Are they really the chosen ones? Is it their destiny to rule the world?
Chosen people
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by betraying Christ they have become the antithesis of what they were and have now become degenerate and decadent and are the race which will bare the anti-Christ
the jews are special thats for sure. they account for 40% of all nobel prizes iirc and everytime I read about some interessting math there is a jew in it. its probably the evolution of being chased all around europe but still.
That's what your god tells you. Their god tells them they're destined to rule the world. And they're almost there already so..
No, the Ashkenazi are not "Chosen" for anything
They are Eastern Europeans that adopted Judaism hundreds of years after the rest of Europe adopted Christianity.
And have since used Judaism as a shield against attack and criticism.
They arent Semites, they arent Hebrew and their ancestors did not come for Judea.
it's almost like they colonized the universities and colleges and self-promoted their own above the gentiles to achieve the kind of notoriety, fame, and respect they craved while likely stealing the work of the gentiles, like Einstein... wow, what a shocker
It's actually around 20-25%, but still a great over-representation.
But probably it is more the fact that the jews since generations a breeding program to increase their Iq.
And tell others that such a breeding program would be racist.
What do you think where the idea of eugenics in germany comes from? The jews have lived the longest in germany, so we knew one day how this works with them.
The hasidics are alright.
Most are more autistic than the average /mlp/ poster and spend their entire lives studying the Torah.
It's the Hollywood, camouflaged, progressive jew you have to look out for. He puts gay media in front of you. Fills your water full of flouride. He tells the white women to breed with subhumans. And then, he charges you a pretty penny for doing so.
Wrong. Genetic testing shows Ashkenazis are Jews. The "Jews are Khazars" myth is outdated and proven wrong by now, by the way.
Who cares if there truly is a bias or not? Jews have higher IQ than you and the rest of other ethnicity. Proven in tests and empirically in real life.
>Their god tells them they're destined to rule the world.
6 million of them got baked in the ovens they have not got any protection now
But they didn't. Likely only 70-80k died and more than half due to starvation and typhus.
Check out a holohoax thread and see the level of their deception.
>Wrong. Genetic testing shows Ashkenazis are Jews. The "Jews are Khazars" myth is outdated and proven wrong by now, by the way.
Source? From I've read the origin of Ashkenazis are male Khazars and female Italians. This is why Ashkenazis are only a bit above 50% European.
Of course, the common person isn't a evil world ruler no matter what his race or religion is. But there is a number of (((them))) that are on their way to the top.
You really believe that? How long have you been browsing Sup Forums?
Here's a simple one. Imagine you have the goal of exterminating a whole race, what would you do? Round them up and shoot them on spot, or spend money building camps and wasting money on fuel to transport them and kill them in the most inefficient and expensive way possible?
What do you think where the extreme schizophrenic rate comes from among Jews?
Do you believe in coincidence?
You'll be busy with breeding and side effects and you can see exactly what the last centuries made the jews in europe.
And why they have such a high iq.
Wow, congrats on the realization. Jews are better than you, kid.
Why would I succumb to a retard like you? This board exists because a few desperate rejects try hard to one-up the Jews. I only come here to laugh.
>We found that they share no DNA with people from that region
Because they fucking left when Russia unified
They all moved to central Europe and called themselves Ashkenazi
Whatever ME DNA they have comes from the Turk region
its not the destiny of anything born to die to rule the world
What I'm saying is that liberal New York and LA Jews who use Judaism as a skull+bones secret society are the problem.
The orthodox jew is like a brain-cucked beta Muslim.
Inconspicuous Jews like Rupert Murdoch and Greenspan are the real threat
Why are they all wearing glasses? Poor genetics?
stop LARPing as a zionist multibillionare mastermind. You're either a troll or a basement dwelling jew.
Apparently near-sightedness is associated with high-IQ.
Only thing they have going for them is their IQ. That's why in the past they didn't stand a chance. In this fake, manufactured society only a puppeteer can prevail.
this is so true, I noticed that first hand, they co-opt positions to each other, taking competent gentiles seats.
Just think about school, do you remember jewish students being particularly good and smart? As far as I remember they were all slackers who didn't care about studies at all, it's only a minority that are good. Their over representation in the academic field is only justified by systematical nepotism
Well they were, but they kept fucking up so God sent Jesus to essentially give the world an ultimatum of "Be my servants or suffer eternal punishment" and then jesus left but hes coming back.
Christianity in a small nutshell. GO TO CHURCH
I guarantee a kike invented the idea of the Nobel Prize and I also guarantee kikes determine who receives them.
