I am a US citizen who came to the US as an immigrant. I can see that Islam is a threat to the US. I am also against illegal immigration because it is breaking the rules and hence unfair. So I did the right thing and voted for Trump and other Republicans.
But I am thoroughly disappointed by this alt-right Rhetoric against all non-whites.
And it is not just Rhetoric now, Republicans are making noise about to clamp down on all legal immigration as well.
Even though I agree with Trump on Muslim ban, Border wall and deporting the illegals, I will be voting straight democrats in 2018 and 2020. And I know a dozen others Trump voters who are turned off by this Alt-right nonsense.
Trump did not win in 2016 just on white vote. He also got 30% Asian vote, 28% Hispanic vote etc.
His victory margin was just 100,000 votes in swing states. That means if 50,000 people switch to democrats, they would win.
Alt-right is going to break enough non-white votes away from Trump that he will not win ever again. I hope that you enjoy the remaining 3.5 years of Trump. Because a democrat will be elected President in 2020.
The overreach of Alt-right is going to keep US from tackling even genuine issues like Islamic threat and Illegal immigration.
I am a non-white Trump voter. Will vote straight democrat from now on
Other urls found in this thread:
Reported and saged. Stop spamming this faggot.
Kinda on the same boat here too. I would vote conservative again but it seems that conservatives don't want my vote. Hell I even paid the stupid $15 membership and tried to get Maxine Bernier in. I don't know if I'll even vote anymore.
Very True. Its like the right doesn't want my vote. They are doing everything to lose me and millions other like me.
If you think that you can win without any non-white vote, than you are doomed to fail.
Who cares, nobody can save the USA from its demographics. How does it feel to know that you/your parents spent a shitton of effort and money to migrate to a Latin American 3rd world shithole btw? This is where you'll die
Sorry rabbi, not going to happen
Despite what you think, US is doing fine. And I an the immigrant, not my parents. Demographics will be fine if 11-20 million illegals are deported. Which Trump seems to be curiously not really interested in now.
Deportation of 20 million will never happen. As soon as the white boomers (ie majority of the 56%) will die out you will be Brazil with nukes. Life might seem fine to you now because the country is piling on an insurmountable debt backed by the petrodollar to sustain the same lifestyle it enjoyed back when it's economy was on the upswing during the Cold War.
Trump and his voters are just simpletons who were unafraid to state the obvious.
Dont let the door hit your ass on the way out
Take a grain of salt looking at this site. Since Sup Forums has become so popular because of the magic they've done in recent times, this site is now a target of Antifa and other cuck groups. They engage in false flag operations and post stupid shit here. Their feeble attempts at redirecting the attention fails like the faghats they are. Don't be a cuck and piss and moan because of the shit you see here.
The thing is it's going to happen no matter what. 80-90% of non-whites vote Dem, so without stopping immigration it will happen anyway.
If Trump and the full rack of Republicans don't actually change anything then we will go full on 3rd world shithole soon.
In which case civic nationalism is dead, and white racial organization is the way forward. In this scenario race is preeminent, and the wishes and desires of non-whites are worthless.
Enjoy the fucked up country and government oppression, I hope it was worth destroying what we had.
why can't any of these guys iron their pants
it takes 5 minutes
This. Despite the fact that it will never happen legally, it is also impossible to physically deport 20 million people. The only way to get rid of them is trough genocide which most likely will not happen. The US is doomed to be mixed raced mud-country...
But the democrats are just as racist as the alt-right. Both are obsessed with identity politics, especially racial identity and political identity. If a black man was murdered by a police officer, a significant portion of self-identified democrats would mention that the victim was black, which is racist as they distinguished his race instead of treating him as an individual. Also, the alt-right will be voting for Tulsi Gabbard in 2020. She isn't a democrat but she is running on their party.
Day Of The Rope, we will come for you traitor.
We don't care or want you.
The choice is between one side that flirts with Islamists and the other with Fascists. I gave Trump a chance but he appointed Bannon the alt-righter as his chief adviser. Plus there are many other alt-righter in the Trump admin.
At the same time, outlets like Breitbart are now openly propagating anti-immigrant (all) propaganda. I can't support these people. So the Democrats will get a chance. Hopefully they will stay away from Islamists this time.
Of course Tulsi will be ideal candidate.
If you are in the USA, then you should want to limit others from moving to the USA.
