Does Japan have their version of Neo Nazis? Does the government take action against them?
Does Japan have their version of Neo Nazis? Does the government take action against them?
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we have net uyoku whose po/tard version in Japan
You mean nationalists, right? Yes, they are a majority in Nippon. A lot of Japanese like Shinzo Abe but utterly resent the inhumane position their emperor has been in since WW2. I can get more specific if ye want, laddy.
Source: Lived in Japan working for tech company
Yes, they do. They even have their own "alt-right".
See "uyoku dantai" and "netto uyoku"
There we some rumblings of nationalist in the early 50s, but the red scare and economic miracle recovery silenced that.
No need for hard men in good times.
Dunno but it's already a Jew-free 99% Japanese ethnostate so I guess they're not really necessary.
Samurai. The jews fear them.
IS the emperor more of s celebrity now? Kinda like Uks royal family?
They have Neo imperialists
There is a lot of ...revisionism in japan at the moment.
This makes a lot of sense.
Oh they do.
Japan has been cucked, so no reactionary. only (((fake nationalist shills))) exist.
Mishima was the last true one
Yes, they even have BASED WHITE GUYS (without MAGA hat)
He's never been a celebrity, although they always get a lot of news coverage. Like every other morning, "Hey look, it's the emperor, unable to leave his castle. Looking good, emperor." He's like a bound bird that Japanese love but the US won't let spread his wings. I would say it's about 40 to 60 ratio on the surface of military independence vs letting the US stay, but in reality, it's probably much higher than that.
Idk, nip.... Japan couldn't be THAT cucked. Don't they really strict immigration? That implies they give a fuck about preserving their race, which is the opposite of cucked.
Do some research on "Nippon kaigi
The video is a bit biased but you can get a basic gestalt of the organization
Hey poo how is India? Most of the Pajeets in America that I know are in really good careers. So, I highly doubt they are coming from huts in India, they must be coming from nicer parts. How much of India is actually shitty?
>Most of the Pajeets in America that I know are in really good careers
You get the best of the best
>How much of India is actually shitty?
close to 60% of the country is shitty
Things are improving in India but it's more like two steps forward and one step backwards.
That's what I figured... Damn that sucks, America is moving backwards. Our ghettos (shitty areas) are only getting worse and bigger in scope. Our younger generations are soaking up all the degeneracy and getting blacked. This has all been said a million times on /pol but sometimes it's hard not to rant about it :(
>close to 60% of the country is shitty
Found the Mumbai faggot. Your country is 97% fucking disgusting.
>Your country is 97% fucking disgusting.
USA the largest producer of cuck porn calling other country disgusting.
Well played Poo.
I thought they always cucked the far right whenever they tried to deny war crimes in text books