What was meant by this?


Other urls found in this thread:


You retards always blame Ontario for everything, it's Quebec that starts everything and Ontario that follows and influences the rest of the country

Canada was a mistake.


Wow, really surprised it wasn't moronto

I'd fuck



Dat almost sound like a nigger name.

>drag queen

WTF year is it?

I thought all the autists were 'trans' these days.

Drag queens are the hilarious cunts from the 70's-90's. I dont even see them in town anymore :(

"HIS" age? Wow I thought canadians were progressive bue I see not even a hero like Trudeau can stop blatant bigotry, sexism and prejudice. Canada needs to set the standard and stop this sort of hate speech from permeating their otherwise tolerant society.

Stop screaming at my rape baby you fucking leaf
That's the same thing for everyone in the world except your faggot world country

I think he's cute.

Who gives a fuck what a young boy does ? He's having fun

Why are you no life retards so triggered by everything

you're worst than SJWs

>Stop screaming at my rape baby you fucking leaf
Thank you, user.

*worse I meant

make Sup Forums libertarian again
I'm tired of these christcucks getting triggered and butthurt every time a man puts some make up

Jesus fucking Christ who gives a fuck
Go to Saudi Arabia if you want a society that controls how people dress and what they do in their free time

I'm tired of your bullshit you backward ass inbred retards

Because this is a young boy and this agenda to make the sexualization of young children okay needs to end.

>Who gives a fuck what a young boy does?
The Frankfurt school.

And dickheads like you empower them though supporting cultural marxism.

>Why are you no life retards so triggered by everything

Youre a fucking morron and degenerated, if youre NOT getting triggered by this.


>Lactate Ya
>8 Year old
>Drag Queen

the only thing Canada "deserves" is a Nuclear Holocaust, Inshallah

children are already sexualized you stupid retarded Christ-cuck
we were playing "doctor" with other children touching each other's private parts when we were 5
read a book on child psychology or something

your post makes zero sense

Kill yourself commie.

cool trolling dude, you totally got me. +1 Internets for you.

pat yourself on the back, or front, whatever.

More traps coming.

you are just like SJWs , you get triggered and you want your conservative safe space

fuck off

go to Saudi Arabia if you want to live in a society that enforces morality

this is EUROPE

you can be a bearded woman if you want here, and not get abused by anyone

this is what freedom is about

found the pedo

I'm studying child psychology you retard. This is far worse than some young boy diddling himself with another young girl. This is the process of changing what is considered the norm when it comes to age of consent. I'm not religious by any means but I draw the line when 8 year olds are being paraded around as little gay drag queens.

except I'm not trolling
children are sexualized already --- almost every boy that has a sister plays with her in inappropriate ways
ask any parent

it's just that prudes like you don't have the balls to admit it

I am of course against pedophilia, anyone who touches a child should be executed

but that doesn't mean children aren't sexualized already

read a fucking book



But he's a boy who likes to dress up as a whore? Not a boy who thinks he's a girl.

do you want to live in a country where you are told how to raise your children?

do you hate freedom?

I want to live in a country where if I my son wants to put make up and I let him, there's no problem with that

I'm really disgusted by you little people

is there a version of Sup Forums without you triggercucks ? we need a libertarian Sup Forums again

>I'm studying child psychology you retard
sure you are :)

This thread is going a little too well for my liking.

When people are *too* free, they become slaves to their own desires. Also, why the fuck do you think all things someone wishes to do are equally good for society and societal cohesion? That's the most stupid shit I've heard

>yet another young man who wont know shit from clay about the world because his parents failed miserably in their duty to raise him into manhood for no other reason than they wanted to posture on social media
yeah, being pissed-off about actual evil makes Sup Forums just like SJWs


Shut the fuck up
If Quebec and Canada are the same thing, then a white man and a Russian are the same
(They aren't)

You retarded European niggers keep coming here and going "wow Canada is more conservative than I thought, wait hunting and guns aren't illegal? Oh my god why are there people going to church it's 2017, wait why did that guy call that girl a whore who cares if she had sex wth three other men before him" Euro niggers are the worst

Yeah I'm sure it's just Quebec that elected faggot government not your entire """""nation"""""

kek not even Sweden is on your level so there's nothing to emulate.

