It's just gay people being proud of who they really are and being brave bigot. Celebrate diversity G O Y

It's just gay people being proud of who they really are and being brave bigot. Celebrate diversity G O Y.

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you're a fucking faggot for saving this picture

spoken like a true greek


faggots and boylovers

ποτε στον πουτσο εγινε αυτο ρε αχλαδιαρη?

Athens Pride 2015

Athens gay pride parade, yesterday.


>we must crush the Athenian degeneracy and secure a future for white children

>Imply Ancient Greece wasn't even a more degenerate shithole where the gods fucked animals or transformed into animals to fuck women. Where pedophilia was as normal as today homosex.
Reminder that Socrates favourit sex object were little boys.

Με τύψεις ζω.

I will never fucking understand pride bullshit.
I'm gay and it fucking sickens me to see people waving around their sexuality like its a badge of honor and doing fucking retarded things out in public while at the same time demanding acceptance and expecting people to treat them like normal people when they're acting like fucking freaks.
If it were a bunch of scantily clad straight people walking around and waving dildos everywhere I imagine itd be just as fucking disgusting.


DESU you have to be pretty brave to do gay pride in golden dawn country.

I summon all my kids to SAGE this kind of threads SAGE

You need Sharia

Sage for daddy

you might consider pay your depts before getting nuked

golden dawn is cancer. they only attacked some niggers 1 time and then they never did anything again. antifa has been raiding their headquarters for ages and no retaliation of any kind

holy shit the redpill is super strong in the comments

>baby's first gay parade

>If it were a bunch of scantily clad straight people walking around and waving dildos everywhere

So... slutwalks?

When straight people are allowed to have sex in the street too, well talk about it.

you might consider to stop importing niggers before you ask for debts

mustafa, pls not here


>fuck your morals
>still has underwear on

All going as planned

i thought all greeks on Sup Forums were based since there's only like 10 of us. seems like i was wrong.

Gay pride events really should be banned from happening in public places. They are nothing more than another form of degeneracy. If straight people aren't allowed to have their own "straight pride parades" then why should people with alternate sexual preference's get special treatment? It really annoys me.

Just look at these photos, all they do is reveal that the majority of these people who show up to these events are nothing more than degenerate human garbage. Half naked dudes that dry hump each other in public (which is a public indecency) and hideous women with no tits who like to walk around in bondage gear with ugly ass coloured hair. These people are not special or unique. Most look like they are borderline retarded.

Is it wrong that I genuinly feel bad for these women.

So is that what gay culture is all about, just faggots dancing in public while nearly naked?


There are limits to how much one can be brainwashed before the "wait a minute is this really all there is to life?" instinct kicks in. These people are too far gone.

he is albanian moron

>So is that what gay culture is all about, just faggots dancing in public while nearly naked?

Of course. Don't tell me you thought their "culture" was ever any deeper than that.

These people have only 1 thing to take pride in, in their lives, and that's their mental disease.

Slut in swedish means "the End"

no jk - check google translate

Lgbt is not a culture you moron.
Its just a bunch of fags being fags.

Looks like a vegan friend I had.... keyword : had

What do they even try to accomplish with this shit?
fag1: 'Oh society should respect and take us seriously! What to do?'
fag2: 'Hey, I know! Let's organize a parade where we act in the most degenerate way we can away with. That will show them!'

That's exactly my point.

It's just a bunch of mentally ill individuals forcing everyone to bear witness to their degeneracy.