Fix europe in 5 words or less.
Fix europe in 5 words or less
Other urls found in this thread:
Polish death camps
Kill all niggers jews and
Nuke fucken everything
Embrace diversity and become Brazil
Close Borders Form EUSSR Federation
Deport refugees. muslims, ban islam
Grow a fucking spine dumbasses.
restore original purity to land
Kill all the sand niggers.
Do not turn into America
Deport immigrants and close borders.
I mean it won't solve everything but still, that's a good start.
Reduced welfare state, remove kebab
build a razor wire fence
Stop Kraut from ruining everything
Become nationalist, kick out kebab
Man up
Refugees not welcome
Remove kebab
censor those online trolls haha
gas the kikes race war...
Polish Nazis invade germany
Never let women vote again
Deportation Extermination EU Out
Quickly, glass the whole Europe.
Cut the social benefits
Everyone gets a free puppy
And then Pooland loses again and gets it shit pushed in like always
We'll help you to get Lwow back if you don't invade us.
a shiny coin for the swell lad
stop women
Kill all the Marxists
Once they're gone, the other problems pretty much solve themselves.
Nuclear eradication of sandniggers / blacks
Ban Soros.
kill all the brown "people"
kill it with fire
Stop demoracy and start fascism
You are a big guy
Scorched earth and then rebuild.
Nuke them and try again
More communism and speech freedom
Go back to Best Korea and stop leeching off Japanese welfare, zainichi.
> communism
> freedom
Pick one.
Bring back Adolf Hitler immediately
Nuke Paris, Bruxelle and Berlin
Kill Germany. Kill France. Unify.
you have to go back
Rescind the female vote, indefinitely.
Kill all refugees and leftists
Shut it the fuck down
God not Municipal Waste....
>this includes Russia
Oh fuck, get out chink from the far east!
Communism is an economic policy, no reason can't have speech freedom
Not zainichi
Accept that hitler was right.
Mandatory sex change for everybody.
Prosecute leftist activists for treason
no immigrants, no problems
Remove female voting rights.
Saracen go home, Dues Vult.
indeed, women voters are the worst thing for civilization
Kill all the non whites.
Refugees not welcome. Go back.
The Black Plague Strikes Again.
>Fix europe in 5 words or less.
Can do one better
Remove kikes, niggers, and liberals.
Back to lakemba habib
Rape the cuck outta you
Kill all leftist faggots/Jews.
>fix Europe using words
Just fire that fucking bolter
come, I will show you
final solution
keep the other three words
Remove Browns so to speak
>Reduced welfare state
Fuck off Jew
Arbeit Macht Frei
nuke Australia
Drop some bombs on them
>White genocide.
Done, world war 3 averted. Pax Islamica can commence.
explain yourself, why is being anti-welfare being jewish?
Because it undermines our society in which we have great trust in each other and the authorities.
That is literally what the Jews want to change with the Muslim invasion of Europe.
Gas The Jews.
Jail all the Mason criminals.
welfare undermines society by taking from the productive members and giving to the layabouts. Free government gibs is the main reason so many "refugees" from africa and the middle east come to europe.
non white genocide
no laziness, no need to hire foreigners for lower paid jobs, no immigrants, no problems
Federal European Union.
>Communism is an economic policy, no reason can't have speech freedom
You need to remove the freedom of speech to stop people from talking about how shitty communism is.
Consider sudoku
Just fucking nuke it already
The nanny state reduces people to mindless zombies.
It replaces the national solidarity with the obedience to the state which can destroy you anytime by taking away your gibs.
It's private charity's job to take care of the weak.
Very simple and effective method
Drop sandniggers in volcano on iceland