>being this triggered

>Why are you no life retards so triggered by everything
>is triggered as fuck by this thread

No shit it's from Quebec. It's not like it's from fucking BC.

There's a community of French speaking people who live in Montreal, in the east end. They might take offense at what you're implying here.

>Drag Queen
>four times his age

Nigga u don't even know.

I guess Toronto's cancer has spread. Thanks Trudeau. Also I bet 6 million leaf bux that his parents are just fucked

day of the rake can't come soon enough

You are actually right... When I was very young I actually had quite lively sexual life (with other BOYS my age) but today I am straight and so are those friends.
But I was with friends my age and in this video he is clearly abused by grown up horny men which is just disgusting.

I'd like to take this opportunity to say I'm tired of having to click 8 - 10 captcha squares when 4 used to suffice.

I wanted to be a ninja turtle when I was 8

if it had been 2017 my mom would have bought me actual ninja weaponry and tattood my skin green

I don't care about Montreal
That's literally why Canada became shitty, we tried to copy Europe.

>I don't care about Montreal
But that's where the boy lives, and that community of French speaking people.

>almost every boy that has a sister plays with her in inappropriate ways
WTF, no they don't. Jesus no wonder you people are all so fucking ugly. I have two sisters who are 2 and 3 years younger than me, and I didn't diddle them when we were little. The fuck is wrong with you?

I agree
pls end it all

Lol! Good one bro!

Shut the fuck up you retarded faggot pedophile
If we killed or deported every retard French nigger from Canada our country would become a million times better

Looks like xey're saying zey want to fuck vim?
>You shouldn't arrest the henchmen, they're only following orders

You have the poise of someone many years younger than 18. You shouldn't be posting here.

If Quebec separated that would save you a lot of work then.

pretty sure having gay drag children is from the usa, not europe, since usa is the dark abyss from which all this shit started

You tell 'em!

It takes a village to raise a child.

A village that raises such a child as this should be burned down and seeded with salt.

No Quebec is ours, we rightfully gained it when we beat the euro homo versions of the french, Quebec belongs to Canada it's people doesn't, send them to Louisiana

Um wrong, America was way more religious than Europe and still is, in Europe you have ads on the bus of naked people, and Euro homos go to the beach in speedos or the women naked. You guys a sick atheist nation, it's no wonder the beast of the field is wiping you out, you walk contrary to God

I bet he thinks he's hot shit, doesn't he?

>Euro homos go to the beach in speedos or the women naked
>american education

>Um wrong, America was way more religious than Europe and still is
america lives on extremes, you have the mormon religious retard living next to the exploding muslim living next the the antifa overweight woman which is rising a 8 years old drag queen (which would be fucking condemned by everyone except the few twitter addicted philo americans)

the more i talk to americans the more i am utterly convinced you are all fucking retarded and your high schools are kindergardens

His parents should be whipped on the street for abusing him this way, allowing a faggot near a child should be a crime, a homo is always a pedophile and should be hanged

>what was meant by this

Western civilization is a cunt's hair away from collapse.

Huge debts/deficits only sustainable through MAD and the US's naval/air superiority. Manufacturing of essentials has been outsourced (for ex. a Chinese firm won the contract to build a fleet of new subway trains for Boston - US citizen tax dollars literally being given away to other countries, lowering the money in circulation in the US) reducing the hard skills/productivity/purchasing power of the West. People only care about virtue signalling, driven by young, rootless women (see Pride parades and how it's encouraged by waves of fag hags).

