What do you do?

Guy like this walks up to you and says:

Ay man can i borrow yo phone i needs to call ma moms n shiieeet.

Context: you are in a public and you don't wanna look racist. ps i was also in a situation like this wanna see your reaction before i give mine

my battery is dead...nigger


y not craka. r u raciest n shieet

sure, lemme remove the chip

I don't own a cell phone and never will. You'll have to try to rob a libtard, my nigger

Proceed to take picture of nigger and start a nigger hate thread on Sup Forums while ignoring niggers clicks and snaps

"No". Why is that hard?

>don't want to look racist

Fuck that, I don't bother trying not to look racist. My survival is more important than liberal's opinion

Sorry, do I know you? No? Good, let's keep it that way..

Whenever some shit like this happens I always laugh and say, "hell no."

The lack of timidity is what drives them off.

Sorry dude but no.


you fucking psychos

I say no way, and call him a nigger

No, I don't trust you. Payphone across street, go sick a few dicks, and you might make enough for that phone call.

Exactly, you need to get unreasonably mad and yell FUCK NO. It's the only thing these animals understand.

I wouldn't let him (just because I don't like strangers using my stuff), but even if I did and he tried to steal it someone would surely fuck him up.

What's the story behind that webm?

The bar across the street lets you make phonecalls.

Fuck off sambo. I'll Trayvon your worthless purple drank ass.

>I don't own a cell phone and never will
do you live in the 20th century?

How fucking sheltered are you OP? All you have to do is say "No, go ask someone else", pull your hands out of your pockets and prepare in case you're not really in a public place or the nigger seems drugged out of his mind and might punch you in a crowded street.
Fucking leaf.

They are niggers.

I say fuck off jungle bunny.


"no" if he tries to attack me i just shoot him, conceal and carry license for the win.

Walk away, this nigger doesn't deserve an answer. If he wanted to rob me let him rob me off the train

is that a human leg. why is he eating it

Answer is no.

Are you crazy? Give my phone to random dude?
And nigger?

you won't you keyboard warrior

>don't want to look racist
I don't fucking care. I say no and go about my business because I'm not afraid of niggers.

No, it's a negro leg.

Don't give niggers anything they ask for. WIthout people giving them free shit they all stop reproducing and die. They're too stupid to survive without freebies from whites.

How many times are faggots gonna make this thread?

>for the hundredth time dickweed, no you fuckin cant, here's a quarter go use a payphone

It's painfully obvious you've never seen a nigger in real life. Even the most liberal fuck wouldn't expect you to actually acknowledge that this nigger talked to you. He's trying to rob you.

Speak for yourself. I'm a bouncer at a club in a thoroughly nogrified part of town. I humiliate niggers on a weekly basis.

I've had that happen and I said " I don't have one", as I was holding my phone


You just tell them that you don't let anybody else use your phone -- This is standard practice for everyone. By the way, Blacks do this on purpose in order to fuck with you. And, yes, they will call someone and fuck with them so that you'll have to change your number, etc. Just say no.

>"Fo shizzle, man, go"
>runs with it
>doesn't know about cp collection

In your best Chris Tucker nigger voice say "Oh haaayyylll no"

You are asking to get thrown in prison. Nobody believes in pedo niggers.

Sorry man it's my work phone. They monitor the calls. I'm a PM for the government on a sercet project increase the mass of watermelon and a single errant phone call could bring the whole project to a halt.

They do it to steal your phone u stupid nigger

"Naw I don't even know you like that man"
problem solved

i say this every time nigs ask me for something lol

listen, pikanniny, do I look like your father?
Go get a job, leech

By going on a completely crazy rant about White genocide, how i will get rid of him and his overlords and that Europeans will conquer africa and BLEACH it
in around 150 Decibel

I feel bad for some of y'all foreigners. Y'all will never get to experience beating the shit out of a black dude

Start singing loudly.

>mfw the homeless fucks at the hostel I used to stay at pull this shit all the time

No credit m8.

>you are in a public and you don't wanna look racist.

Your question is based on a faulty premise.
I don't give two shits about looking racist.

I actually said yes once but I was with a friend who was also pretty street wise. We were in front of a Restaurant having a smoke. I kind of block his running path and was ready to dive tackle the guy if he tried anything.
He just caught me off guard and there were people around who I didn't want to seem like an asshole in front of.
In hindsight, I wouldn't do it again.

gtfo snickerface


> leaf thinks the word "no" is racism

You are fucking pathetic and yes I'm aware we have a Paki for a Mayor

Shit regularly happens to me. I just tell them to fuck off or ignore them.

I have a samsung convoy 3 because im not a faggot. After handing him my phone, he suddenly doesnt need to makethe call

Bin that phone mate.

Here's 50cents find a payphone.


"sorry man, I don't let anyone use my phone cos some man dash init"

[angry greek noises]

i borrow phone he trys to run with it i stab him in the leg and call him a nigger

>Mfw live in TN
tell him fuck off, literally no one cares that a nigger begging for a phone was told to fuck off. Some might even be angry a black asked for a phone, and we invite the kids and hang him from the burger king sign

>and you don't wanna look racist.

Just ramble something in Finnish

>Grab knife in pocket
>"why a dead nigger needs a phone?"
>ram knife in Nigger guts
>turn knife around in nigger guts
>pull knife out of Nigger guts
>proceedwith my day