How would Sup Forums negotiate for Turkish withdrawal from Cyrus?
How would Sup Forums negotiate for Turkish withdrawal from Cyrus?
with this
I would retake the island by force. If turkey doesnt like it fuck em.
With a couple of MOABs
You can't kill turks with nukes.
Roaches don't die from radiation. Blast waves and intense heat still work pretty well.
And in all seriousness we will see a Greek withdrawal from Cyprus before we see a Turkish one.
Fucking American Jews love them some Turkey, lets them build their bases right by Israel.
Economic sanctions.
My country had economic sanctions and arm embargs for 30 years and Turkey only gets to have 4 years
Let's punish the puppet and not the invader, and the UN said no more wars of conquest after WW2.
Cyrus belongs to turks,allah akbar
But Greece is also a NATO member, so America really can't fuck with them
Actually america runs NATO and doesnt give a shit what greece, the most antisemitic Anti-bank country in europe thinks.
They already gave half of cyprus to turks when they chimped out
Why does he wear a huge dumpling on his head?
Hey Turkey give back Cyprus or we will revoke your NATO membership and Embargo you country into oblivion.
Eazi peazy
Putin cant wait to get his claws into Sultan Erdogan
German heads taken during the siege of Esztergom
FYI, Turkish army stopped rolling towards south by given order from Ankara.
Greek resistance in the Island was already collapsed thanks to creeping Turkish artillery barrage. They lost up to 5000 men in two weeks of fighting, and it was all chaos for them. Turkey could have invaded the whole island with ease. But we want peace there.
If Eurocucks want the north back, then they should be ready for massive amount casualties, we would kill a good amount of Europeans before leaving the island.
>But we want peace there.
Yeah not like Turkey stopped once all useful Cypriot land was already occupied, they just wanted peace.
with nukes
kill every roach
>Nukes North
>Greeks in the south also die from fallout
Nice thinking there.
Do northerners post under a Turkish flag?
Fuck North Cypriots if war happens between North and the South i would join South. North Cypriot is full of fags and ungrateful cucks
>North Cyprus is full of fags and ungrateful cucks
My ex was a Cypriot living in Istanbul. She was an hardcore Kemalist & Nationalist.