All of a sudden

Im the best capeshit superhero of all time...

OF all time.

Lol this shit gonna win the win the "oscars" no matter how bad it is from a cinematic POV, i mean cinematic prowess even matters in todays Oscars ?


Fuck yeah catwoman rules.. check out that ass!

leaked review says its shit. they tried to pack too much in and just kept cutting until its a mess.

Fun fact: This movie was originally meant to be Released in the Hillary Clinton timeline.

It's purpose was to be "Empowerment" propaganda to help fuel the BLM riots that would've undoubtedly be rocking every major city by now.

Member when Iron Man and Black Panther were literal WHO's? to normies?

I kinda hope both Wonder Woman and Black Panther both get nominated for Best Picture, just to watch the liberal meltdown between WE WUZ and STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMYN

but Liberals hate Wonder Woman now

I hope they get neither and get forgotten. I don't even think that many people are going to see black panther. It's called BLACK PANTHER for fuck's sake, Americans hate that shit. Anyone doubting this movie's inevitable failure needs to remember what happened when they tried to make the human torch black and the flop that followed.

Because she's white?

Yeah, you fucking normie.

there's multiple reasons but that's one of them

You are unbelievably sad little faggots.
No wonder this echo chamber has become a haven for kissless the virgin, Eliot rogers of the world.

Newfags gotta go.

Its gonna be shit

>the Oscars spark the race war Sup Forums has been blowing on for months
Don't wake me up from this dream

>Anyone doubting this movie's inevitable failure needs to remember what happened when they tried to make the human torch black and the flop that followed.
The difference is Black Panther is an actual canon superhero who is also the king of a technologically advanced isolationist African nation, whereas they arbitrarily changed Johnny Storms race because reasons. Capeshit tends to do better at the box office when it sticks to its source material.
Like most of Marvels capeshit, it will end up doing well because normies will flock to see it.

The thing I've wondered about black panther is how he moves around Africa. Does he just run? Does he fly? Does he run like a panther? It's a huge ass place. If I was in Africa am I just gonna see some guy running in the distance completely covered in that deathly hot looking suit?

That's because all of the source material was written over 20 years ago when SJWs hadn't overrun the industry.

At some point the movies will catch up to the present and then they will be shit.

>tfw the most iconic black superhero is a shameless batamn rip off

We're going to get so many niggermemes from this movie holy shit

>its shit. they tried to pack too much in and just kept cutting until its a mess
yes, it's capeshit

>That's because all of the source material was written over 20 years ago when SJWs hadn't overrun the industry.
wew buddy

>The Thread
jesus fuck

>20 years ago when SJWs hadn't overrun the industry
mymymy, you haven't been reading comics very long, have you?

He was used to be the black batman... Until there was an actual black batman when Bruce Wayne died.

Apparently Black Panther is the wealthiest super hero out there, even more than Iron Man (or that's what I've read). So I'd imagine he has jets and shit.

So brave.
So diverse..

>in todays Oscars
like it ever mattered.
as any other scam. bunch of cunts started giving each other pat on the back, payed media of the time to promote it, and look 60-70 years later dumb mass still admires such retarded shit.


first black superhero, created by two Jews

>all of the source material was written over 20 years ago
How come it's always an american who says stuff like that in literally every topic imaginable?


This is gonna be a bad movie with how they are setting up the main character.

All it is fonna feed of with transferable identity with the main protagonist is how he needs a suit in order to be powerful, he needs money to have power, and that he needs to be the only one of his kind to be seen as successful. Don't forget WE WUZ.

But really this just entails a person who is not relatable, unless you play off emotional narrative ploys like;
>black people have an ethno state
>they are entitled to greatness, even if no one cares to see it
>in order to be great they have to wear the skin created by someone else to be considered "perfect"
I.e. they have to act and portray the white man in order to be successful.

I mean look at their city, the only difference are the fucking huts on top of buildings. This movie is a cop out for feelz and to make the black man feel like he has achieved something he obviously hasnt.

If you want a better example. Imagine porn.

What did they mean by this pol ?do blacks have any sort of power ?

its just better because regular people are tired of crapstain america and robot suite.

T'Challa is the king of Wakanda, an advanced civilization in the heart of Africa, with the highest quantity of Vibranium deposits in the world. Vibranium is what Captain America's shield is made of.
They have S.H.I.E.L.D level (and above) vehicles.

>back power

The official superhero movie of Sup Forums

We wuz kangz

>i mean cinematic prowess even matters in todays Oscars ?
Reminder that Suicide Squad won an Oscar.

>liberals hate Black Panther after it's released and Sup Forums loves it

This could very well happen.

i think its hilarious that they always find something to complain

> They could have gotten Africans to direct
But there would still be no cast members from Wakanda. It would still be cultural appropriation.

