If Europe is to become pagan again then why do we have to go back living in mudhuts and reject technology after Christianity, why are pagans always larping bronze age or iron age instead being like regular people?
If Europe is to become pagan again then why do we have to go back living in mudhuts and reject technology after...
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Are you stupid? It's about faith in the old gods, not LARP on some fieldtrip.
Modernity and comfort made us weak and servile. It allowed unfitting people to survive that should have died.
We need to cast away useless technologies.
Well all i ever hear from pagans is whining about everything that is not pagan
Stonehenge is celtic not nordic
varg is a parody of himself at this point.
He has irrational hatred for Christianity, if his pagan ancestors would have created civilization then he would embrace it
Refute the arguments instead of attacking the man.
This book contains all the knowledge you need about European paganism:
In Scandinavia yes.
I really don't see much of a difference between that cunt and these cunts.
The refutation is that advanced art and architecture doesn't stop you from living a peaceful existence, it just adds something beautiful to look at. Do you think the people of the middle ages up into the early modern era didn't live the simple lives he talks about just because they were Christian and had advanced technology? And the ultimate goal of every man is to have a legacy, and because of that technology will advance.
Sorry but i'm not a big fan of worshipping trees and rocks, give me a mighty church, castle or cathedral anyday over some rock
then why dont you just fuck off in the woods why are you here?
Hey Varg, how are the kids ?
There are many gods and goddesses to choose from, pick the ones that suits you best.
I choose the Almighty God, do you actually believe there is some Thor in sky banging hammers to create thunder?
I believe we have an ancestral bond to them so I choose to believe in them.
Do you really believe snakes have no legs because god cursed them since the first snake was a bad guy?
What's that things on your flag Sweden?
Pagan Swedes were basically niggers. Christian Swedes created what was basically utopia. And Atheist Swedes threw what the Christians had built into the garbage.
>not worshipping Wotan yet
>not realizing Christianity is Semitic aesthetics overlayed onto pagan culture
It's like you know nothing at all.
Even your flag is a cross, what is Sweden before Christianity? Just a wasteland with some tribes here and there and nothing magnificant, then you abandoned God recently and now you are being cucked
No thanks
>Just a wasteland with some tribes here and there and nothing magnificant
Nice projecting Pekka.
Our superiority has to do with who we are, not your Christian McDonald's corporation.
Who are you?
This peaceful existence you mention, what good did it do to us? Europe is no longer majoritarily white, civilization poisoned our minds and made us drift away from nature and the way our forebears used to live.
And how exactly is it peaceful, again? When Christianity acted the way ISIS is acting now, but for a thousand years?
Sacking our temples, killing pagans by the thousands, destroying our heritage for the Abrahamic God. Is that "peaceful"?
>swedes were niggers without Christianity
>being this historically illiterate
Nice insight, mr 54%
>late medieval / early modern architecture
Pretty, but note how there's nothing from Finland.
Christianity inspired Europe to become great, the old primitive beliefs kept us down
>nothing from Finland
>Hail Jupiter
That's a Semitic concept reflecting the goatherders' authoritarian spiritual sensibilities.
What exactly did Christianity inspire?
If old beliefs kept us down then why was Christianity theology based on Greco Roman philosophy?
And that castle was built by swedes.
Look, it doesn't matter if your Christian, Jew (uncertain), Pagan or whatever!
Just don't be a sandnigger moongod whorsphing butthurt cunt.
cross is an ancient holy symbol you idiot. you northerners had cross of odin, we had the tengri cross. so did lots of other ancient cultures in the world. there's no such thing as a "pagan". that's how semitic snakes label any tradition before them
no one is worshipping trees or rocks, again you don't know shit finfuck. we see The One everywhere, in trees, in rocks, in dog shit on the pavement, even in your ugly autist face
fuck off with your semitic garbage you brainwashed little slave
The postman
Say hello to Marie
That cross is still Christian though and made to present Christendom ps: God hates Turks
He is projecting. The Finns haven't accomplished anything with or without Christianity. All of the big buildings christcucks like him jerk off to were built by Nords or Russians that colonized his people.
Christianity would have been nothing without the foundations laid by Greece and Rome.
>The One
As above, so below; as within, so without.
Exactly. And the whole "Europeans would have been nothing without Christianity" doesn't hold weight when it was the Romans that so called civilized Europe and built its first cities. Then you have the Asians like Japanese who did not need Christianity. Japan is in better shape than lots of very Christian European countries.
Of course, it has nothing to do with religion but all with genetics.
>tfw you realise it's impossible for Paganism to become mainstream again as it can't be turned into an organised religion
Fucking kill me
Why not?
Very little is known about how our ancestors actually worshipped the gods, so any attempts at reconstructing them and formulating them into a rigid, organised religion would be almost entirely made up.
If I remember Linus Torvalds is Finn. He didn't need to larp neither as Christian nor as a Pagan to develop a kernel which runs on 99% of top 500 strongest computing devices.
>Can't organize without a religion
We're transitioning into an age of agnostics. A golden period of spirituality will follow, where people will look up to the old archetypes for inspiration and maybe even create their own gods. You've already seen a primitive version of this with Kek.
