How come you never see atheist mock Islam or Judaism?
It's always Christians they go after.
How come you never see atheist mock Islam or Judaism?
It's always Christians they go after.
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dead kike on a stick
I'm an atheist who despises all organized religion equally.
They're all cults based on interpreting the vague messages written in storybooks.
I shit on them everyday. Fuck off.
>I'm an atheist who despises all organized religion equally.
You're a fucking moron then. Something something false equivalence
reaaaally makes you think, doesn't it?
>inb4 closeted kikes
The majority of Sup Forums was anti-Muslim anti-Jew atheists before it was flooded with cuckservatives during the election.
Atheist here who talks mad shit about Islam and promotes Christian values. There a ton of atheists that speak out, think you are confusing all atheists with leftist which is not true.
Because the athiests of today are just white hating liberals.
They would hate Christopher Hitchens if he was alive today.
>Sup Forums
The vast majority of the atheist community is cancerous, and /r/atheism is a prime example. They are really just anti-christians who wank over Dawkins, secretly loving Islam, Judaism and pretty much every non-western religion.
They claim that "Christianity and conservatism are shoved down their throats" when the exact opposite is happening.
I myself do identify as an atheist, since I don't believe in any deity, but I don't care if people around me are religious, as long as they don't interfere in my life (which is what Muslims and Jews are doing).
It's quite unfortunate that, because of its cancerous community, atheism is now considered an SJW thing.
Well said pal.
Hitchens >> Dawkins
Because most internet atheists only go after low-hanging fruit, loud-mouthed bible-thumping anti-science retards like Josh Feuerstein. They're afraid of muslims and bluepilled on Judaism.
Fuck off shill atleast we dont worship a dead kike on a stick
nice strawman, my friend.
Because europian athiests are surrounded by christians
Whether OP is Christian or not, that doesn't detract from the fact that his question is perfectly valid.
Same reason Bernie attacked a Christian at a senate hearing for holding basic religious beliefs.
Review your logical fallacies pal.
Real life speaks otherwise, (((pal))).
Jews don't fear Muslims
Jews don't fear Atheists
Jews don't fear Pagans
Jews don't fear Fags
Jews don't fear LGBT
Jews fear White, Christian, Traditionalists.
Why do you care what atheists think? Most atheists are retarded liberal arts majors.
Larpers btfo
Christian atheist here
>It's always Christians they go after.
I don't i go after everyone who believes in superstitious old creepy dudes in the skies
inb4: but you're not a christian, if you dont believe in god: geeez you fucking dumbfuck, religions are manuals to make a society work and chistianity is the best one, OBVIOUSLY
I'm a once ardent atheist opposed to Christianity. However, I am now an atheist who supports Judeo-Christian values.
Epic strawman my dude
I'm an Atheist and personally don't care what flying sky daddy anyone believes in.
I'm an atheist and I wouldn't mind too much if everyone who doesn't claim to be Christian and go to church to was expelled from western society. I'd be glad to start if it meant all muslims are gone.
I'm sorry the rest of us are just retarded faggots jumping on a bandwagon
I'm an Agnostic and this is the question that first made me realize 90% of the atheists are just useful idiot scum. They must be oven'd, and I hope you will accept my sword for the Crusade.
>christian atheist
The final result of Atheism.
>How come you never see atheist mock Islam or Judaism?
Why would kikes and their servants mock THEMSELVES?
Because Christianity is actually real, and the only religion that doesn't sugar coat things and tells you that all other religions are blasphemous trash.
Islam calls kikes and Christians "people of the book" and says some will go to heaven. Obviously an elaborate Saracen ruse to undermine our Lord Jesus Christ.
>*blows you up*
>"H-hey, that's not nice!"
Gee i fucking wonder
All desert cults are equally as bad, it's just that Christianity has Pagan influences.
The athiest neckbeard meme literally is internet opposition to this. People try to root out ""athiests"" as sperglord obese faggots or something to try and make it socially unacceptable to not be religious.
t. agnostic
>How come you never see atheist mock Islam or Judaism?
Roughly the same reason that, out of all the conversations you've ever had about the weather in your life, not a single one of those conversations was about the weather at McMurdo station in Antarctica.
Christianity is easer to attack as there is no pushback for when you do unlike Judaism or islam witch have droves of useful idiots defending them.
Guess there's some truth in that too
The best way to BTFO a shitlib is to shit on Islam, then tell them you're an atheist when they play muh Christianity is just as bad card. They only use that because they assume you're a Christian and they have no other argument.
Hitchens, Dawkins, Molyneux ... Literally the first three atheists I think of and all despise Islam far more than Christianity.
Because they're all Zionist Jews merely pretending to be atheist until it's time to collect mommy's inheritance.
