Is Finland the nicest country in the world?
Is Finland the nicest country in the world?
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Objectively speaking, no
No not very nice, but neither am i.
They are however the shield of the nordic people and as such they have developed a stronger people with stronger values.
Sweden is the spoiled little sister
Norway is the successful middle brother
Denmark is the travelling hippie older middle brother
Finland is the oldest brother who work hard, play hard and has seen the destructive shit that is the world and is working tirelessly to protect the family from it.
There is a saying in Sweden that our nation falls when the last finn surrenders.
Fingols aren't human
1. shit education, very few nobel prizes, no top universities
2. shit pay high tax on all jobs
3. barely any people in the country
4. finnish - the terriblest language on earth
5. no innovation since nokia, who epicly failed to cash in on the mobile phone screwing the entire countries wealth
Imagine Sweden but 10x more autism.
I need to find that Finnish infographic again, but basically the country has the highest level of social trust, some of the lowest corruption, the best or second best educational system and outcomes, some of the highest safety and lowest crime, and tons of other desireable outcomes, all in the world.
Only if you want your kids kidnapped by the state and turned into complete losers.
what about the dindu-to-white ratio?
nicest? probably not, but finland is objectively the best country
sweden BTFO
Sure it's a nice place, but let me put it this way.
If you never want to achieve anything in your life and just want to exist as part of the invisible gray mass and live life of relative comfort. Then it's great.
Never earning that much, no matter how much you study or work, but never really being in total poverty either.
Everything is also expensive as shit and taxation makes sure that everyone is more or less equal.
Finland is exactly on par with playing a game on easy mode.
No achievements, no risk, no reward. Just calm and peaceful and safe existence.
So it can be a heavenly place on earth for many, but if you want to make something of yourself? Fuck no.
spurdo sparde suomi XDDDDDDD
Finns love Jews too much IMO
we don't even have any jews in Finland and if we do, then there has to be less than 1k
I'm a jew
Norway has like 1.3k Jews or something like that, I doubt that Finland has anything other than an extremely small amount. I mean, look at their society and how well it functions, does that seem like one with lots of Jews?
If you invent a new Nokia or Supercell, sure you will get rich. Our problem is that it's too comfy to live on NEET bux and pay is too high for low-tier jobs so few have incentive to start bussinesses.
We don't want foreigners though. Waito piggus and sandniggers never even bother learning Finnish. They should get OVEN'd. Only Nipponi allowed.
>The country is home to approximately 1,500 Jews
Normal people have hard time hating other people that pratically don't even exist. There are no rotten ''jewish intellectuals'' in here like America or France.
the cold weather changes the mood too much in a direction that isn't exactly favorable.
that being said, Spain, Italy, Portugal, any south american country like Argentina, at least they have a much more positive outlook on life because at least they got plenty of sunligh which is good for your Vitamin D levels and the plants and the soil and fucking everything else unless it's too much.
Finns are cute
Kun jätät maailman taakse
Lukitse ovet ja käännä valot alas
Kuiskat, ohjelmat, eronnut
Ja sinulla ei ole tahtoa
Yritä taistella
Näetkö, miten se on sinun ajatuksiasi
Tule haaveilemaan?
Tunteet näyttävät maailmalle
Pysytät sisällä
Joten kutoa maailma leikki
Tällaisia kohtaloja
Jotta voit päästä
Jotta ainoa pettäisi
Seisot keskellä
Unelma on allekirjoittamaton teos
Nimettömät aave eilen epäilivät
Joten vastauksia ei yksinkertaisteta
Avaa ennen kuin maksat kokeilemalla
Ja se kaikki näkyy linssiesi kautta
Soittamasi kuvat
Antakaa sinulle siipiä
Joten kutoa maailma leikki
Tällaisia kohtaloja
Jotta voit päästä
Jotta ainoa pettäisi
Seisot keskellä
Kuten lanka saumasta
Vetää pois paljastamaan
Meidän kaikkien on tehtävä tämä unelma
Ja joskus se tuntuu niin todelliselta
Näetkö, miten se on sinun ajatuksiasi
Tule haaveilemaan?
