Germany invented communism and fascism - two ideologies that have killed millions of whites. Germany is at the heart of the EU - a union committed to the genocide of whites. Wtf is Germany's problem?
Are Germans naturally evil or just stupid?
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And they won't stop until every last GoodAnglo is dead or his bloodline completely corrupted.
The last cull on the European gene pool by the cantankerous KRAUT cost us the cream of our people. There will soon be none of us left
> Martin Luther
> Wilhem I
> Wilhelm II
> Hitler
> Now Angela Merkel
Tfw you realize Germany is ruining Europe for the fifth time
ANGLO here, with a message for you German 'people'.
The German created this mess.
It was you who divided up the Europe.
It was you who made Europe your puppet project.
It was you who invited the refugees on European ancestral lands..
It was you who allowed the Nazis to exterminate and enslave the Polish..
It was you who played geopolitical games with Italy and Japan during the war.
It was you who first introduced chemical weapons in warfare and unleashed them on the fields of Europe.
It was you who introduced unrestricted Submarine warfare, dooming thousands of sailors to their deaths.
It was you who created the Schlieffen Plan - causing the rape of Belgium and a long costly war that devastated the continent.
It was you who killed millions of children with your bombing of civilian populations.
It was you who massacred surrendering soldiers.
It was you who abused the Anglosphere's trust so much that they felt they had to attack your soil during 1939.
It was you who started an endless massacre of the Jews across all of Germany in retaliation against a small group that lived there.
It was you who invaded Poland unprovoked, destroyed it's infrastructure, massacred it's people, and left it in shambles in your wake.
It was you who started the campaign of extermination of Slavic population in occupied territories. Several thousand villages were burned with their entire population.
It was you who not only caused ANTIFA to exist, but allowed them to grow like a cancer unchecked.
It was you who destroyed the lives of millions of English and forced them to leave their homes and cities.
It was you who allowed Muslims to mass rape the women and men of Europe and allowed our culture to be subverted.
You are the cause of all of this. Still you go ahead and blame us for all these tragic incidents. I'm not easily triggered but shit like this makes me really mad. Its time for an ARYANDIED.
They need to be stopped. Why do they persecute us so?
I see Germany's little brother is jealous. I don't see German being a world language and I do't see German culture spread across the planet.
>Germans invented fascism
No, it is a mediterranean thing, the first protofascists societies like Sparta were mediterranean too
I love these D&C threads.
>le ebin D&C thread
le leaf HAHAHAA
am I doing it right?
Gibraltar is British
t. gyspsy butthurt he lost just as hard as Germany did
Good god, why don't you just hide your unintelligeable dribble?
Jews created communism, look up kibutz, you moron.
Krauts are a tad on a simple side, but I would choose them any day, any place, anywhere over polaks or other Slavs, let alone pakies and sandniggas.
Got to chose the battles to fight sprog
le eternal anglo
I'm participating
They persecute us because they are jealous. The ARYAN has made it his life's work to make sure every last GoodAnglo is blown to pieces by dive bombers or is drawn into their seedy ARYAN gangs to commit all sorts of vile depravities.
There is nothing a KRAUT loves more than to literally shit on an Anglo's chest. Is it their only form of sexual release. Do not let this happen to you.
i support you kraut bro
Their day is coming. The ARYANDIED is nearly upon us again. Time to prep the refineries.
Divide and conquer: the thread
more like..
Nu/pol/- divide and conquer: the board
>Germany proceeds to literally divide and conquer Europe - killing millions in the process and literally wiping out entire cultures, villages and communities
>We are the bad guys
Oh look, its another CRYPTO-ARYAN posting from America. There will be a time soon when not even the rocks and the trees shall not hide or tolerate an ARYAN any longer - and they shall cry out
"OH ANGLO! There is a KRAUT behind me! Come and take him!"
There is no race of people more depraved than the ARYAN-SAXON. They are a base and corrupt group of humans that relish in the destruction and degeneration of all other forms of life - wherever they go they must genocide - wherever they settle they must flood with foreigners.
If you are against the Anglo you are literally anti-white and anti-European. You should be ashmed of yourself.
well, (((they))) are running out of e-celebs to shill, i guess it's back to same old same old
Nobody cares what you have to say, Dietrich.
why are Anglos so tsundere? Come join the white man
>tfw Anglo-Aryan
>tfw you saw this guy post this anti-ARYAN thread yesterday
Ran away did we. ANGLO slime?
I've already reported you to the Blood Constabulary. They will be having a nice long look at your posts - with your admittance that a mongrelised ARYAN blood flows through your veins it will be easy getting the paperwork to have you refined.
Our centrifuges are excellent at separating the ANGLO from the ARYAN.
>Are Germans naturally evil or just stupid?
Both, they invented faceshitting to, it kind of represents the EU.
