Why are there so many women in Biology? Unlike psychology it's a real, hard science. According to Sup Forums women avoid real science. Pls explain.
Why are there so many women in Biology? Unlike psychology it's a real, hard science...
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Because daww cute animalhorses
>According to Sup Forums
Sure, they become vets but biology is mainly studying cells in a lab.
It's softer than Chemistry, which is softer than physics, which is softer than engineering or mathematics.
Women chose the softest possible option among the real practical or applied sciences.
Because feminists think that hard sciences are privileged over soft a well defined and structured science is problematic because they can't be wrong and still say their method works
>physics, which is softer than engineering or mathematics.
I wouldn't say physics is softer than engineering, seriously depends on the exact field though.
>physics softer than engineering
nigga please
As a chemical engineer, I'll tell you right now biology is for stupid people who want to look smart, so they get a degree in biology, and end up being zoologists or some shit and call it biology.
In engineering you actually have to be creative from time to time.
Oh shit, here we go. The fucking chicken or the egg argument is about to commence.
Least amount of math
It disgusted me as a bio major how many "scientists to be" hate math.
Ended up getting a BS in Bio, getting a masters in CS (where it still surprises me how weak many are in math)
As a bioinformatician I'd say that they are smart but just can't code. They know a lot about their lab shit but somehow python and R are too hard for them.
Our of all the sciences it's the one with the most memorization and least criticso thinking
Also animals being cute or some shit
I wasn't sure of the correct order regarding the two, I counted on the fact that physics includes quantum mechanics which is unknown, fuzzy and strange, I guess probability is hard, but the fuzziness is soft, hence the order that I went with.
plz don't criticize me, anons, I am sorry
>many women in Biology
maybe they want protect their mind from leftist propaganda where everyone can be anything and anyone.
Most of the shit women do in biology is bullshit. Fucking bird watching and deer counting isn't exactly difficult.
Biology isn't sacred from social justice here in America. Teachers at my university couldn't even teach you about how "1 chromosome comes from mom, 1 chromosome comes from dad" when referring to diploidy. Professor had to use gender-neutral pronouns and mistakenly implied that the chromosomes are equal in every way (accidentally suggesting incest, based on your interpretation)
You think there is no leftist propaganda on campusses regardless of the department?
Oh wait! I live in Poland.
Never mind.
>medicine is for idiots
- Sup Forums 2017
So, I take it you're a physicist who realized how hard it is to get a steady job b/c you work off contracts, so you went into biology?
Nowadays there is a lot of women in science. My gf is chemist, her laboratory boss is woman too
>I wasn't sure of the correct order regarding the two, I counted on the fact that physics includes quantum mechanics which is unknown, fuzzy and strange, I guess probability is hard, but the fuzziness is soft, hence the order that I went with.
I wouldn't really say «fuzzy» means it's soft, quantum mechanics requires a fair bit of abstract thinking, unless you're simply talking memes, which is like the whole "i love science" meme - oh hey, did you know the double slit -- yeah, not a complex thing, but the phenomenons behind it are more complex. So I'd say the thing with quantum mechanics is that, like all science, it's been dumbed down in presentation by and for the masses, but actual quantum mechanics I wouldn't call soft.
Reminds me I should really start digging into the quantum mechanics problem textbook thing I bought.
From what i saw ... biology is mainly washing test tubes.. women are evolved to wash dishes.. thank you!
Pic related, pretty mathematical.
women in biology is a joke.
>Be me in college about 5-6 years ago.
>work as research assistant in lab
>need to decapitate mice in order to study their brain
>Primary Investigator tells me a student wants to start research and asks me to train her
>show her how to decapitate mice and how to dissect it
>she has a disgusted look on her face the whole time
>she never returned to the lab again
>she probably still put research assistant on her resume/post grad applications
Nah. I realized that being a good programmer makes you a god in Biology.
All the sexism on Sup Forums really makes me want to kill myself
>Energia interna este data de relajia
Ah, foreign language, my old enemy. I can solve equations all day, but another language slightly different from my own will ruin my fuckin streak. I got straight A's in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology throughout High School, but never got better than a D in French class.
You should
Kek, honey make me a BLT, uh, I mean a PCR.