I refuse to pay for a comic book movie again as long as I live. Fuck these Jews, they keep making the same goddamned movie over and over again with different faggots in spandex saving the world from a different big blue laser and they make 500 million dollars and every normie jerks off about it all over their Social Media (TM) accounts

fuck them. Grow the fuck up you goddamned manchildren and start watching adult movies that actually tell stories.

capshits dont win oscars dont be ridiculous

We need new meme material.

I just muted the entire movie and jerked off to it. The dialog and plot would kill my mood.

>all of Africa is portrayed as savage and backward (as in reality), except for one small fictional country
>Wakanda is the most advanced nation on Earth
>it is also the most anti-immigration
>they have cures for all illnesses, but refuse to share them with their fellow Africans
>they are ruled by a hereditary monarchy
>Black Panther's powers come from getting high on the heart-shaped weed

Unless they've changed much of this, I'm not sure leftists will feel comfortable praising it.

Blacks are above white women on the hierarchy of oppression, so supporting Wonder Woman over Black Panther would a microagressive white supremacist act.



Yoshinoya is awesome if you're travelling around Japan. Cheap & good for the money.


Wonder Woman is played by a Jewels you anti semite! Have you forgotten about MUH 60 GORILLION

Just wait until they make a Black Panther - Wonder Woman movie with romantic scenes. SJW porn gone mad.

Nah, they're going to make a black Superman

That's when it gets worse.

Let's be real here; he's not a black superhero; he's responsible, articulate, shows restraint, is loyal, etc. His superpower is not acting like a nigger.


I don't doubt that they would attempt something like this. I mean we knew they were planning all of these movies years ago.

I can see this too.

>Black Panther doesn't go far enough to promote black dominance
>not enough of 'muh oppression'


Now Look at upcoming and planned movies!
:D :D :D

Fucking hell. Next we're going to get a tranny Punisher.

Fingers crossed no comic writers/movie producers are reading these threads and take this shit seriously.

>Believing the property you own is solely yours
These people have no idea what the fuck they're doing.

That'd be hilarious though. Some 6ft9 ex-Marine in a pink dress stalking people who are guilty of 'hate speech' and injecting them with hormones as punishment...

no, can't wait for that new iron man movie where stark gets replaced by pic related

Haha, that'd be a good parody for Adult Swim or the old Mad TV crew.

It'd be a nice idea even without the Punisher aspect; just make a movie about a tranny that's so absurd that even transfaggots see how ridiculous they're acting.

Just let the niggers enjoy this attention from Hollywood, its the only good thing to happen to them since slavery

>there were literally two black supermen during dc new 52.

now imagine a BLACK lex luthor, hell lex even has the perfect color sheme for it, green and purple


why are they replacing everything with niggers? Aren't they the worst target clients as they have no money?

When the torrents come out, I'ma invert every frame and retorrent it as "white panther"

these women need to stop forgetting that they are the smallest minority and that it they were in africa like they should be, they'd have AIDS and 12 kids by the time they turned 18.

the black chicks i know IRL are the exact opposite of these sheboons. They listen to heavy metal and are redpilled

>I just had so many *sniff* emotions while watching the black kang in a tight bulletproof costume flying his spaceship in the secretly rich african kangdom
>I'm so *sniff* honored to nominate Black Panther for Best Picture
>*Hysterical screaming, applause, african shamans sacrificing people in the aisles*

>make a movie about a tranny that's so absurd that even transfaggots see how ridiculous they're acting.

There is no upper limit to absurdity in the trans world, thats the point they're constantly making

normies really need to read more comics before accusing comic book characters of being racist by virtue of being white


this feels accurate, its like how they saw get out and assume all republicans are like the characters in the movie and any black redpilled person is "in the sunken place".

just taking everything completely out of context.

True, but there must be a point where all of society except trannies nopes out so hard that it drives a wedge between them.

Like, get an actor like James Woods, who identifies as a 7-year old Sudanese quadriplegic girl, who fights against the injustice of not being allowed onto the plane to the Netherlands (because xer lesbian Godzilla headmate wanted to remove all references to the world dyke from reality), because xhe bought a childrens' ticket.

That'd get most normal people pretty freaked out.

100% fresh on rotten tomatoes - unless that problematic shitlord black conservative reviewer who ruined Get Out's perfect score is allowed to review it

Liberals are pretty divided on jews, and only because so many jew women are liberals. They'll generally be the ones crying about Palestine while neocons are the ones crying about the ancient plight of Israel, again because their important figures are jews themselves.

Either way, on the liberal oppression meter jews might as well be white.

Best Storyline was Boer Superheroes (From Azania if i remember correctly) invading Wakanda
sadly they lost

You mean your not gonna go see it?

How else will you irl kek at all the 'we wuz kangz' references no one else gets?

A Sup Forumsapproved dub of the movie honestly would make the best Comedy movie
Hands down

dat racist, wez needs pictures since we cants read