>Silently wishing for a return to Catholic world domination led by local dioceses under the rule of the Roman pontiff, while simultaneously also not believing in God.
Who's your fav saint my dudes? For me, St. Iggy Loyola all the way.
>Silently wishing for a return to Catholic world domination led by local dioceses under the rule of the Roman pontiff, while simultaneously also not believing in God.
Who's your fav saint my dudes? For me, St. Iggy Loyola all the way.
Get out you thoughtless conspiracy fuck
saint bart
Novus Ordo sucks. Trad Latin all the way
This dude
Novus Ordo was ordained to happen by God...If you don't think it's valid/satisfactory your a heretic.
I would rather be a heretic than a hypocrite
what the hell is going here? why are they raising there hands? it's been a long time since i went to mass but this shit looks like some typical evangelical bufoonery
I think it was from the paris attacks recently. Probably showing hands to police.
Olga of Kiev is my saintfu
What the fuck does that even mean?
It means you're a cuck
k, didn't remember that
also contribootin'
I'd go birdwatching with her any day of the week, friend.
hahaha wtf your insane dude.
Your probably some Protestant fag or SSPX shill
Jean D'Arc is my saintfu
I'm fond of Saint Benedict Joseph Labre. He's the patron saint of NEETs, sort of.
Believe in God, user. He believes in you.
At least -- get on your knees and ask for the gift of faith. Do that to make up for a certain impiety in your OP. ("Iggy," indeed -- if you caught him before he was fully converted, he'd likely have run you through for that.)
Close the door to your room and do it. No one needs to know. Only God will know. And ask Saint Ignatius to intercede for you, because he's a very cool guy, actually, and might just do that.
>Novus Ordo was ordained to happen by God
>If you don't think it's valid/satisfactory your a heretic.
Not at all, perhaps the Traditional Mass was taken away just so it could be resurrected again with greater strength. Trad orders are thriving now, their seminaries are full and trad mass is attended by loads of young Catholics who have large families
>If you say these magic words, some ancient dead guy will appear
Not in the dogmas. You don't have to agree with it. Which is the whole point of vatican 2 despite it being wilfully misinterpreted by modernists who want to destroy tradition. The point was to make use of local traditions more in mass and delegate more power to the parish. Think eastern rite or anglican use
Great, I'm glad you can't argue that the Novus Ordo mass was willed by God - if you argued otherwise than you wouldn't be in communion with the Catholic Church.
Anyway, yes you would be a heretic. You'd deny V2, and therefore you'd be in direct opposition to the movements of the Holy Spirit. Look, yes trad orders might be doing fine, and that's great - but the ones inside the Catholic Church can't say that Novus Ordo isn't valid in any way.
It's just conspiratorial saying that the only reason it was put in place, is so that the traditional mass could come back full force. That's laughable.
St John of the Cross. Lil friar john fucked my shit up
You don't understand dogma. Accepting novus ordo isn't a requirement to be catholic. You try speak with the authority of a bishop but you are laity. You must have more humility as it is not you who decides dogma and who gets excommunicated.
All these /x/ threads on Sup Forums sure are great.
Which is you guys favorite vividbutt? I like Akane because she cute but Wakaba good too.
Actually, it is. If I were you, I'd stop visiting SSPX fake theology sites to get your information.
I'm not claiming to speak with the authority of any clergy, as a member of the laity, I can defend church teaching. That's not an argument. KEK.
It's just factual that Catholics who have denied the new mass, and say it's not valid, are and have been excommunicated by the church. It literally takes a few minutes to research.
Cant wait for the second inquisition and then we'll see whose laughing when you have a giant torture device shoved up your anus
Magic words?
No need for such. Nor will any "ancient dead guy" appear.
Simply pray, silently. Speak to God in your mind, and ask Him for the gift of faith.
You can do it right now, user. Nothing is stopping you.
And if you refuse to do it -- what is it in your mind or heart that's stopping you?
Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.
Christ was literally thinking of you when He died on the cross.
Christ literally died for you. For you personally.
Superabundant grace and blessings await; He stands at the door and knocks. Will you open the door to Him?
Louis IX
Defeated the Albigensians, fought to retrieve the Holy Land in the 7th and 8th Crusades (which he died on,) revamped the justice system to ban trials by ordeal and to presume innocence, and burned Talmuds because he was red pilled on the Jewish menace.
There's no use talking to this guy dude kek he's a troll
>muh book proves everything
Still waiting for evidence...
You're already an atheist in regards to the thousands of other gods that have been thought up throughout the millennia. I just go one more.
>Who's your fav saint my dudes?
My grandma Mary.
Not even once.
There's no evidence anything outside your mind even exists, yet you believe in a number of other things
The best Saint coming through.
Saint Conrad of Constance
i'm related to this guy.
Best Saint
St. Francis de Sales
He's the patron Saint of writers and journalists.
Saint Leibowitz.
pic related
when the King of the Germans traveled to Rome, it was Saint Conrad who delivered the summons by the Pope. Saint Conrad was a cousin of the King of the Germans. When they arrived in Rome, Charlemagne was coronated as King of Italy. He became master of two realms, and thus took on the title Holy Roman Emperor over the newly established catholic empire.
Perhaps the seed will fall on another passerby :^)
>Behold, the sower went out to sow; and as he sowed, some seeds fell beside the road, and the birds came and ate them up. Others fell on the rocky places, where they did not have much soil; and immediately they sprang up, because they had no depth of soil. But when the sun had risen, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away. Others fell among the thorns, and the thorns came up and choked them out. And others fell on the good soil and yielded a crop, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty. He who has ears, let him hear.
-Matthew 13:4-9
>Being so bluepilled you don't understand religion
Hernan Cortez
St. Christopher for the perpetual wanderer
>Needing/wanting a supernatural skydaddy to guide your life
whatever you say, heathen fedora nigger
reddit pls go