to claim fatherhood of a child, even if they are not the biological father
So wait... Being cucked to pay for your gfs son is actually illegal?

in France it's mandatory to be a cuck

What it means is its legal to adopt but German men have decided to sell the birthright of citizenship to female refugees.

The government should be applauding such altruistic thinking saving all those poor innocent refugees instead of punishing the refugees. Once again showing just how Nazi Germans really are. Germans should be more welcoming and accepting of refugees like those kind hearted German men.


>selling fatherhood to refugee women for cash
Can someone explain how this is possibly a good idea? Being a cuck or wanting a refugee wife you can at least somehow justify, but why on Earth would anyone do this for money?

When you declare yourself the father, aren't you from that point financially responsible for the child? Just how much money is worth taking the risk of getting screwed over by the same biased laws that allow you to pull this stunt in the first place?

Well its female refugees.
German politician only want male ones.

>how is this a good thing
No strings attached sale of rights.

Guy risks name in exchange for cash. Woman gets legal protection and the German state being strapped for resources (but magically has enough to police the internet for (((illegal opinions))) will not bother to check). Man gets cash and does a good deed, woman and child get to stay in Germoney, everybody wins.

The only loser is the cucked German government who is wondering how to stop draining its shekels into these refugees instead of to holocaust memorial funds.

These men are they ethnic germans or infiltrators with german citizenship.

It's probably not German men though, but tanned German men which are not actually German.