I consider myself a deist in that I think there may be some sort of entity keeping the cycle of chaos and order in balance. It's not something to worship, not something that intervenes in human life, and worthy of no consideration. Labeling oneself "atheist" brings such negative connotations that it's become something it isn't, much like "anarchist" has come to mean much more than it should.
I think the Ten Commandments are good rules to follow and I think intelligent people can be Christian. It's a moderate religion open to evolution as ideas are outgrown and fits within polite society: It's actually conducive to success within society.
Islam is fundamentalist, outdated, and impossible to mesh within modern society. Should be outlawed.
False equivalence my ass. Organized religion is the bane of Fools and idiots. Organized religion is nothing more than another business to make money. Smart people making money off of brain dead zombies. Almost makes you wonder if it isn't kikes who run every single religion on this planet. They are stupid. Someone writes a book proclaiming all kinds of heavenly Phantom unicorn Spirit in the Sky bullshit and a bunch of other people give money to human beings who run the religion claiming that theirs is the best and they should fight and die for it. What about your bullshit. And idiots like you keep propagating it generation after generation ruining the human race in perpetuation. Fucking fools. When will you learn?
In regard to the question from the OP, the reason that most atheists go after Christianity is because most of the vocal atheists grew up in a Christian household. That is the fantasy story they were brought up to believe in when they were children. Also, it should be noted that at least if you games with Christian background and became an atheist there's a hell of a lot last chance you will get killed for coming out and stating that to the world. That's a plus for Christianity. If you do that as a Muslim God only knows what's going to happen to you depending on where you're living and who around you wants you dead. So obviously there are fewer Muslims turned atheists who are willing to stand up and shut down Islam.
Because that would be racist you racist cis bninary genered straight mite whale!!1
There are plenty of atheists who attack Islam more than Christianity or Judaism. A short list:
>Christopher Hitchens
here's Hitch talking amicably with Dennis Prager and he specifically says Christianity will be a better bulwark against Islam than atheism:
>Richard Dawkins
>Sam Harris
>Ayaan Hirsi Ali
>Bill Maher
The problem is that the "mainstream atheist" community is so liberal that these people are constantly being lambasted as Islamophobic and racist. Ayaan Hirsi Ali in fact is often called "genocidal" and "a puppet of the Zionists" by ATHEISTS, not even Muslims.
So there are plenty of big-name atheists who go after Islam and recognize it's far worse than Christianity, but they are being labeled as bigoted or racist by the liberal white Atheist college students. That's what needs to be stopped.
Because they are weak cucks who are afraid from the SJW backlash or the muslim fists.
Most who declare themselves as atheists on every possible occasion are pathetic cucks who were bullied in school. Christianity is the only thing they can spit on, since most Christians won't punch them in the face.
user, are you bisexual?
>sides: gone
>muslims: bombed
>I'm sorry the rest of us are just retarded faggots jumping on a bandwagon
I think you hit the nail on the head. I have nothing but respect for genuine agnostics asking deep questions and expressing healthy skepticism. The problem is that atheism became a beacon for shallow white-Christian-hating leftist pieces of shit who DON'T think and DON'T question their biases. Leftists fucking ruin EVERYTHING.
I'm talking IRL
>fantasy story
Stop acting like you know all.
What created the universe then leaf?
By the laws of thermodynamics the creation myth is in violation of ''you cant create something out of nothing'' rule.
Really makes you think huh
Yeah. OP's idea makes no sense and wasn't meant to
William Pierce was an atheist. He named the Jew.
Im an atheist and I dont give a fuck about christianity, its harmless. Fuck islam
I shit on all religions, but to ignore the fact that Christianity has regressed to a point that makes it insignificant in my life compared to the religion of peace which actively murders people on the street with fully automatic assault truck requires some serious mental gymnastics.
"I have mixed feeling about the decline of Christianity, in so far as Christianity might be a bulwark against something worse."
I'm an atheist.
I think an ideal world would have no religion but we live in a world far from the ideal. There's no point for me to 'go after' christians because they're generally peaceful people. They create charities, spread goodwill, and don't kill people. Their crimes are the mass genital mutilation of their children and shaming their gay / trans children into killing themselves. That's incredibly tame compared to the cancer that is islam. Judaism is worse than christianity but again nowhere near as bad as the shitstain of islam.
Sure you do, ONLINE. In the real world nobody ever mocks Judaism or Islam.
>Judaism is less worse than islam.
Judaism is the whole reason where in this mess right now the refrugee ''charity's'' are just one to name.
The Amazing Gaytheist mocks Islam sometimes
The naivete and goodwill of white people is why we're in this mess. Jews push their agenda, so does everyone.
