Is there anything wrong with hedonism?

Is there anything wrong with hedonism?
Are there any convincing arguments against moral nihilism and the pursuit of pleasure?

Other urls found in this thread:

hedonism is degeneracy
degeneracy is death

Wow, great argument.

Sin is Slavery

Well, I guess not. But it appears to me that the world is built in such a way that if you do not follow some kind of moral law, and by moral law I don't necessarily mean religious morals or anything like that, the amount of time you get to spend in hedonistic bliss might be limited. I would ask you which is better, endless pleasure for 30 years of life, or moments of pleasure spaced out throughout 80 years of life? If you drink fuck and do drugs with reckless abandon you might not have a very enjoyable life further down the road. Also, I wouldn't overlook the joys of doing things traditionally taught by various moral frameworks such as hard work, being generous and kind to others, and living life in monogamous relationship with someone you love and raising a family.

the path of excess leads to the palace of wisdom, or you just degenerate into an animal

>lol so what if I die, it's my life
then why make a thread asking for opinions? fuck off and literally die.

>hard work, being generous and kind to others, and living life in monogamous relationship with someone you love and raising a family.
All hedonistic. You do those things primarily because it brings you pleasure.

>hard work is hedonistic
>monogomy is hedonistic
oh, we're being trolled then.

There is literally nothing wrong with pursuing every last bit of happiness in this world.

You seem to have a false view of what hedonism is.I prefer monogamous relationships to casual sex because I enjoy the strong bond that is formed between me and my partner. It brings me pleasure. More pleasure than I get from casual sex. I pursue pleasure.

Working hard provides me with money. I like money. Money also gives me pleasure.

You don't need to drink, do drugs, and fuck anything that moves every day to be a hedonist.

so hedonism means nothing then, it's whatever you happen to choose anyway, got it.

go on with being a degenerate, you didn't come here to change your mind, you came here to read a couple of posts that agree with you so that you can continue with being a degenerate.
while you're "pursuing every last bit of happiness" ahmed is having 5 kids and waiting for germans to slowly die out. why are you even on Sup Forums in the first place?

>while you're "pursuing every last bit of happiness" ahmed is having 5 kids and waiting for germans to slowly die out. why are you even on Sup Forums in the first place?

Why would I give a single fuck?
I'm going to be dead someday anyways.

>you will never have kids to carry on your legacy
>you are worthless to society
>you allow your enemies to walk all over you and humiliate you
>all for meaningless pleasure
life isn't meaningless unless you declare it meaningless. snap the fuck out of it and see what the zog machine has done to you, YOU FUCKING LEAF!

No, go inject heroin, it will work out just fine.

you're dead already, only you're not aware of it. when your body dies it's gonna be just a formality, your soul is long gone.

Why does any of that matter?
Give me an actual argument to work with.
Why is any of that virtuous or good?
Why is life not meaningless?
Not an argument.

Hedonism is the opposite of marriage as the betas and omegas won't be happy that their bitch is fucking other men.

And marriage and the nuclear family are core cells for civilisation. So if you like living in a civilisations and enjoy all the comforts beyond mud huts, hedonism is bad for you, and your sister.

Why should civilization continue?
How is any of this of value?

Why should I not Kill you or rape your loved ones while you watch tied up? Answer.

Why wouldn't you?
There's nothing morally wrong with it.

In all seriousness, it will destroy your life and harm those around you. Hedomism means pleasure above all. That means you'll be doing drugs and eating shitty foods and masturbating and fucking all the time. Does that sound like it would be fun past like year 3? Your body/mind would be completely broken.

>t. land of dog fuckers

It's simple.
The majority of people decided that certain behaviours created suffering and they didn't like it.
So, because they didn't like sufference they created laws that evolved to protect themselves from things they didn't like.