It's shameful that you were allowed to vote. Kys
Why don't you go back to your white European homeland? That is probably going to have to be implemented by force for people like you.
wtf i hate the alt right now
>illegal immigrants should be deported but legal immigrants like me should be increased
Whatever. You're just voting whatever is best for you. Don't moralize about it.
So I should endorse the Alt-right agenda and help create a white only America?
Dream on. That is not going to happen. Alt-right is going to be defeated.
That flag is a lie.
You were nowhere when this country was being built. You show up now to reap the benefits of what my anscestors sowed, you are a thief. Leave you spic. Some obese cat lady government employee stamping a piece of paper in an office doesn't make you an American.
Tell us all about how socialism will save the white race again, lil germany.
So you think switching your vote to the people who got us into this shit situation in the first place is a logical choice? Good to know people are starting to think with their heads instead of their feelings. Good job there dumbass. Seriously every single thing you say you are in support of the side you are now picking is against. The problem with immigration is not that we let people into the country it is the fact we have let people in with little to no vetting at times. Sure that makes you feel good but when the government's job is to protect it's citizens it is a failing of the government. You do realise the US has one of the most lenient immigration policies in the western world right? We let in more immigrants by population percentage than any other western nation. We don't require the same skills and backgrounds as most other western nations either. We also have historically let in more refugees into our country that most other western nations. The problem is refugees of the past were fleeing countries that had no ill will toward the US in most cases. It wasn't a risk to the US to bring them in. Now it is if we can't verify they aren't terrorists hiding out trying to come in to harm us. This also goes for immigrants. Historically we had nothing to fear from the vast majority of immigrants but considering every single one of the islamic terrorists that have made attacks in the US in the last 20 years have passed all immigration checks the US has we have to understand we have a problem. We have to solve that problem if we are to be safe. This means not only cracking down on illegal immigration but also implimenting stricter policies on those coming into the country legally. This is not to stop immigration but to deal with a threat we haven't faced until recently.
>Never said it should be increased.
But the alt-right rhetoric is white only America and reconquista.
You want me to support that?
your mistake is thinking pol is representative of conservatives, thinking that alt-right is a thing and that pol is of one mind
We don't care, you're not white your opinion is irrelevant. Get the fuck out.
Do you have american citizenship?
I don't. Vote whatever is best for you. Multiracial societies are inherently unstable and a white plurality will simply do whatever it can to reassert ethnic dominance.
>If you think that you can win without any non-white vote
We win all the time basically without any non-white votes.
Neither were you. And your ancestors were the thieves who stole this land its resources and than enacted laws that kept people like my ancestors out.
Now you are claiming that we didn't built it? How are we supposed to do that if your thieving racists ancestors wouldn't let my ancestors in?
You can act moral all you want but there is nothing moral about white only vision of America that you have.
Read the (OP)Its right there in the first sentence.
Nobody here gives a shit about the alt-right, they're controlled opposition, newfag
And you think all the democrat whites are just going to somehow become alt-right? Not to mention the fact that 4 million new immigrants will become US citizens between 2016 & 2020.
Trump could hardly win in 2016 by 100,000 votes in key states. Good luck for 2020 if this alt-right shit keeps up.
I can agree with what you say but rhetoric has shifted from danger of Islamic and illegal immigration to White vs non-white immigration.
Listen to Ann Coulter rant on and on about non-white 3rd worlders. Its not about Islam and illegals anymore.
Sage stupid faggot shills. Antifas been raiding.
There was nothing here when my anscestors arrived but a bast wilderness and small warring tribes of savages. They starved and froze through winters, survived injun attacks, fought wars for independence. Your anscestors didn't come because it was more comfortable to stay where the were.
Now that there is a nation with comfy ammenities you spics appear out of thin air in droves by the millions as if you own the place. Get out.
As long as USA has the military to strong arm other countries and force them to keep the worthless us dollar as reserve currency, the us economy will be fine. In effect all other countries are american tributaries.
Well I guess you dropped the pretenses
Go fuck yourself you racist spic
America was built by whites for whites, and there is nothing wrong with that. Your homeland was shit because you are shit.
it can't continue forever, america will implode and the elite will jump ship,
Where do you originate from? WHat do you think of a state sponsored program to increase the size of the founding stock(people of english, welsh,irish,scotish descendt)?
You're going to be executed in the streets.