Tunteet näyttävät maailmalle
Pysytät sisällä
Joten kutoa maailma leikki
Tällaisia kohtaloja
Jotta voit päästä
Jotta ainoa pettäisi
Seisot keskellä
How hard is Finnish to learn?
Cold European countries are almost objectively the nicest places to live on earth. Argentina, Italy (with the exception of maybe the North), Portugal, and Spain are all much shittier than Germany, the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, etc.
>Finns are cute
Our academia has plenty of kikes, and our government is full of Eurocrats that love the EU despite that cursed fucking cancerous union being founded upon the ideology of pan-Europeanism, that is vehemently antithetical to the very concept of european peoples having self determination, soverign homelands, and strong ethnic identities.
Anyone who supports the EU is a traitors because EU is driven by an ideology that would see our people erased from existence.
Only if you smoke cigarettes, soil pludgeon
Finland has a very high suicide ratio. That should tell everything about the country tbqh famalam.
It is definitely one of the best countries.
Finland, Japan, Iceland, Poland, Hungary, Switzerland . . . imo these are the Elder God tier countries.
Small town America is better much better
>Cold European countries are almost objectively the nicest places to live on earth.
then why does everybody wanna go to sunny countries for vacation?
and based on what factors is it nicer or are you just taking the economy into account?
Small town America has been hit very hard economically. Most small towns are extremely trashy and not places you'd ever want to live.
>Finland has a very high suicide ratio
Myth unless you prove it. It's not that high and you're not that special.
I thought they were a nation of aloof aspies that have an absurd view on personal space.
Actually it's just around 1k from what I hear.
I've met about 3 during my life.
One was white as snow Finn who was dating a nigger chick.
One guy was Palestinian who had some Jewish roots, so he was able to live in Israel. Often talked how his family enjoys taking potshots at Mudslimes across the Israel border, whenever he was visiting there on a vacation.
Third was some big nosed Jordanian guy, who said that there are only 1k jews in Finland.
So yeah, not that many of them over here.
Of course you can make it big with businesses, but that's about it.
Hell, even a small cleaning business can easily pay nearly 6 figures over here.
You're right about uneducated job paying a lot when compared to educated people.
Be uneducated, make 2500€ a month. Be educated, get 2800-3400€ a month.
And when you look at taxation, it almost evens out in the end.
One of the hardest languages in the world.
And it's not just the language itself you need to learn.
We can often use words that don't mean a thing and you're supposed to figure the meaning out by using context clues that exist in the very moment.
It requires a bit of brain power to understand.
I have never heard perfect Finnish from a foreigner in my life and bad Finnish just makes you sound like a retard.
Economy, social trust, crime levels/safety, education and educational outcomes. People go to those countries for vacation because it's nice for a break and the weather is nice but that doesn't make a place good to live in, people, institutions, culture, etc. is what makes a place nice to live in.
Small town America is basically transplanted Northern European people who preserved their high trust and built a similar type of civilization.
>you're not that special.
this is the mindset that drives people into killing themselves.
>a nation of aloof aspies that have an absurd view on personal space.
sounds wonderful
it's nothing special, somewhat above european average around the same as belgium and france.
Poo in a loo pajeet
i don't care if they're nice or not, I LOVE FINLAND
Is Norwegian easier?
I need to move the fuck back
I hate people this stupid country has too fucking many of them, I pass by hundreds every day
>belgium and france.
that doesn't surprise.
belgium is the EU seat and therefore a hellhole and france, well, you know...(((""""France""""))).
From what I've heard Norwegian is pretty similar to English in many ways, if you can learn English without much difficulty you could probably learn Norwegian.
Post Finnish people
The opposite mindset also drives people into killing themselves and others. "I was told I could be anything but in reality I couldn't so now I want to blow up the world."
Why not just move somewhere in Montana instead of all the way to Suomi?
I like Finnish people.
They remind me a bit of Japanese people, actually.
>in reality I couldn't
there is always a way. the only mistake is not to try to achieve things at all. if shit then doesn't work, there is no need to feel like blowing up anything. you move on to the next best thing.
Finns are WHITE!