This is not real sexism. Just a little boys try to dominate women in internet while they can't do it in real life
Biology is the easiest of the sciences.
t. female with a BS in biology working as a medical lab technologist.
women in science is a gigantic meme that will soon be forgotten
what is wrong with ""sexism""?
Women are just worse at certain things then men, you need to accept reality dude.
>study biology
>deny it anyway at the next Transracial Genderqueer meeting
Maybe you should care how many of them actually finish that biology course.
Not gonna do it, I don't want to hurt my family
In biology you get to do gardening and play with fluffy animals, both things women enjoy. And it's pretty much the softest real science there is.
linked this thread to sci for n+1 zozzles
Biology isn't a hard science anymore, not now people literally believe chopping off your cock magically turns you female.
What's that? Can't hear you over that angry quiff out of your cunts, roasties
>people literally believe chopping off your cock magically turns you female.
Only the mentally ill believe that shit.
You made me go to /sci/.
It's still shit.
Don't your leader is a woman?
Repressed desires will only screw you up mentally, better get yourself a nice rope,
AHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHHAHAHHAHHAHA, do you really think you are at the same level as mathematicians?
everyone knows economics is the hardest and most rigorous science of all
i mean, its got a nobel prize field and everything
I'm a college student today, and Biology classes in general are a joke. In microbiology classes, we have to deal with case studies from real patients and memorize every step in the pathways for coagulation, immune response, etc.
One semester, I took molecular biology for the shits and giggles (class goes into genetics for biology students). Entire class was full of morons who didn't know basic shit. (EDTA is a chelator, PCR, etc). It was horrifying that most of them wanted to become doctors after college.
biomedical studies are hard because you might end up talking to patients. this is not POL's strongest point :^)
That's what happens when you go to a shit-tier university. You get grouped with a bunch of retards. That's not because women are dumb. Rosalind Franklin did X-ray crystallography studies, those are a little bit harder than memorizing that EDTA is a chelating agent
Yes, that doesn't mean that she should be though.
it doesn't get any better in medical school lol. I go to a state school and there are students who made it here who I think may be retarded. I wouldn't trust any of them as doctors.
I went to an ivy league school for undergrad
I'd biologise her, if you know what I mean. ;)
Biology is (at least in Poland) a major you go for when you didn't manage to become a medicine>dentistry>pharmacology student, i.e. When your abilities don't match you inflated ambitions
Those usually have something wrong with them
Hey dont shittalk psychology. Here it is taught as a hard science. And I see many women failing in it because they cant handle the statistical analyses. :(
True they struggle in these subjects.
But most of them are princesses underneath it all
they just want attention. when they dont get enough, they spaz out
>want to be medical scientist
>dont want to be slave to giant corporation
>individual is not capable of shouldering the financial and time burden stipulated by governemnt regulations and therefore can never make new medicines
12 years of studies and testing before approval, get fucked. no 'biologist' is making medicine anymore.
much like your favorite video game/movie franchise, giant mega corporations simply go through the motions of slightly modifying existing drugs from the 50s-80s in order to create 'new' drugs so they can charge more and protect their profits.
>It was horrifying that most of them wanted to become doctors after college.
when you realize being a doctor is nothing more than rote memorization, comparing symptoms with a check list, dumping all your problem on slave-nurses, and prescribing the medication your hospital's insurance partners want you to, you suddenly realize being a doctor isn't that amazing or something you should respect.
because you get to pretend to be a princess scientist jerking off with theory rather than do actual calculations and figure out real shit
Med Docs gonna be replaced by machines sooner than nurses.
this. regretting my decision. but what do you think about emergency medicine?
Docs don't really do shit anymore. Most of the diagnosis is done by the pathology department. We do the testing and diagnosis, then we send out a report to the docs who then tells the patient what ills them.
Unlike Sup Forums women love to care for others so they want to become nurses or doctors. Biology is a requirement.
Biology is the psychology of hard sciences. Very little math.
I bet you're not vaccinated.
Huh. I used R for all my data analysis and mapping in my Msc.
But yes there are tons of girls. They probably either want to be vets, are outdoorsy girls who like field work or their parents want them in pharm/medicine/molecular
Because they want to be strong womyn and have a scientific background but they want something cute like animals and shit not something ugly like chemistry or mechanical engineering.
