In poland we need to work 1 hour for this coin
In poland we need to work 1 hour for this coin
Yes we so poor Ireland pls send potato
3 dollars per hour in poland
In ireland we need to work 1 hour for this
Nice kurwa
Come and become a Strawberry picker here in Kent. My father pays £7.20 per hour to pickers, and I'm one of the managers. We employ around 75 workers, most of whom are Eastern European. You tend to work harder as demonstrated by your higher kg/h berry yields compared to British employees, so you're very welcome. Cheers bud.
ale bym cie napierdalal polkopku, polska jest chujowa zrozum to
Strawberry picking must destroy your back.
fuck you motherfucker xD
karachan reee
don't you guys hate polish people
We like cheap workers.
Emphasis on *workers*, russians.
Lazy English chavs hate Polish people for ""stealing" "their" jobs.
What this really means is, Poles, Latvians, Hungarians and Rumanians are harder workers so business managers like myself choose to hire them. Strawberry growing is a tight-margin industry, we can't afford to hire unproductive workers, especially costing us over £7 an hour.
>We like cheap workers
The Eternal Anglo, ladies and gentlemen.
I wouldn't be talking Paddy. Your country sold out and became a tax haven, potatonigs are even more jewy than us.
One of the worst jobs I've ever done.
0/10 would not recommend.
Money is imaginary. Stop whining and use your labor to do fun, meaningful stuff for and with yourself, your family and friends. Then you'll get real payoff. Keep running around in this $$maze$$ and you're guaranteed to be losers, losers.
Jesus christ, reading that made my fucking skin crawl.
Me and daddy love importing immigrants to pick our lovely berries mmm yess
Well it's a pretty nice coin
Guessing you are just another city dweller upset that some people get to be their own boss. How's stacking shelves at Tesco?
Pampered middle class bitch with no life/work experience detected.
Get some experience of the labour market and tell me that wage compression isn't real you rancid little cunt
Southerners are such slimy scum.
In reality you're actually paying them less than 7.20, but you can't say that in case the rozzers find out
Yo, Polish guy. Poland all Christian, right? Ho come they, and all Christians for that matter, allow usury? It's anti-Christian! Don't tell me you don't kno what usury is! And don't trust Google or Bing. They've CHANGED the definition.
I'm at uni, worked low-skilled jobs for two years after leaving school and got first hand experience of how posh cocksuckers like you ruin the country and other people's lives for a quick profit.
I'd love to see you face to face and hear you say something like that to me. Maybe without your daddy or his army of slav(e)s to back you up
They also depress wages for everyone else. They are literally traitors to their own countrymen. The same things happened on building sites and other trade places that used to be a first step up. Now they're just press-gangs run by slave drivers at rock bottom wages with little/no chance of ever advancing b/c there is always some other slav willing to do the job just as cheap.
Globalists can hang as far as I'm concerned.
(rant cont.)
Then, to add insult to injury, we get filth like Cameron, who once flew with his toff buddies on a chartered concord up and down the US east coast feasting on beef bordelaise; who bragged he was "born with two silver spoons in his mouth;" lecturing the rest of us about MUH SCROUNGERS.
It is time for a war against the "I got mine, fuck you work harder" class.
KYS chav cunt
Impressive. Very nice.
It's a really pretty coin mate.
Both of you shut the fuck up and stop being cunts
That's not a rant that's truth about rich assholes and globalisation.
But of course people want hide truth blame people being racist dumb lazy.
When in fact it's fault rich counts trying get richer
Careing more about money then people
Yes yes, it's all those middle class people's fault that the country if fucked, good goy
Blame the new King of Poland. Its his kingdom you're living in now.
Yes, traitors need to go first. Never let some yuppie shitheel get away with telling you that "english people are just lazy so we need to employ bulgarians"
I mainly saw it in construction. Men who've worked their whole life as an electrician or plumber get replaced by some guy called pavel who is happy to work for pennies. Then they try to go into work as a spare hand and find they're competing against 100 other pavels who have been bundled into a van and get paid under the counter.
Contribute something when you know what you're talking about. Otherwise keep your worthless opinions to yourself.
I'd find a different career than importing immigrants because shit is about to hit the fan soon. That type of career choice will hopefully mark you for death 5 years from now.
>Elites create the system
>Factory/farm owners exploit it for profit
>Working class get fucked over
>Middle class sneer at and mock the working class
I have nothing but contempt for the white middle class, they've allowed more harm to be done the the UK than any other group of people. Same probably applied on the US
id happily pay more if i knew i was eating fruit and veg picked by english
They pay you in Pounds in Poland? I would take that up with the unions mate I'm sure it would make more sense to pay you in Euros.
So working low-skilled jobs for two years before starting uni makes me a chav?
Sound reasoning there man, maybe you could use it to try and refute the points I'm making?
This is exactly what it's like with mexicans in the US
Heh, happened to an over-40 friend of mine who needed to pick up some work. Went to a building site and told 'em he'd work as a brickies asst. Worked his ass off all day, got bundled into a van and driven to greggs for lunch, barely enough time to eat his pastry on the way back, then gets told at the end of the day "we can't use you."
He got told he'd been seen not running his ass off at some point during the day. He had some street smarts, knew it was a ruse and got told, after the foreman more or less made him beg for the job, that he'd have to go buy his own stuff.. two buckets, boots, hi-vis jacket etc. and be on call 5:45am every day.
You literally get better treatment and wages working with fucking pikeys.
You might want to try paying minimum wage.
Tell your wife to come over here, I'll shag her, and she can make a whole two pound coin in ten minutes!
I work about 20 minutes
>ten minutes
>Using data from the OECD’s recent employment outlook, the TUC found that over the same 2007-2015 period, real wages grew in Poland by 23%, in Germany by 14%, and in France by 11%. Across the OECD, real wages increased by an average of 6.7%.
>The TUC found that between 2007 and 2015 in the UK, real wages – income from work adjusted for inflation – fell by 10.4%. That drop was equalled only by Greece in a list of 29 countries in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
>real wages grew in Poland by 23%
Not for much longer then
I was working alongside eastern Europeans in hard labor for nearly a year. I didn't get fired, I quit because I found a better job. They just work hard and I was luckily energetic enough to keep up.
I've worked alongside them, they mainly just keep their heads down and work hard.
I've don't usually dislike them as people, it's the implications against English workers I take issue with which comes about as a result of the English ruling, middle and upper class being treacherous.
I'll do it
Fuck off commie cunt
You are a chav because you blame middle class people for your problems like chavs do.
Not a communist, just have a balanced realist perspective on how the country is being ruined
i make
I don't have 'problems'. It just angers me to see the working class in this country perpetually exploited and betrayed so others can line their pockets a bit more
Pls stop distroy economy
Would you like a little bit of semen on top too?
If I ever find you, I'm going to hang you from your tallest strawberry tree.
You don't understand that the average middle class British person is not an elite and don't exploit others and are obviously against that. They haven't let in millions of migrants for cheap labour like the actual elites, stop blaming the people THEY want you to blame instead of actual elites
You're overpaid
>2 pounds
>2 pound
>2 poun
>2 pou
>2 po
>2 p
>2 s
>2 sc
>2 sco
>2 scoo
>2 scoop
>2 scoops
>t. Northern subhuman
No, hence why he doesn't want you touching his food.
I fucking hate poland these dumb subhumans recieved so much land after world war 2 (even though they didnt do shit) and theyre still poor. There isn't one single slavic country in the world with a proper economy.
Better leave the Fortress now.