Same, eecept I've only met two; both of which from high school. Both were girls, one looked pretty dark, probably palestinian or some shit with sar of David necklace, though couldnt properly see under her make up
The other one looked semitic as fuck. Hook none, jew curls, everything. During our prom dance practise (wanhojen tanssit) I had to partner up with her, since both of our dance partners were away. I rememeber her smiffing a lot.
Actually yea my plan was to move somewhere like that soon
I live in the east coast and you can drive an hour in any direction and still be in a city with no peace and quiet. "hiking trails" here are like these pathetic 15 minute walks through woods and you are surrounded by people constantly the whole time, even in the woods. I hate it.
Finns are all anti-social faggot Leftist Asians.
Stay the fuck away from Finland. They do not like you.
Holy fuck!! 8 out of 12 wallets returned in NYC? Unbelievable. They must have dropped those wallets in fucking queens
finnish girls reeeeally like bum sex. Which is great, except my dick is attached to me, and i don't really want it covered in finnish poo
>They do not like you.
You got that right
Norwegian is definetely easier than Finnish.
>live in coastal population center, the most population-dense parts of the US
gee i dunno dude
if only population density maps of the US existed
>the only mistake is not to try to achieve things at all
True and achievements don't come by simply being something. It's all wörk wörk. And if you're taught being special just for being you, then you don't feel the pressure to wörk. No wörk is no achievements, and that's where the depression for our generation kicks in.
People need to chill some more.
Isn't that kind of a biased input though? You basically already speak Norwegian if you can speak Swedish. An Estonian probably thinks Finnish is a lot easier. That being said the guy asking was asking in English and Norwegian is obviously a lot closer to English anyway so it's probably a moot point.
What you said (lol).
begone Ahmed
They probably all took turns fucking him after
Börk, börk, börk. Get gassed, you fucking Swede. Your whole country need to die before you infect the rest of Nordics with your degeneracy.
Finnish can be pretty easy to learn, but if you want to sound like a native speaker it's almost impossible. I know plenty of people who have lived here for 30years+ and still make mistakes that native speakers simply would not make. It's mostly because of all the suffixes and how do you apply them I think
Stop bullyings
It's pretty objective claiming that for an American (speaking English), Norwegian is probably easier. Both belong to the same branch of Indo-European languages, Germanic. Finnish is not even Indo-European, but Finno-Ugric.
Everything can be learned and the most important is motivation.
Johan Bäckman?
>How hard is Finnish to learn?
It is not very difficult.
calm down there eh
she looks like a spooky cannibal beast, pretending to be human
It's the fucking Western Dialects and your 14 noun and adjective cases that throw me off.
The Defense Language Institute categorizes Finnish as difficult to learn as Japanese or Mandarin.
Get fucked, you piece of Refugees Welcome shit. You're ruining the World.
Half-swede, Half-Baltic here, can i seek asylum?
of course you can seek it but we wont give it to you
No more Mr. Nice Guy. The Golden Age will be soon at hand.
Being likely that your "half-Baltic" part is Estonian, I want to take pity on you, but the "Half-Swede" part of you makes me want to take a puukko (not a fucking piece of shit Mora) to your guts and flense you over the course of several days.
>We can often use words that don't mean a thing and you're supposed to figure the meaning out by using context clues that exist in the very moment.
Mikä vitun spörglöä toi on? :-----D
What the fuck
Ääliö, älä lyö, ööliä läikkyy!
Are you a finn living in USA?
No. He has watched a video from a Finnish youtuber who studies in Japan.
Awaken my master!
Stop appropriating our culture. I am being 100% honest when i say I hate Americans the most of all peoples. If you mongrels can be even counted as a """"people""""
That doesn't even make any sense. "I wonder if not even with his un-disorderliness" or something.
Finns dont surrender...
Well, I'd surrender if the russkies promised to burn sweden to the ground.
This stupid meme again
People think Finns are like this because Finns are so "humble" that they always make themselves look like the most anti social people ever with no friends. It's far from true.
What you see in the picture would never happen here, ever.
Nice Reddit spacing, serkku.
Happens literally every day. At least in Espoo.
why dont you drive a car like a real man
public transport is disgusting, full of junkies and niggers