I know some female biological engineers that are either still studying with 30+ years old or they ended up working in human resources somehow. And believe me, there're very few things in this world worse than a woman in human resources.
massive efforts to get them into STEM snd lowered standards for female admissions.
they still go bio over math and physics because those fields are sexist because reasons.
>Chemistry is softer than physics
That is simply not true.
What the FUCK are yall talking about
I'm a bio major and am required to take 20 hours of chemistry and 12 hours of math/physics (physics, calc, stats)
Bio majors are fairly well rounded
dont understand how you NEETS can claim X is harder than X. It all depends on the individual if one finds mathematics easier than concepts and straight memorization of course mathematics degree will be easier than bio. But its not like that for everyone
Biology isn't hard science though. It's drawing pictures and generally guessing at how things work, rather than actually figuring it out. Same with medicine.
>why women biologists
Good question, and one I am willing to tackle. Firstly, they don't like bugs, like every little boy does, they don't stare at trees and squirrels and shit like boys do, and they don't like the smell of fish. They like to sit around talking about cocks, I heard 2 of em talking about dicks, in an auto parts store yesterday.
bullshit, they're still scientists and very necessary, I wish I wasn't so crap at their field
t. physicist
A friend of mine had a lump n her clavicle, I told her it was cancer, the female cancer doctor said it was a lymph node, I was right in the end, it was cancer, and it grew for months, before it was correctly diagnosed.
>hard science
Aww baby bio major had to take some general physics and calculus. I bet that shit was hard huh bro?
>tfw when geologist
>tfw when we can't drill that day because the biologists are on site
>tfw she tells me sage is humanities only hope to combat climate change
>tfw sage is a carbon sink like didn't you know!?
>tfw if we just plant sage everywhere the earths temperature will drop 6C
>tfw btw have you seen this lizard we are looking for?
I work in science. My background is in chemistry and pharmacology. The continued presence of this "women in STEM" meme has always baffled me - the majority of undergraduate and postgraduate students in the life sciences are women. There is a fall-away with age, but this is obviously related to motherhood. So many lose interest in competing within their field when children come along. Their male counterparts, on the other hand, continue publishing and building a reputation.
When I last had biology courses, It was the only scientific topic I had pretty shit ratings in, barely above average while I was minimum top 3 of my class in math, physics chemistry etc.
Biology teachers were always female and grades were more about how well written and expanded answers were than about exactitude.
My impression was that it was not more scientific than geography or history.
maybe it changes in college but up to highschool it's bullshit, so I'm not surprised.
It's science for female.
That really just proves his argument
biology is where you go when you fuck up in engineering. everybody who dropped out from my chemical engineering major wound up there.
Memorizing shit.
Math is for beta cucks and spergs.
Eng sci is the only redpilled degree.
>biology is hard
All the work has been done by men already, all they have to do is study it
trips of truth
>hard R
Take a (You)
We have done something like 400 hours of chemistry, calculus, stat, physics
>Do psychology
>Work as shrink/counseller for aussie mining company
>200k a year
>5 years after even I get depression
>doing 2 year break
I'd go again but these ppl get paid a shitton to mine but have nothing to do/no family so they alwyas drink and get depressed
>hard science
Say that in /sci/ fucker not in Sup Forums and see what happens i dare you.
>tfw love biology
>tfw surrounded by people who barely passed calculus I and intro chemistry
>take psych class because it seems interesting
>there's nearly nothing quantifiable, just different "scientists" making speculations based on anecdotes
>Psych in a bio course
I still don't understand why your college is considered equivalent to our universities.
It costs ten times more and you learn the half, or ten times less if you have a leftist professor.
We still have leftists, but something like this would get you fired instantly
Sometimes I get the feeling you're not even joking anymore when you act like the only true academic endeavours are enginereering and math and that psych, sociology, pedagogy you name it are just wasted degrees. Because, reality check, you really really should be joking. Social sciences are very real and very impactful sciences, and way less removed from normal every day life than the STEM stuff, which honestly kinda sorta makes you a reclusive nerd in the eyes of the masses, and not entirely without reason.
women avoid sciences that involve math