THe way forward is to encourage high fertility among whites and low fertility among non whites. The white population should be assimilating the others, while increasing.
Stop being so insecure about your race.
Don't burn all things away because you're not pure white. Most of Sup Forums isn't pure white but does that mean we should throw all facts in the trash?
Swallow your fucking pride and champion your betters, for humanity's future.
I'm also a mudskin who voted for Trump in 2016. Probably the biggest mistake of my life. The right wins one election and now they're already talking about race war and lynching niggers or whatever. Racist violence is going to reach an all-time high in the coming decades.
We need to put Republicans back in their place.
A vote for Republicans is now becoming a vote against my own life
>Tulsi Gabbard
why do you like her?
Lets see you try. And " bast wilderness" didn't mean it was yours. USA is not a white man's country. If he wants to live here by sharing with other, fine. Otherwise go back to where you all came from. Somewhere in Romania it seems from your low IQ.
America is a word created by Europeans. America was founded by people from the british isles and other north europeans. It is descent from these peoples that make people real native europeans.
Saged fuck off nigger
>I am a non-white
Kill yourself
if you have one child and some whites have 6, in time your genetic line will be assimilated
it is going to take hundreads of years + assimilation of non whites into a new american identity + expulsion of non assimilating groups.
You can steal a car and write on it "For whites only". That doesn't make it your car or white only car. Sprucing it up and putting new engine and other shit doesn't make it yours either. Stolen property is stolen property.
That document, written by thieves has no value as far as I am concerned.
And I was not pretending anything.
Nope. See Russia. 2nd biggest military in the world and a short economic reach. Also, Mexicans are terrible at war.
>Listen to Ann Coulter rant on and on about non-white 3rd worlders. Its not about Islam and illegals anymore.
ann coulter is a hypocrit who has no right to be heard. Since she is childless she dont have a stake in the future anyway. It is just a racket to her!
I see the spic automatically demanding we turn into a communist state where we all share and piss rainbows. Of course. And the spic lectures me on IQ.
Inhale your car exhaust. It would be very easy and painless, just consider it for a bit.
Oh boo hoo muh poor Indians. Land and property belongs to those who are strong enough to hold it. If they aren't strong, it becomes someone else's. Go cry about Bushman rights in Africa since their land was stolen by Bantu.
The opposite is happening.
>WHat do you think of a state sponsored program to increase the size of the founding stock(people of english, welsh,irish,scotish descendt)?
How are you going to so that? Nazi style Lebensborn camps? There aren't enough to hold on to Europe, how are they going to replenish it here? Although they are free to come here if they want like anyone else.
Russia is boxed in, with expensive infrastructur needs + shitty demographics.
They only need to strong arm the rest into submission before the bubble bursts.
You're not conservative. Who fucking cares about the racists? They are useful idiots who happen to agree with me on a few subjects. You didn't vote for Trump and you're LARPING.
USA have a very small population descending from people from Romania and even less people descending from Romanians. Only US citizen from romania i know about is George Friedman, an ethnic Jew.
Boxed in also means perfect access to all the strategic points in Eurasia. The US is the one with shitty 56% demographics, like I said, Latinos cannot into war and a large military needs constant and costly upkeep. Russia is being slowly filled with Central Asians but not as fast as Latinos are filling up USA
I can dream
That's just the way things are. Tribes always warring against each other. I'm fucking sick and tired of entitled minorities. Fix your own goddam shit, stop relying on white people to carry you so that you can play out your dreams on our lands. GTFO
>George Friedman
he is from hungary
That's too bad. This is what you get for trying to be "reasonable", and "compromising". Even if you yourself do not hate white people, it is in your best interests to oppose them at all costs. Because you cannot count on their future hospitality. It would in fact be foolish to do so. The same thing goes for white people. No matter how non-racist you are, it is in your best interest to side with hardcore white racists, simply because in the future they are guaranteed allies, non-whites cannot be. It is about being smart, principles are pointless. Side with the side that will side with you, even if those they oppose are not your own personal enemies.
>this thread again
Literally kill yourself you Asian faggot
The USA as an entity did not exist. Whites created it, we did not immigrate into the Iroquois nation and bitch and whine and demand they become majority white, and that they are racist.
The only reason you care is you are jealous, and want what we created. Because you and your people are shit. Without whites you would be living in the Stone age eating each other.