In any case the "prize" is worthless. Obama got one simply for being black.
No, these Jews aren't the same Jews God spoke to, calling them his chosen ones.
It's also possible that God didn't mean the Jews were specifically his chosen people. It's probable he just meant the poor and lowly so he could give them strength.
Yeah, I get to lurk around because I never have to work a day in my life. It doesn't even matter who I am; the point is that Jews are superior to you and every ethnicity. It's blatantly obvious when you pay attention to tests and and accomplishments and who runs the world.
And where is your evidence that the ones who left were Turks?
space jews who strike from the shadows have no honor and cannot lead the empire
men like that could be capable of anything
Ashkenazi Jews have crazy beliefs, low fertility and inter-marry other ethnicities at an alarming rate. They have the highest average IQ and great accomplishments in STEM, but beyond that it's really not a master race in any way.
Every religious group believes they are the chosen people.
Christians aren't going to go "We believe the right thing, but you know, us Christians aren't better than anyone else."
>Are they really the chosen ones?
There is no god
god is man made
no chosen anything
jews as you define them is a different sequence on DNA
Live your life without being a nigger
Sure, but they're still more successful. If they weren't then this board wouldn't exist.
Eh, /new/ would have become something like Sup Forums due to all the terrorism/immigration even if the Jewish conspiracy myth never existed. Most threads aren't about Jews these days anyway, even if some posters inject them into every topic.
You are correct about the progressive Hollywood elite Jews, but not about the Orthodox ones.
If you are ever State side, take a walk through Williamsburg, Brooklyn or a drive through Lakewood, NJ and tell me
(((they))) aren't pieces of shit.
Lakewood has become a major hub for the Orthoxdox sparking a nearly 67% increase in population from the 2000 Census to estimated in 2016. (((They))) take advantage of the system at the taxpayers expense and (((they))) cry religious discrimination when nothing goes (((their))) so (((they))) can study >muh Torah, all tax free.
(((They))) have infiltrated every public office, from the school board of education to the local government, to control everything to (((their))) liking. The budget was bankrupt of money because (((they))) put all of the money from the taxpayers to go towards private bussing for the Jew rats to go to their yeshivas while there was no money for the public district bussing, its crazy how (((they))) can get away with that.
Here's an image that sums up the situation.
Wow thats pretty fucked up
The biggest trick of the Jews were to make true believers in Jesus believe they were the Chosen Ones
Protip: Jews never were the Chosen Ones, it was Christians
it should be illegal to expose this. i am sure you are one of those traitor quasi-hasids in lakewood working for the goy
Why should it be illegal?
he is leaking top secret classified info, like the snowden dude
leakers are to be punished
Not the 6 gorillion again again!
they are just robots
if you cut a baby on 7th day of his life he will not become a human
Levites are masters of jews (of this robots) and they do not cut themselfs.
Levites are acient egiptian satanist priests.
Jews did not fuck Egypt. Egypt fucked them.
Moses was egyptian, for example.
This triggers the Jew.
It's been public knowledge for the last 25+ years. Sorry to burst your Jew bubble Asher, I'm just telling it like it is. Lakewood is probably your vacation destination, isn't it?
>It's been public knowledge for the last 25+ years
because goys stick their noses in places they shouldnt and those rotten traitors that leak secrets to the goys. Sup Forums is their HQ .
we have vested interests at stake and will not give up on Lakewood and other undisclosed projects.
> Lakewood is probably your vacation destination
prefer the shtetls in upstate NY
Look! Oven stuffers in the wild!
>Jews have higher IQ
*logic IQ. IQ is based on 3 parameters: logic, emotional, and moral. I wonder why the kikes never mention the other 2.
they also are wealthy and urban from centuries of banking/usury.
notably its not 'jews' but ashkenazi jews who have a lot maybe mostly european dna.
the chosen thing was married to the land thing to try to control trade routes.
In 300 BC there were probably more Jews in Alexandria than Jerusalem... while Palestine was *never* only Hebrew.
So you have a people who claim a god-given right to land, which twice required murder and ethnic cleansing of natives, while having lived all around the more civilized world for centuries before christ.
Thats Supremacist thinking. Combine that with the hyperethnocentrism and claims of divinity, plus the fact they focus on the material world...
belief is a tool.
Their beliefs are not 'true' but they've been useful to them as a group.
They will try.
Judaism is racism, supremacism, and megalomania.
And that's all it is.