Goddamn use your fucking brains ONE FUCKING time
Nearly every fucking story in the bible has a parralel story in very much older canonic creation stories from mesopotamia and are probably even older than that.
What that means is that those fucking stories taught patterns of behaviour, that caused societies to thrive
Actually i am not, i neither suffer from neurons fucking up my genetic urge to reproduce myself nor from a lack of neuronic connections causing me to believe something irrational
You mean acting like an autistic retard in public?
I'm an atheist. I mock jews and muslims but only discuss with christians since they are more open to dialogue than both and probably smarter than muslims.
Did you forget that the news channels and to extension public schools are full of liberal brainwashing?
Bullshit, it's cowardice plain and simple.
The vast majority of atheists are idiots who just want to jump on the bandwagon in order to justify their degeneracy. They're no smarter than the "dumb religi-cucks" that they love to deride.
They attack Christians because they know nothing will ever happen to them for doing it. They are not being "courageous" they are just kicking Christians while they're down.
The few Atheists with some sense of integrity have found themselves utterly betrayed by their fanbases. Christopher Hitches used to get thunderous applause for every one of his rants against Christianity, but as soon as he turns his attention to Islam....the enlightened fedoralords reveal themselves for what they truly are.
Probably because you live in the US and the overwhelming majority of the population are Christians, dumbass. Ever thought about that?
>yet he believes everything originated magically out of nothingness witch violates the laws of thermodynamics and defy's all common sense.
Atheism and religion can never find the anwser this whole argument is completely futile.
Hitchens, Harris, Dawkins and Maher have all called out Islam. If fundamentalists would stop trying to push their nonsense into politics and schools then maybe athiests would get smart on Islam.
Safest target, atheists that don't criticize Judaism or Islam are just pathetic wimps.
Do you guys think this kind of Jesus will ever become mainstream?
>I feed by sexuality
I'm in tears.
>How come you never see atheist mock Islam or Judaism?
Because you can actually get into trouble by mocking them. Christian cucks, on the other hand, are easy targets. Least resistance and all that.
The laws of thermodynamics and every other law of physics started to exist when the universe started to exist, so that argument is stupid. What was before the universe started to exist and why exactly it started existing?? We don't know, but at least we don't pretend to know because some book an ancient goatfucker wrote claims some shit.
William Pierce did not preach atheism to people, he wanted us all to put that aside and unite as White brothers & sisters. He only spoke against the destructive policies of the modern church, not against Christianity in general.
This distinction is important.
>unity vs. division
>national socialism vs. communism
>class cohesion vs. class conflict
Because atheism is about hating your dad
>why do people talk about the religious group that currently maintains hegemony in most of the Western world, where most atheists are.
Also, guys like Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris have talked about Islam.
>yet he believes everything originated magically out of nothingness witch violates the laws of thermodynamics and defy's all common sense.
That's not the point, user.
The point is to keep a working society
Superstition undermines that goal
Islam and other religions are simply to dysfunctional in their core values to do that, pair that with superstition and you got the shitshow that islam is right now
so to explain a universe or time without the laws of fysics you would delve into the paranormal or straight up magic.
You see why atheism is a meme?
both sides dont have anwsers to the core question.
>Jews don't fear Pagans
Then why do they declare Norse runes to be "hate symbols"?
Most atheists mock the religion they originally come from.
I mostly attack Islam and get the same criticism from Muslims, that I never attack Christians or Jews.
Muh Sand Nigga, I don't know Christianity and Judaism like I know Islam.
Islam and Jews are protected species
Atheists doesn't claim they know, though. That's the difference.
You removed Christianity from society just years ago and then the sjw infestation began and faggots became militants.
People use religion to stray away from nihilism it is a part of society one that you cant remove with militant atheism.
But i do agree some religions need to be put back on their place notebly islam.
tricking dumbfucks like you who don't have their own mind
>Both sides don't have answers to the core question
That was the point he was making...
>Jewish org working to slow the divorce rate and save the nuclear family
Guess jews were a lot more BASED! back in the 30's.
I'm not shitting on anyone. As long as it's not Islam they can believe whatever the fuck they want.
same here
>Atheist dont claim the know.
The do every Atheist if ever spoken to did untill i pointed out the creation myth and just like the Christians the have no anwser.
The most common response was often muh big bang.
because of pic related
Cool. Unfortunately, that's their own belief on a personal level. On the other hand, there isn't sufficient evidence for assertions like creation for example.
Militant atheism is exactly why we are in this mess, i totally agree.
But i think the problem with that is, that we did not kill God (the superstitious part) like Nietzsche said, but rather that we destroyed the core value system. Militant atheist are just the ones who get it totally wrong, they dispise the superstitious part and the core value system alltogether.
clearer version
cause the christians are pedos and enslaved the western world for their perverted world view.