...if they can't pay their bills, would it make sense to include them in the Union?
Puerto Rican statehood
kansas also can't pay and is still part of the Union
>sexual image
>not having a solid stance on the issue and posing the question like a sophist.
Mindgoy shill detected. Their ability to pay their bills is a nonissue by the way. Who the fuck cares, even if they could pay we wouldn't want them. The #1 problem is the fact that they are subhuman savages with an average IQ of 90 that have no business being even a territory let alone a state.
You post a sexual image so people begin to think "well if they could pay their bills, perhaps!". No. Fuck you. Fuck Mind Goy. We are aware of your tricks now.
sounds like they'd fit right in
So if they vote for statehood do we HAVE to make them a state or what?
forgot pic
Stop making this thread you stupid spic faggot, PR will never be a state, they'll never adopt English for starters. Also Puerto Ricans are sub human trash, a literal garbage spic ethnicity. You're spic niggers that actual niggers target for rapes because white women won't give them attention.
No of course not it's all non binding shit.
You are correct, I posted the image because no one actually reads the title and only clicks on tits and ass.
Adding another insolvent member to an already insolvent Union does not magically make both parties solvent. Debts do matter and we don't need another socialist utopia like California.
for more democrat votes
So what happens next if they vote for statehood? Trump tells them to fuck off?
>So if they vote for statehood do we HAVE to make them a state or what?
Congress would have to approve statehood.
Republicans in charge but they would cave because they're colossal pussies.
Millions of new democratic voters because greasy ricans are lefty pigs.
user help, we are broke!
We're fucked once again.
Even if they could pay, No. The last thing we need is yet another transport hub onto the mainland for drugs and degeneracy.
>You are correct, I posted the image because no one actually reads the title and only clicks on tits and ass.
That picture is almost as old as too old.
they want the US gov. to bail them out. thats the sole reason for wanting to be part of America. i say fuck that pay your bills first then lets talk.
Puerto Ricans are the worst mutt on the planet because they are a mix of niggers and spics. Horrible ethnicity! The only thing worse than ricans are full blooded niggers!
No Statehood....we have enough bottom tier mud people! Stay on your shit nigger/spic island!
As US citizens can they not do postal votes in Presidential elections already?
We should cut them lose. They deserve to be an independent nation.
Would I be able to get a Puerto Rican gf bros?
That reminds me the surge in recent years of incest and ntr (netotare aka cucking) in hentai movies and translated h-mangas
Why do you keep posting this fag?
I loved you in the DaVinci Code.
> fag
Can we trade red states for hot latina ass?
Moving out of Cali was the best decision of my life. I went inland, found a pretty white girl, and now she's sitting in my living room 3 months pregnant. No big deal, just saving the white race like a bad goy.
Everyone in the UK right now, oh my gawed, what an all inclusive agender oriented move to make, rate of breakups increasing exponentially.
why would you ever accept a non-white, bankrupt taco nigger country into your union?
>What are California, New Mexico, Texas
No. Puerto Ricans are worse than niggers.
>illegal mexicans never pay taxes
>receive more welfare than any other race
>are actually in our country
why include them in our country? really makes my ass brap
>lets add millions of welfare leeches from a failed state in huge debt with a shitty economy to the country
what the fuck is this meme? are there seriously people that support this shit?
Captcha tortillas madrid
It pleases me to no end to hear a success story.
They can't even manage their tiny little island. So no. Also, PR is full of degeneracy, poverty, and murder. So no.
No. Also most puerto rican chicks are dumpy little mexican look alikes anyway.
I hope puerto rico joins so we can say 40%. KEK Literally a minority in ones own country. How much more cucked can you get?
>Plot twist: user is Mexican.
America isn't a native european country you fucking retard.
You guys are the ones that are needlessly inviting non-natives to your country - non-natives whose birth rates are significantly higher than your guys'
Idn ask the natives since it's their country anyway. They have to live in government sanctioned playpens.
It already operates that way though you mong
Puerto Ricans are the most awful people I have ever met. They're also terrible liars, which they do all the time. Most Puerto Rican men I've met in a professional setting will spin these wildly absurd tales that are obviously fake as fuck and they have no idea what they're talking about, and get super fucking enraged when you call them on their bullshit. They are fake, shitty people. Their contempt for you is so strong it just shines through their fake personality.
If someone put a gun to my head and said pick Puerto Rico or the entire country of Mexico and Cuba combined to become a state, I would pick Mexico and Cuba over Puerto Rico. I hate Puerto Ricans that much.
I'm sure some find a way, but no the majority of Puerto Ricans can't vote.
The correct answer is to say neither and get executed you fucking traitor
Pretty sure that they're not in debt.
i dont want another state because it will mess up the flag
You know what I meant.
Don't let them in because they'll vote Dem.
Because they're fucking American citizens too you cunt
They already count in the statistics since Puerto Ricans are American citizens.
To be more oppressed.
All the puerto rican hate ITT is from filthy jealous chicanos. Are they the best people in the world? No. But you have to remember we got the worst that came over here to NY and Florida (also chicago). People from PR are actually really decent.