Socialism is the only way to build a happy, classless society free of inequalities...

Socialism is the only way to build a happy, classless society free of inequalities. We must stop allowing top 1% to reap the benefits of our labour. For the many, not the few!

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Socialist societies aren't happy. Humans are naturally unequal. Socialist countries are not classless, they have two classes: the haves (work for the party) and the have nots (everyone else)

>Humans are naturally unequal.
>we are animals let's stay animals and not progress

You will never be as good with computers as bill gates. Stop being a faggot and accept the truth. Even if you "redistributed" (stole) all of his money and shares it out with your faggot friends he would still go back to being richer than you because he has the knowledge, skills and ambition to succeed. Living in a fantasy world will not help you

Go to your town centre and say out loud what you have written, OP. Don't forget to finish your last will and testament first.

>classless and free of inequality

>We must stop allowing top 1% to reap the benefits of our labour.

Completely agree. We must purge greatest enemy to the proletariat known as the Jewish class.

>Golden statues
Choose one and only one.

>What we need is a stateless society!
>Let's fire all those corrupt politicians and yes men!
>Now let's fill the government up with our own politicians and yes men!
>Ah, finally. A perfect, stateless society... Utopia achieved.

You're implying he wouldn't kill him. We all know the jealous commies kill their "oppressors". Bill would disappear and no one would be able to tell you where he went. All you'd know is his shit was stolen and now everyone else is 0.05% richer but everything is now 18.5% more expensive for some reason.

anyone got nudes of the statue on the left?

>For the many, not the few!

You're off by one letter.

You do realize when you start to oppress the rich they will just leave and then your country will just end up like argentina. Communist must be insane they keep trying to form this utopian sociaty yet every time the working class just pecome more impoverished and and opressed. Not to mention how easily authoritarian dicatators can claim power after the previus regime is toppled

And if people want to do this to just oppress the jews again its a pretty stupid way to do it.

All we have to do is Kill the Jews,everything will come back to order,naturally.

i hear there is lots of happiness in Venezuela these days


come on, don't commit national suicide, we need you to deal with the sand niggers

Here's what class society looks like.

And here's a classless. Spot the difference.

Well considering most communist countries constantly take away any form of vice, and take away your money (no spare income = no hobbies) yeeeeeeeah I don't think so.
The soviet union had many waves of prohibition periods, where alcohol was criminalized then decriminalised. This resulted in people huffing gas and eating the residue of toothpaste to get high.
Aside from that in China they prohibited owning pets or goldfish.
Not really. In every single communist system without exception there always is a form of class. as user pointed out here if you're connected to the party you get whatever you want but otherwise you get sweet fuck all.

>You will never be as good with computers as bill gates.

Bill was nothing super exceptional, he just got lucky by being in the right place and the right time, thus having an oportunity of buying DOS and reselling it to IBM.

THE BEAUROCRATS WHERE THE TOP 1% IN COMMUNISM. We should have gassed you!!

we did well as socialist states didn't we

> and take away your money
Not really in the USSR. People had enough money to buy stuff. But there wasn't much stuff because every shop's manager took 50% of the goods for themselves and their friends and relatives. 25% was spread among shop assistants and their friends and relatives. The rest was for other people. Needless to say, it resulted in kilometer-long(not even being ironic) queues for fucking everything.

>he just got lucky

Did you actually look at what you typed?
Ok then, usain bolt is fast and you're never going to be as fast as him so he'll be able to make money sprinting and you won't. Happy now?

This is what annoys me about political language.

Define socialism for me. Explicity outline what you want to happen in society. Do you want to take away people's money and property? Do you want to force people to work for the good of the community? What exactly do you want to happen? You can't just say "socialism" and be done with it.

Then place Steve Wozniak instead of Gates.

Equality can't exist.
By definition, it can't exist.

Humans, like chimps, like gorillas, like all other mammals, are hierarchical.

If you have a brother that is the same age, you're more likely to argue or fight that brother than if he was born 10 years before you. It doesn't matter if he's wrong, he's still older and very much more in charge.

Society is structured this way, and things can't be changed.

We let women have more rights. What happened, as a result? They complain more than ever; and we're not just supposed to obey the women, but all the gays and transgendered people too, because we have to fight for their freedom and equality.

We gave black people civil liberties, and then what happened? Black panthers, Black lives matter, several black terrorist groups, etc.

Progress is capitalist propaganda. The fact that socialism follows progress tells us alot about its origins. Marx's works was all based on the class struggle in a capitalist's context. It's basically capitalism revised.

If you take away money as a means for delineating class we'll just find something else. Human society is naturally stratified, there has to be a social hierarchy

You forgot that in each row of this, the lowest class is outsourced to another country.

>If you take away money as a means for delineating class we'll just find something else.
And this is bad? It's bad for it to be academic accomplishment, spiritual enlightenment, intellectual achievement, master craftmanship or artistry?

This is the exact point of a decent society - that there can be many parallel value systems, instead of just one. So human beings can be complex creatures that they are, not just a single number.

> m-muh outsourcing!
Workers from other countries get shit done with more benfits. Therefore, they should be hired. That's natural selection. Businesses are not charities.

You didn't understand.

>> and take away your money
>Not really in the USSR. People had enough money to buy stuff. But there wasn't much stuff because every shop's manager took 50% of the goods for themselves and their friends and relatives. 25% was spread among shop assistants and their friends and relatives. The rest was for other people. Needless to say, it resulted in kilometer-long(not even being ironic) queues for fucking everything.

That looks more of a problem with corruption and mismanagement. Definitely not a problem inherent in communism.