>alt-right Rhetoric against all non-whites
So you DON'T want ethnostates of your own? You want to live with whites forever? Now I start to understand why actual racists are the way they are.
Lets call the program, Children of the Founders or CooF.
Agents from CooF arranges marriages and recomends a number of children based on the biological qualtity of the participants.
CooF sponsors some of the expenses of the families.
The American state gives some priviliges to partipants of CooF. The purpose of these priviliges is to attract potential participants.
She speaks the Truth. She is courageous and she gets the Islamic threat. Plus she is a soldier.
What do you think of my english?
I think he said that some of his ancestors lived in Romania earlier.
Russia needs some sort of lebensborn program!
Good to see this is a pasta and that I can disregard this as a shill attempt.
Doesn't mean they get to keep treating non-whites as second class citizens. And there were plenty of non-whites who made America what it is today. And it was white majority because of racist laws not because of some miracle.
Every land is claimed territory. And now you lay claims on our territory. Do you realize what you are doing?
>she gets the Islamic threat
What is the islamic threat? Islam can be reformed and re-interpreted. It is already beginning to happen.
>Plus she is a soldier.
Since you seem to be anti-imperialist how an you be proud of her for being a part of the machine that are strong arming and forcing other countries to accept your worthless dollars?! You americans are living on the wealth of all non americans. The third worlders that starve do so you can keep dominace of their resources, your country keeps them down in the dirt. Your dollars are worthless, you are only forcing the rest of the world to think they have value. Fiat is slavery.
I already have 2 children with a white woman. May be have a couple more in few years. And you can't wish whites to start having 6 kids while forcing the rest to have only 1.
you make it seem unjust
Spic-niggerville is located to the south. BYE
>And you can't wish whites to start having 6 kids while forcing the rest to have only 1.
1 or 2 kids for non whites maybe a 3 if the parents are succesful. Only some whites should have 6 kids, it must be eugenic!
>Islam can be reformed and re-interpreted.
I don't think it can happen. They kill you for drawing a fucking cartoon of Mohammed. That is why Islam has never been reformed. They do not accept reinterpretation of what they think is the literal words of god.
"Pakistan: man sentenced to death for blasphemy on Facebook"
And I am not ultra left winger. I am kind of center right. And so I respect a honorable soldier.
Checked. Clickbaiters into archive
It's not about winning elections. It's about ethnic cleansing by any means necessary. You not caring about the fact that whites are being replaced by force is exactly why we shouldn't have accepted non-whites into the country as citizens.
Eugenic would be sterilizing, deporting, or GENOciding non-whites as they inherently are of low genetic quality. They are R-selective, that's how their terrible genes keep getting passed on, just look at how many kids spics have, all at least four, if they're rich. Eight or so if they're poor, and we whites pay for it. Whites are K-selective. That's basic eugenics.
Voting Democrats is literally voting against your interest as a legally immigrated migrant. Fake and gay.
t. Naturalized US Citizen
eugenics only mean that people of higher quality should replace those of lower quality.
>Listen to Ann Coulter rant on and on about non-white 3rd worlders. Its not about Islam and illegals anymore.
Why should it be? Why are we wrong to not want our race to become a minority in every country?
You posted this last night
Does Tulsi have any kids? What sub tribe of indian is she from?
You are correct on that end.Trump suckered people into actually think he would deport them.
He is just as much of a politician as Hillary was. Say what you need to get in, and then blame everyone else as to why you could not keep your promises.
Look up Operation Wetback. It is legal because these people are here illegally. So no genocide is not needed, just the will to actually enforce the laws on the books. The politicians are the only problem, they like the conflict from it to keep the people looking away from their destruction of this nation.
Which is why I have ever voted for the two corrupt parties here. The shame is that the majority here do not join myself, and the others who actual think.
>alt-right Rhetoric against all non-whites.
you're fucking retard if you think the majority of people who voted for trump were part of the alt-right or if you think the view people who sympathize with Richard spencer represent the majority.
>end.Trump suckered people into actually think he would deport them.
he is deporting them. Or you one of those people who confused "illegal" with "legal?
This is why there are no 'based' minorities.
'I'll vote for the conservatives but only as long as we keep importing 1 million muds per year'.
When the US had the big wave of immigration from Europe it was only 250k/year and only for around 30 years before they cut it off to give them time to assimilate, now the country's gotten 1 million/year since 1965 and you're against shutting that off?