Syria General /sg/ - War is Strange Edition

Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad *NEW*

>hohol livemap
>Military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>DeZ Jun 10
>Mosul Jun 10
>E Aleppo/Raqqa Jun 9
>Palmyra Jun 8
>N Syria/Iraq Jun 4
>E Ghouta May 29
>E Qalamoun May 26

Developments Jun 11
>Iran sends five planes of food to Qatar
>DeZ: IS keeps pushing near Panorama Roundabout, fighting ongoing
>Palmyra: SAA reaches Talilah Crossroad on the road to DeZ
>Raqqa: IS pulls back downtown after SDF liberates 2nd neighborhood, SAA capture Tabqah town from SDF
>SyAF nonstop bombing of Dara'a ahead of offensive
>“dozens” SAA soldiers killed/captured near Bir Qassab,FSA retook the Bastema Hill near Dawka area
>SAA,JaI exchange prisoners in E Ghouta
>Hundreds pour into E Hama fronts ahead of massive offensive
>HTS storms FSA army base in Idlib, kills leader
>Civis celebrate liberation of Homs city inside newly captured Al-Wa'er suburb
>60 Turkish-backed rebels join the SAA in rural Aleppo
>USAF bomb IS in Raqqa with incendiary airstrikes
>Philip:US advisors will help the Filipino army
>Yemen: Sana'a district devastated in Saudi airstrikes, Houthi ambush Sudanese mercenaries


Other urls found in this thread:

Assad will win and bring good health to Syria

H-how do I know if I have a tapeworm inside me?

Jews are neither white nor based

>still no Maghreboi


Have your best mate check your anus for any worms.It's not gay if it's for your health

...Is it too early for Schlomo?
>tfw 3:46 in Tel Aviv

3:46 PM

So the terrorists that bombed Iran turned out to be kurds. Plus Iran arrested 6 kurdish terrorists associated with the attack.

This will push Iran to work with Turkey against the Zio-Saudi kurds in Syria.

Why? Did you experiance sudden loss of weight?

Do you feel unsatisfied hunger urges?

Are you feeling sickly?

If so go see doctor.

Why do the russians get all the levantine hotties?

I dated a Jewess for close to 4 years. Believe me, she was white.

But they were isis kurds.

What's going on with Qatar?

Last thing I read was that 20,000 Turks and Pakistanis were being sent to protect them.

I'm obese so I guess I'm tapeworm free

can you worthless niggers stop changing the title of your cancerous generals? Sick of seeing this shit thread. Fuck off

> implying kurds have an ideology.
Care to explain how communist feminist kurds are working with the US and Saudi? Kurds will ally with the devil if he promises them Biji kurdistan.

They may outwardly appear so but they aren't. If you have kids with one they'll pass on the weird kike traits like the nose.

>isis and kurds in the same sentence
>not having "working with" in that sentence

Are tapeworms usually that thin?
I thought they were fatter than that.
Also It reminds me of those videos where they surgically drain huge cysts and crap.
It's not the sight of that stuff that makes me sick, it's imagining how the smell is.

Probably like yeast.

Well if you think you got infected recently, weight loss might start soon.

But if you thought you had tapeworms for a while and nothing happened, then you are all good.

>all except one blond
trashy whores

Deraa offensive: failed miserably as usual
where are the advances promised by syrian geneal? nothing, they took nothing

failing and fleeing, the only thing the SAA is expert at

I don't get it.
After JIDF propaganda tactics have been exposed so many times, why does this one south african sit here day after day and spam kike-propaganda.
Is it an attempt at humour?

>Countries move to prosecute Qatar for terrorism support

>“Qatar could face UN Security Council sanctions in view of its failure to comply with the council’s counter-terrorism resolutions,” Dr Mohammad Hassan Al Qasim, Dean of College of law and professor of International Law at the UAE University, told Gulf News.

The turks already planned to send 10.000 troops there before the crisis, but they speeded it up because of it.
Pakistanis opted to stay neutral and I haven't heard anything about them sending troops.

Qatar wont bow to Saudi, theyre worried Saudi might invade or the Americans (they have a base) might do something. Theyre calling for help from Iran, Turkey, and Russia.

I think Isis has enough dignity to stay away from those kurds

There you go


AFP confirms 191 Maute jihadists has been killed, although the actual number is very likely to be far higher as this is only the number of recovered bodies

13 Marines sadly got killed under an ambush 2 days ago while the marines were conducting combat clearing operations. A 14-hour long heavy firefight followed. AFP has concluded that it was an IED/mortar round that killed 11 of the 13 soldiers

4 captured Maute members got killed in an ambush by 'unknown group'

offtopic: Philippines is likely to buy Mi-35 helicopters from Russia

Aerial footage of the destruction of Marawi. It is seriously starting to look like a leppo

>Is it an attempt at humour?
sheer autism, a bit like that swede that posts the mountainroach varg without every replying or leaving more than 1 post in a thread

Has there been a more vicious civil war in history than Syria?

If SAA-SDF start duking it out after ISIS's territory is taken (which seems likely), who will win?

If pic related is true then where do you think these new troops are going to go?

A: Towards DeZ
B: North of Palmyra and linking up with the Tigers in East Aleppo

Remember the last time there was a larger build up in Palmyra last month and all the gains South of Palmyra?

SAA (simply because muh Russia)

The poor kid probably has aids and the Israelis are paying for his treatment.

Yes, the Lebanese civil war

Yeah, Pakistan is sending 20,000.

>Pic related


>Kurds will ally with the devil if he promises them Biji kurdistan.
Let's hope Assad doesnt do the same by allying with the roach and gulf devil
any chinese civil war since antiquity

But saudis own Pakistan?