>give me a logical reason not to abandon reality and hide within my vices
the pleasures of hedonism is only an illusion. a chemical inside your skull. continuing your people and building upon society can give you another kind of pleasure but also bring humanity to a deeper understanding of the universe down the road, and give more people in the future the ability to enjoy pleasures in life, rather than just you shooting up heroin all day in an alley.

Because it offers better housing, medicine, healthcare, entertainment technology etc.

If you quantify pleasure, a civilised person living to the age of 80 will have experienced a higher amount of it than a hedonist caveman living to the age of 45 and raping some sluts.

I mean, that doesn't even matter. Hedonists pursue pleasure RIGHT NOW, and short term pleasures don't translate to long term happiness. Examples include STD's, unhealthy foods, drugs, alcohol, smoking, gambling etc. Overall, people leading a hedonist lifestyle grow bitter sooner or later and suffer in their own fat body. If you want to self actualise, as humans would, it is not an option in favour of long term happiness/pleasures.

The real question is, does hedonism satisfy you?

Why should I, as an individual living in an advanced society, care?
In all likelihood I will have no lasting impact on the world, most people won't. In fact, nobody will. Everything is going to be destroyed some day.
And hedonism doesn't only include short term pleasure.

Temperance and chastity is directly correlated with lifelong happiness and success

Epicurian hedonist reporting in.
Hedonism is not just about seeking pleasure, that road leads to decadence and death.
You must also seek to minimize suffering.
One might find pleasure in drug abuse or heavy drinking, but suffers when withdrawal occurs. A hedonist would either learn moderation or avoid those situations that cause misery.
Hedonism is not in itself degenerate, irresponsible pleasure seeking is.

"Moral nihilism" and "the pursuit of pleasure" are contradictions. Either pleasure is good, or it isn't. If it's good then moral nihilism is false; if moral nihilism is true, then pleasure isn't good. You can't argue for hedonism if you're a moral nihilist.

what are you actually doing here?

You achieve nothing from it and society collapses, always.

Hedonism is the pursuit of pleasure. So pleasure = a moral "good". What brings pleasure is subjective. If someone finds pleasure in murdering a leaf, is Hedonism bad?

the pursuit of productivity and self improvement is where the morals are at. anything less is a waste of time and energy. people became convinced self destruction was fun and we've been on a downward spiral ever since.

As a man, you should fuck as many women as possible. It's your biological imperative so there's nothing wrong with it.
>le slippery slope
Not that hard to draw a distinct line.
Faggotry, pedophilia, drug abuse, etc. should be punishable by death.

>you will never have kids to carry on your legacy
Name your ancestor who was living in around, let's say, 1700. You don't know? Cool, so he has no legacy, just a cuck son who don't even remember him.
>you are worthless to society
I don't owe a shit to society and pay for services the society provide me.
>you allow your enemies to walk all over you and humiliate you
I don't know, they usually end up on the ground in such case.
>all for meaningless pleasure

Your entire existence is based on pleasure and maximizing it, it's about what your brain associates with pleasure.

>And hedonism doesn't only include short term pleasure.
All right, there's a disconnect here. Here are some examples of hedonistic behaviour to my understanding:
>A female that pursues pleasure in her college years, does drugs, gets drunk, gets tattoos, takes 30+ dicks annually including threesomes, drinks sugary drinks from Starbucks and eats burgers.

If she:
>Eats balanced, lifts and runs, doesn't drink/od drugs/get tattoos, remains in a monogamous relationship which she subsequently marries to, gets a PhD because she enjoys it, works in her home consultancy because she enjoys it, reduces her weekly hours to teach part time and raise the children because she enjoys it etc.
She would have lived happy, pleasurable life, but it's a different kind of pleasure.

Do you agree with the following?
Dopamine happiness = hedonism
Serotonin happiness =\= hedonism

If you understand serotonin hapiness sad hedonism, then we agree fully, I guess. It's about management of instant burst vs. chronic pleasure, and I'm in favour of the latter.

Yeah it produces nothing and wastes everything.

