Damn, the guy behind the Blue Whale looks like THAT?

Damn, the guy behind the Blue Whale looks like THAT?

Other urls found in this thread:



The 400 pound hacker!

he slayed more pussy than everyone around here

>actual blue whale was behind blue whale

He looks like a jew.

what makes you think that?

just as i suspected, an american spy

The blue what?

The Blue Whale you Dingus

Typical "kys"fag


more like white whale

Daily reminder that there is literally NOTHING wrong with suicide eugenics

he's got that "What is of happening? You must have wrong man, surely this is mistake, yes?" sorta look


More like gay whale

wait, no? that's not him. there was an article months ago, about some different guy being on trial for it. huh?

No wonder hes angry and bitter when he looks like that.


This sack of shit squeaky fat man is who they DIED for.
The first little bit of the vid is the only bit worth watching BTW.

This is the guy behind Blue Whale, Philipp Budeikin.

The guy in OP is behind some other suicide game.

Most Russians look like that.
Then the Kremlinbots will tell you they're the masterrace and defender of the "White" race.


the guy just took advantage of hormonal, bored and lonely teenagers. the girls that killed themselves werent failed people. some of them were 12 years old.
the fact that he pretends his actions are some how justified and that the girls where "biological waste" makes him only more disgusting. it wasnt eugenics at all

That's the power of media.
He confessed immediately like a CSI villain - what a twat, he'll get zero respect and is likely to end up on a nonce wing IF his jailers don't feel like having a little game of their own.
No financially motivated career criminals will have any time for him and it's likely that any of his fellow psyche jobs in confinement with him will want to end him just for the noterity of the act.
Boo hoo fatty. You are fucked.

they should lock him up with the kids' parents for a few hours

In the selection process only a select few make it through
It's not like these are your average teenagers

There was, it was this fellow, he was arrested for being the admin of another blue whale vk group. It's not actually a centralized structure, but rather a network one, with groups operating independently.

And btw, the entire story is not such a big deal: it has been purposefully hyped by the state tv not for children's sake of course but as an excuse to impose stricter regulations on the internet. For example, 130 deaths is total bullshit: I believe there was only a couple suicides proven to be connected to blue whale groups, and the rest are, well, just teenage suicides.

yeah i know he takes hundreds of kids, and gives them weird and boring tasks and then only a few will go to the end.
thats the same process that lots of criminals use. identity thieves will contact hundreds of people and only a few people will respond.
that doesnt mean that the few people who fall for it deserve to get robbed.
actual eugenics is euthanizing people with stuff like down syndrome and people who are brain dead.
not awkward teenage girls who cant make friends.

sides status: obliterated.


Anyone who falls for a half literate somali's scam deserves it

>t. psychopath

>Voluntarily join and accept orders from a service knowing full well what it is
>Carry out the demands of self harm and embarrassment
>Kill self because your computer monitor told you to
>129 other weak willed pussies do tge same thing
>"WTF? Omg cops pls stop dis"
Im not thinking of a different one of these am I? At any rate it's hard to feel sympathy for people weak willed enough to do something like this to themself.

that fat fuck has been slaying tons of plankton more like

oh shit i get it... slay as in kills not pussy he fuck


Wasn't the game created as a survival of the fittest type thing? Like to intentionally get rid of easily influenced tards?


No, idiots deserve what they get. Just like you deserve what you've voted for

>shit I accidentally killed my step daughter

>YES it is true my step daughter is dead from suicide & the blue whale online pranks. uhmmm..and bullying

I bet it is something along these lines

t. Overly emotional faggot who doesn't understand the world doesn't care about the kind