That swede is definitely just kidding.
But the south african legitimately is pushing kike propaganda to a point where i think he's doing it just to smear the jews.
It's disturbing.

Shiet, forgot

How do I NOT get tapeworms?

After Daraa falls, what will be your punch line next?
>Hahahah omg SAA will never save Deir ezor rawr XD

>Kurds will depose that child killer and secede because that what arabs want lol

>Idlib will never be taken!

Lol you are running out of it.

its never to early for me

This one was pretty brutal

If America and Russia keeps out of it, of course SAA will win. But it doesn't matter, because the threat of burger airstrikes lingers...

Apart from USA, SDF as no friends in the area to help them

Plus SDF probably can't hold Arab ground

Some of those african civil wars are pretty brutal desu lad

Imagine the butthurt in /sg/ when the mujahideen of the Islamic state will conquer the whole of Deir-ezzor after tactically retreating from Ar-Raqqa. In allah's name they will

30 years war

to be fair wasn't most of that disease epidemics caused by the war?


Look up the Taiping Rebellion.

Chink thinks he's Jesus, kills 20 million people(mostly civilians) in a 14 year civil war.

You might wanna invest some time into examining a topographical map. There's a huge ass mountain in the way.

Russian one, up to 10 million deaths

Don't eat raw fish, poorly cooked wild boar and in general cook meat well. Beef is the only exception, if you care about culinary things.

Qatar > Turkey > Saudi > kurds > US > Satan > Israelis

Assad has to ally with Turkey to fuck up the SDF, common goal for Syria, Iran, Iraq and Turkey to stop this cancer called Rojava.

Literally any Chinese civil war and the Russian civil war

USA owns Pakistan.

Most casualities until the modern era were always from diseases/famines.

Fake shlomo alert.

Just go around it, then take it when it gets fully surrounded

> Plus SDF probably can't hold Arab ground
All of Syria is Arab ground. Kurdish ground in Syria is just a meme.

bretty noice

>raw fish
you mean those faggots eating sushi is at a very high risk?
I sometimes prefer to eat my salmon rare
Good thing beef is the only exception

I don't understand the reasoning, but its happening.

You can google "Pakistan sends 20,000 troops to Qatar" and get a ton of recent results. I guess their breed of terror supporting sunni Islam is closer to Qatar than Saudis. Maybe it has to do with the Muslim Brotherhood?

Yes, anyways, the idea is to take Suknah.
Meanwhile, the hama/homs salamifront pocket has to be bulldozed.


If that happens we can only blame the kurds.
Some delusional faggots here were actually saying Assad was working with the SDF up to around a month ago.

>According to the report by Turkey’s state-owned media group, TRT’s Urdu portal, Pakistan is expected to send more than 20,000 soldiers to Qatar.

I'll believe it when I see it from a reliable source.

Pakistan has too close ties with UAE and Saudi for them to do something like that and has previous said they would stay neutral.

>Saudi Arabia tops the list of countries with the highest remittances to Pakistan, with $4.52bn in funds sent home by Pakistanis in the current fiscal year, according to Pakistan's central bank.

>The UAE comes in next at $3.47bn, with Qatar appearing much further down the list with only $304m in remittances.

>Saudi Arabia and the UAE are also two of Pakistan's major trading partners. The South Asian country has imported goods and services worth $5.84bn from the UAE in the current fiscal year, and a further $1.95bn from Saudi Arabia, according to the central bank.

Sounds very unlikely tb.h

>If you still cannot see. The freedom we enjoy was never for free.

>The 13 Marines who died liberating Marawi are now heading home. Day 20.

F ;_;

>you mean those faggots eating sushi is at a very high risk?
Same as the faggots eating grawlax
>Good thing beef is the only exception
Technically you're unlikely to catch anything even if you eat other raw meats, since quality control in Nordics tends to be quite good, but it's hardly worth the risk.

>can you worthless niggers stop changing the title
that does not make sense... come back when you learn to have a genuine conversation

Murrican marines or flip marines?

Go away /ptg/

The 4 captured Maute members who got killed yesterday was the ones who were caught with the mother of the Maute brothers,Farhana Maute

>Men captured with Farhana Maute, now dead after police claim their convoy was fired upon: Aliasgar&Zulkifli Maute, Alan Solaiman,Salah Abbas

Flip Muhreens

>You can google "Pakistan sends 20,000 troops to Qatar" and get a ton of recent results

All those I've seen cites some Turkish TRT Urdu portal though
I haven't seen any reliable sources on this yet

>hama/homs salami front
Pic related?

"fired upon"

But yeah, they got what they deserve

> implying there is a difference

>has to
nah, SDF dont have the popular support to really need roachboi to remove them
Assad can handle them as long as he times his shit well
>Qatar > Turkey > Saudi > kurds > US > Satan > Israelis
More like Qatar=Turkey=Saudis=Kurds=Israel=ISIS

Jesus man, stop spamming /sg/ with filpino news.

fuck off arab

Alright its probably bullshit then.

Post Ranas instead.

>I'll believe it when I see it from a reliable source.
Forgein office spokesman already released a statement where they are denying the troop claims. (Name of the spokesperson: Nafees Zakaria)

fuck off newfag

Yes. It's the last area with substantial amount of villages before the Euphrates.

At least shes Syrian, not like that dumb filipino living in Norway that spams this place with dead filpinos.

Posts relating to fighting ISIS in this thread don't harm anyone?

Can you not be an asshole for like even one minute?

Im not going anywhere gypsy.

I thought she was Lebanese

Its worth noting that Pakistan I think has 20,000 troops deployed to Saudi Arabia at all times. Might it be a mistranslation involving that? Or are the Turks blatantly lying?

Give me more kickass music like the Hela Hela Hey song