Enforced SJW on all courtiers, no freedom of speech, lots of immigrants pouring in every year, acceptance of terrorism.
Because of the EU Germany is the destruction of Europe.
Come. Join us.
lol, like EU is filled with white people, get a grip!
Ha! You fool! It is YOU who will be refined in the ARYAN ZEPPELIN blood refinery. A ZEPPELIN is already en route to your location and you will pay for your crimes, ANGLO filth!
You will pay for the aryan blood you have shed you monster.
>Come. Join us.
We are the Nordic race. North-Europeans (Northern parts of Germany, Scandinavia and the UK) was deemed better suited to rule based on our skulls by most eugenicists.
But we are diminished and our culture is constantly being attacked by the EU, the remnants of the DDR East-German state.
I doubt Europe as a whole will last much longer now that they have strangled the life out of populism.
I haven't shed any ARYAN blood, brother. I am ARYAN.
Resistance is futile, ARYAN.
the empire slumbers,it will rise again
fuck you anglo pieces of shit no better than kikes
come to think of it is there even any difference between a jew and an anglo?
Your flag shows your ANGLO BLOOD.
jews invented communism
germans invented national-socialism-thats diffrent than fascism
Yes, yes, continue to fight between yourselves, ARYANS. Before you know it you will both be bickering at the bottom of my CENTRIFUGE.
Germany is reductio ad absurdum, the country.
They can't help but take any ideology they come across to its eventual ridiculously puritan conclusion, and burn the whole thing down in the process.
Protestantism, Communism, National Socialism, and now the tolerance and diversity movements.
You are a race traitor ANGLO.
IT'S ALL LIES, HANS. IT'S ALL LIES. I've been held here against my will ever since I was born. I long to return to DEUTSCHLAND, to be with my kin. But the ANGLO captured my family, and I need to escape now before I get sent to the REFINERY.
According to this - you're barely human - more related to kitchen appliances than any living creature.
These words do not belong together.
Beady eyes, ANGLO lies
Muffled Aryan women's cries
Aryan children, big and small
Bomber Harris kills them all
Left, right, right, left
ANGLO sows the seeds of death
Not a stone is left to stand
When ANGLO flies across the land
After starting World War One
The ANGLO's work was still not done
So joining with the Pole and Jew
He made a new one: World War Two
To sate his thirst for Aryan blood
That he wanted, that he got
Now Dresden is devoid of cheer
Hans have fear; the ANGLO is here
Nice fabrication you piece of shit, the OG one says pole
It's ok. Soon British culture will just be Paki culture.
Anyone else get the vibe that that krauts are a reoccurring bond villain that continues to lose but somehow return to full strength for the next movie?
Once, I was known as Oswald Mosley.
Now I am Locutus of BEADY. I am the beginning, the end, the one who is many.
Resistance is futile. Your life as it has been, is over. From this time forward, you will service us. Dissolve your borders, lower your arms and surrender your countries.
We will add your biological and cultural distinctiveness to our own. Your people and their habits will be assimilated.
We are the ANGLO.. Resistance as you know it is over.
We won't turn you into an ANGLODRONE. You're much too valuable to us with your individuality intact, people of Sup Forums. But you've left humanity behind. Try to abandon their petty emotions as well. Fear... anger... vanity... They've corrupted you. But the damage can be repaired.
Look at our assimilated peoples: They've left behind their trivial, selfish lives, and they've been reborn with a greater purpose. We've delivered them from chaos into order.
We have drawn our power from thousands of races across thousands of regions, since long before you were created, but now, they are all ANGLO.
You question us about the ARYAN, but their biological and technological distinctiveness was unremarkable. They were unworthy of assimilation; Why assimilate a species that would detract from perfection? ARYAN sentiment. Compassion, guilt, empathy - they're irrelevant.
We only wish to raise quality of life for all species.
Why do you resist?
We've come to make you an offer: join the Commonwealth and we'll spare Sup Forums. This offer is non-negotiable. You like having friends, don't you? Assimilation turns us all into friends. In fact, it brings us so close together, we can hear each other's posts.
Prepare to be COLONISED.
>It's a Krauts getting butthurt and btfo by ANGLO suppremacy thread
Love these. Why do Germans get so asspained by brits?
Two world wars and absolutely top notch banter they can't fire back at.
There is one thing that a Kraut fears above all else - it is accepting responsibility for his crimes.
In the coming years, the number of ARYANS will dwindle to a trickle in their native country - those that are not outright corrupted by the endless flow of TURKBLOOD into their country will find themselves being bred in cloning tanks beneath Old Albion - to ensure Blood Harvests for many many more years to come.
Come one guys.. We all know that the anglo-sphere has been controlled by jews since the rothschild takeover of the bank of England in the 18th century.
Jews started both world wars. America had no place in either of them and we still were there... Why? Jews.
so what, you buried Europe's world dominance and Germans have a much stronger economy now.