Yes simply, its fun.

No matter how moral you are of how self improved you are it doesn't mean shit in the end and no one will remember you. Your country will be overrun by niggers and sand heretics and your culture also will be forgotten no matter your efforts to the contrary.

So live it up while you can.

It depends. Hedoism typically diverges into two parts: the persuit of pleasure(Aristippean), and the relief of pain( Epicurean)

The problem with pleasure as a goal set is that pleasure is subject to equilibrium and diminishing returns. So, the problem/solution becomes vague like as in most utilitarian-like system.

For those avoiding pain, the problem becomes more of how this sort of system puts you at the mercy of outsiders. Before Christian Rome the empire had Epicurean communes where people lived amongst friends, spent their days attempting things they enjoyed, and otherwise contributed to their life. They were easily take over and converted to monasteries.

I'll tell you why you are wrong.

because lacking an objective morality and being an actual hedonist is anti human.

Life becomes about the pursuit of pleasure. Maybe for you, your morals are mirroring western Christian morals because of culture, but for others, it could mean child sex slaves, it could mean you abandoning your family in the future when pleasure is no longer as potent.

Then, at a higher level, things become utilitarian, happiness and pleasure are now the primary focus life. You can now justify the unthinkable because of "the greater good". In many ways, the democratic super states have moved in this direction or at least attempted to. A cold dead machine only obsessed with happiness, attempting utilitarian ideals is a death path.

And what if utilitarians and hedonist were successful? A life full of nothing but pleasure? What about the trials and suffering that forge the human spirit? What about honor, duty and faith? I happen to find these traits to be more impressive then someone seeking out pure happiness.

Hedonism in the end, takes all the beauty and grace out of life. It lacks dignity, reducing humans to livestock.

>not realizing that short term pleasure warps your reward system that you no longer pursue long term goals
>not realizing the (((elite))) want you to pursue hedonism.

>bring humanity to a deeper understanding of the universe down the road, and give more people in the future the ability to enjoy pleasures in life

This is the meaning of life.

>Is there anything wrong with hedonism?
you answered your own question:

>Why would I give a single fuck?
>I'm going to be dead someday anyways.

You hedonistic faggots don't care about anything outside of yourselves, which makes you pathetic, small minded morons who will never contribute anything useful to society. A society full of you idiots will not be able to function properly and will slowly collapse under its own weight.

We are a society full of hedonistic pea-brains and this is why we are watching ourselves die the slow death of degeneracy, even being fully aware that our society is dying, and still not giving any shits about it because we are hedonistic shitheads who don't care because it doesn't concern us.

you're probably one of those dudeweed faggots who voted Trudeau because he promised gibsmedats

The main reason is because by itself is unsustainable. Hedonist lifestyles can be held because the work and stoicism of other people, (the family of the hedonist or society and a welfare system). Maybe in a world of unlimited resources and easy life there would be no problem (this is how a lot of people picture heaven), but this doesnt exist irl. If everyone was an hedonist society would go to shit easily.

Hedonism diminishes willpower. Not only will you not be able to achieve the same level of happiness (real happiness involves stability and long term fulfillment) that a normal person would have, but you won't even be able to enjoy the the more shallow levels of happiness you get as much as a normal person would either. It fucks up the calibration of dopamine and the reward centers of your brain

Hedonism is for niggers

>Persue pong term goals
That's literally what hedonism is

Your a moron. Lol degenervy your mentally ill

>Are there any convincing arguments against moral nihilism and the pursuit of pleasure?

Let's see...

Genital warts
Human Papilloma Virus

Shall I continue?...

God damn that was deep

Hedonism is the opposite of pursuing long term goals. Hedonism is the pursuit of pleasure and gratification in the moment, which doesn't lead to true long term happiness. The proper way to do it is to sacrifice the present so that you will have greater happiness in the future. And the eventual present will be better since you sacrificed the past, so not only will you get the fruits of the past sacrifice, but you will also get fulfillment from sacrificing for the future. Sacrifices are like an investment. Hedonism is like a nigger who spend all their money right away on worthless materialistic items

Whiny cunts on hear always talk negatively about hedonism but they'd always be the first to participate lmao...