To cut this post short: our debtor nation is socially collapsing into obscene hedonism with a complete break from economic reality due to our military superiority. The cities & rural areas are at complete odds with each other, with city degenerates literally blowing a gasket when Trump, a relatively moderate Republican, became elected and are seeking to further disenfranchise rural Americans - who comprise the military. The collapse won't be a foreign invasion, it will be when the funny money runs out, when rural voters are completely disenfranchised by coastal media socialites, and the military comprised of rural/inland Americans stages a coup to reestablish order after a soft-Marxist government takes the reigns and crashes the economy.

I'm not American, I'm Hungarian

Western society collapsed at the end of the Great War, perhaps not financially but we have morally and spiritually

says the leaf

That isn't a kid, it's a fetish for a gay man. Its invites people into lifestyles. People aren't usually bad until temptation taints their decision making. For a drag queen 8 year old to be in the same target pool for a gay dude opens up potential for a lot of people getting therapy and meds their whole life

Damn,we did good when we get out of leafland .

Get sodomized by a pizza paddle Giuseppe.

>cunts hair away
okay what state are you from, who the fuck talks like this.

A liberal atheist

I don't give a fuck about your opinion leaf, not what I asked.

It's not an opinion, it's a fact dumbo liberal atheists are ruining this board, I think about 75% of Sup Forums is liberal now

Have you not been in construction/manufacturing? It's used all the time - I've heard it in the North East & Midwest, so definitely not a regional thing.

and i am canadian

go get some food stamps laquisha tyron jonson

I can picture a ginger with scragly hair who wears a bowler derby and skinny jeans from Upper Manhattan, who is trying to break the fucking cool scale by mixing in British slang with their everyday uber speak. Because uber wasn't a fucking thing until Buffy the Vampire Slayer made it a fucking thing 20 years ago.

Ok. Then get sodomized by a pizza paddle moose fucker.

doesn't he get bullied in school or what?


What. Am I supposed to say this is a progress, a great achievement, something that will lead us to a greater future? No. I can't.

This is pure perversion. Most 8-Year-Old girls don't even wear make-up and act like women. They're kids for Christ's sake. And this one will have a hard time growing up because his parents decided some day to be the most progressives in town and dressed him as a fucking drag queen claiming that this is normal and his own decision.

How the fuck is this praised in the media and even allowed in the first place? That's parental abuse.

>British speak
>a phrase regularly used by machinists/carpenters across the US

Well I guess it's officially time to leave nu-Sup Forums to the unemployed LARPing teenagers that infested it.

Negative, I've worked at hotels my entire life, thanks for the reply
heh, that, that's sort of seems oddly spot on.

How is this legal? Isn't this child endangerment or something? Surely some sort of case could be brought. I know Canada is cucked to fuck, but come on!

thank god you will never be a father , no father would want to have his son put on makeup or be a fag , all the fathers that say "ye its okay my son is gay" are actually REEEING mentally.

go back to PLEBBIRT.

This is mandatory now if you dont want the state to take your kids away

>do you want to live in a country where you are told how to raise your children?
That's literally Canada.

First off, Quebec IS Canada as it was founded by it. Some retards move west and now claims it THEIR Canada. Well fuck off, it's not. You just a bunch of hypocrites claiming muh free speech but wanting to shut everyone else up.

Why don't you go suck on a witch's teet?

>child endangerment
How? Personally I think parents should have zero influence on their child's sexuality either way. If he likes to wear pink and wear girls clothes, let him. Same the other way, don't force a girls to play boy sports if she doesn't want to.

Otherwise, how is it endangerment?

I fear for our society. This has got to be stopped, good god

>8 year old boy

Trust me, this is not only in Canada. Britain, France and the US are way more progressive.

There is no way back. Take the black pill.
End us all. Omnicide is the only way now.

I've tried, but every time I go to the check out line with a book about child incest, the librarian gives me this wierd look.

Post more Japan, we need you in these dire times



don't bomb them they said, it's terrorism they said
