Owe way more than I can pay back to the bank

>owe way more than I can pay back to the bank
>they keep calling me every now and then telling me that I have to pay
>feel stressed out
>call the bank and announce that they can shove my loans up their ass
>3 months later, nothing has happened
>life's good again

Anybody else living debt free?

Other urls found in this thread:


>be me
>few years back
>live in Sudetland
>buy food in Germany because it's cheaper and better
>see Muslims in a supermarket
>throw pig meat in their market wheele or how is it called
>we bought some food
>leaving hearing Arab screaming at their child for putting the pig meat on their wheeler
>evil face on kid

why don't you just tell the bank a random phone number from germany?

Based don't pay a single cent to those jews

>go to university
>build up some student debts.
>get a job.
>pay back debts before making any big purchases like houses/cars/etc.
>live debt free so I don't have to pay interest and nobody can nag me.

Because Greece's real problem isn't paying back existing debts.

They are addicted to borrowing more money every year.
They NEED banks to pay for their welfare state.

story of you needing a loan?
start a business? what was it?
buy a house?

>living debt free

Jew or not, agreeing to the terms of a loan and then when things go south you bail on your end makes you sound like a pussy or an idiot

Fuck it. I heard there's a loophole that says since money isn't technically real they never loaned you anything so you don't owe them anything

Your bank contacted me and i'm coming in july to take your shit boy.

They invented the money they loaned out with a couple keystrokes on a computer. The bank isn't out anything if you don't pay.

own 3 properties, debt free, make enough on rental returns to live comfy and travel the world.

Then why the fuck are you posting from south Africa? Gtfo of there before you're killed bigger!

>have 27k student debt (engineering)
>graduate, live with cheap rent craiglist roommate for a little under a year
>live off my savings, eat at gf's house, parents help me out and get me food every few weeks so I spend ALL my paychecks on student loans
>tfw paid off student loans in 11 months

Great feeling. Now I just save, invest, and live. I really cant believe that people will voluntary live out of their means and off of credit because they dont know any better

This is unacceptable, goy.
Pay back your loan immediately or you'll be hearing from my lawyer brother.

pfffft. as if south africa can fall.

...we don't have welfare

lies golden dawn hands out food weekly

Ναι! Μπράβο αγόρι μου, μην πληρώνεις τίποτα. Πάρε εσύ τα δανειάkια σου να αγοράσεις kαι αμάξι, kαι διαμέρισμα, kαι διαkοπές στη Χαβάη. Θα σου τα πληρώσουμε εμείς που δουλεύουμε λεβέντι μου.

Το γαμάτο δε είναι ότι θα νιώθεις kαι υποχρέωση στους Γερμανούς, λες kαι αυτών τις kαταθέσεις θα kουρέψουν για τη διkιά σου μαλαkία.

>...we don't have welfare
Is this what Tsipras said to Merkel?

Based. Fuck kikes

they did that once for PR
there is literally no welfare in greece
if you're unemployed for too long you get around 450€ for a year every month and that's it. After that it's 35€ per month for a year for only a specific and limited amount of people

hits is why the muzzies don't want to stay here

tsipras is a pussy kikelover

>be a nigger
>boast about it

Is this the Greece, Cradle of Western Civilization, I kept hearing about? Perhaps it's time to start picking Atlanteans in Age of Mythology.


>defending the bank

what is this bank address? we can use it mediterranean brother

>yfw nobody would even give you money so you could owe denbts

A loan is nothing more than an agreement that you can honor or renege and nothing more.