If everyone pursued only pleasure, civilization could not function. Someone needs to sacrifice SOME pleasure for the good of society.

that was really good

No, it literally means the pursuit of pleasure. There are descriptive and prescriptive theories of hedonism: the former states that everything we do is in the pursuit of pleasure, and the latter states that everything we do should be in the pursuit of pleasure.

>Is there anything wrong with hedonism?
Not if you enjoy having diseases like AIDS.

Completely self serving. Consuming resources and offering nothing back to society. Essentially a leech on the wiener progress.

*the wiener OF progress.


very redpill bro

There are no arguments because tropism is a biological, not a rational, process.
The envelope for individual/collective development is between the extremes.
An argument could be offered for expanding the envelope the same way contrast is expanded to make better images.
But what difference does it make if you are not the body anyway?
Voluntary control the envelope regulates development of organisms, that is all.

Logically, it makes sense that individuals work in their own interests

Logically, it makes sense for societies to group together and exclude individuals that don't work for the society.

The problem with modern societies is that they're all about altrusim and helping people outside of their own societies. This is a privilege of prosperous societies in that they can be altruistic and help others. The modern person is brainwashed into thinking this is a good thing even though in supporting foreign societies you're enabling foreign powers with different histories, cultures and values to gain power and ultimately they will challenge yours.

Thus, society should remove you hedonist.

Do you honestly believe that if a girl becomes accustomed to having trains ran on her that she will even remotely be able to be sexually satisfied by one man? I don't. This leads to one of two things in the long run. 1. An open marriage (i'm not going to go into the merits/problems with this) or 2. a cheating spouse and eventually they will be caught and a divorce will ensue

This breaks down the traditional family structure and creates a less than optimal environment for the child (assuming they have children/marriage at all). With case 1 the kid can sense something is wrong. With case 2 the kid is being raised by half a family.

Aside from that STDs, imo a partial loss of your humanity as you become so desensitized to things that you no longer feel what you would have felt otherwise, and eventually you will just end up chasing the dragon as you do with any other vice.

bretty gud

You're really reaching with that one

I wonder that too. Does it become a need rather than a want after a certain point?

adding to case one: I realize that parents can have lives outside of their children, however, depending on the amount of orgies, out of marriage dating, whatever, it can be a big time sink away from the actual family unit. At some point this can cause case 1 to be similar to case 2 where the child is only being raised by half of a family.


Western Europe today. That is the only argument you need.

That dude is fucking based.
Here is the full talk.

The question is OP, Do you control yourself, or are you a slave to your passions?

you will think different of it when you can feel nothing
and besides all that it reduces your autonomy

There are no arguments against something that is the product of nihilism. By definition almost. There is no basis to argue for morality when you reject the concept.

The only argument is probably self-contained in the principle alone, and that is: are you sure the pure unlimited pursuit of immediate happiness is going to make you happy in the long run? Play your cards well.

People do stuff cause they want that sweet happiness hormone (endorfins?), but making it a fucking cult and going for extremes is retarded.

>Because it offers better housing, medicine, healthcare, entertainment technology etc.

Ironically for Sup Forums at least, this is all materialism. Esoteric, anti-modern right wing philosophies are frequently about serving transcendental ideals. If civilization is good because of the material comforts it offers, then the right winger is sitting in the same camp as the socialist really, they're just in disagreement about what makes the most prosperous civilization.

Also adding to stage 1. Is the hedonistic life style detracting from your marriage? Do you fight over who gets to go fuck other people while the other stays with the kids? Is your primary sex life outside the marriage? If so, do the parents show each other a normal amount of affection in front of the kids? If not, will the kids develop a fucked up love map?