Then turn off your computer and leave your warm house, faggot.
Because if you were larping as a modern day pagan, you would be indistinguishable from your average low IQ idiot that worships their phone.
>romans lived in mudhuts
He is also a cuck who is afraid to speak against islam and judaism. He is a divide and conquer puppet.
True, this is better than nothing at least. But I still appreciate the traditions and legitimacy of the Church and I wish something similar could be established with Paganism. But there's simply nothing to go off.
Ah well, it's not like it would take hold anyway.
Paganism is embedded into our group consciousness. It's just a matter of rediscovering it.
>being a pagan divide kike.
Nothing will happen, it will remain a dead religion that only delusional LARPers would follow.
Many different kinds of Pagans depending where you're from. Living in Australia I agree, it would be hard since you're not in your ancestral land or have any connection to it.
It's not going to work because paganism is dumb as hell, most people in Europe converted to Christianity peacefully because Christianity is just better
I don't really care what happens to Australia or the entire New World tbf. I just want a return to organised religion in Europe, preferably Pagan in nature.
>If Europe is to become pagan again
pick one
>converted peacefully
Fuck off disinfo shill
Hello Varg
>Stonehenge is celtic not nordic
Thats the point. Pagan LARPers just know Norse Gods.
Northern pagans, Slavic pagans, Roman pagans etc. Each working individually is what he means.
If Europe collapses then civilization is going to end anyway, so you'll be living in mudhuts regardless.
That's because what most of them actually worship is Hollywood.
No the (((Finn))) is acting stupid on purpose
Our cities will outlast yours. Your third world tier country is already falling apart.
Some resisted first because they wanted to continue their degenerate paganigger ways, but grew up and accepted Christ
To be fair paganism has been hijacked by kids who confused the paganism method of divine patronism with the fanatical worship systems from semitic religions
actually Stonehenge predates Celtic people coming to the isles
can some people itt tell me more about holidays that pagans celebrate?
Christianity is anti-semitic and against Jews, (((Swede))) do you really think Jews fear paganism?
>"some christians resisted at first but then subdued to Islam"
Fucking retard.
christianity teaches how to accept defeat. it's more of a doctrine to get rid of non jews
Fucking saved ahaaha
damn i didnt know things were that bad, that really makes me dislike christkikery now. such a shame that things will only get worse from where we are now though. white people are probably going to go extinct in the future and theres only gonna be niggers and shitskins and theres nothing we can even do about it.
>why are pagans allways larping
we dont, in fact, the devinity I have witnessed is not even in conflict with Nietzsche.
I dont take any drugs and dress up in funny clothing on weekends, I sure do like the art and make related art myself.
But I worship power, witch is the main God. Everyone else is part of him. I dont see any reason to dig up the false interpretations wrote down by some smelly monks and somehow find my way from there.
I just talk with the gods directly and they do not tell me to go back into bronze age.
Its not a fairy tale, its fucking real and I dont have a lot of trouble with my faith by now.
True paganism is basically Catholicism minus Jesus/Judaism. All the same holidays, all the same basic morality, the same cyclical liturgy, etc,
Catholicism is where those traditions are still alive and have been passed down. If you really want to be a "pagan", go to the Tridentine mass and celebrate all holy days.
Yeah let's just pretend that pagans didn't do that shit too
I like both Christianity and Paganism.
Pretty much, however they need to accept Christ
why do you like christianity?
hello golden faggot
He is not from Straya, he is from Sweden you numbnut.
I like the society Christians built, and Christian values, I also believe in Jesus Christ, however I feel a deep rooted connection to the old gods and also believe in them.
Don't be polak, don't accept any abrahamic enslavement religion and vuolia- I'm educated pagan, given you example to be a man.
settle down varg
Society the christians built?
You mean all the restrictions in science and art?
Socialistic tendencies?
Christian values?
Like believing in something ultimatly good witch doesnt exist?
Or being restricted to 1 way of life (friendly passive, pacifistic)?
What do you mean, you believe in Christ?
You believe he was good?
What is good? (That last question is the only non-rethorical question.)
We think you're LARPing because there's no living chain of initiation so instead you make up this nonsense about religion being the exoterization of your blood. This concept doesn't even have any real basis, it's just one of the things that occultists infatuated with Jewish mysticism came up with
OP what have you done
You unleashed the larpers
what do you believe in magyar?
Im a christian you török
Isn't it a coincidence that paganism is becoming popular in countries with worrisome Muslims population?
Well they are eurofags anyway, the only difference it would make is that they won't have an option to pay jizia.
I was visited by a spirit that quite well displayed that it can either kill or heal me.
And what concept do you talk about?
I believe that
>Might is Right
>rebirth in some sense
>spiritual world
>bigger organisms that we are part of (family, race or whatever)
When touching a tree and concentrating I comunicate with it in some way, I do not who exatly I feel when I do it, but the being seems to like me.
Acctually I dont know anything, I only know that it helps me and I will discover it. My ancestory sure is part of the big structure.
>i was visited by a spirit