Fuck all you new DUP fags. Sinn Fein and Republicanism all the way. 1 Ireland = 32 Counties. You unionist cunts can go blow e/o somewhere else.
Fuck all you new DUP fags. Sinn Fein and Republicanism all the way. 1 Ireland = 32 Counties. You unionist cunts can go blow e/o somewhere else.
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Move along people, just another burger talking about "Muh ancestry" while forgetting about the Good Friday agreement.
Wow, you can tell payed skills by non nationals going on about things they wouldn't know about
So haveing labour leader who supported a terriost organisation that bombed assinated killed police army and civilians was good idea for you guys?
The people who voted Corbyn history the man is a fucking disgrace.
The people northern Ireland rather see him hanged then ever become pm.
I bet your the same fag who keeps making the "Up the Ra" threads too.
Fuck you cunt, sage
agree the IRA is the real red pill
look at all the shills for DUP on Sup Forums.
>Sinn Fein
Fuck off plastic paddy.
1234567 all good children go to heaven!
>le corbyn supports terrorism because he met with them to talk
This strawman is pretty fucking shit now that Theresa May is literally working with terrorists.
Doesn't Ireland have fag marriage and other degeneracy?
DUP sounds like the good guys here.
I bet the IRA would fucking love Muslims.
Fuck off plastic pad Ulster forever
>stopping the poopdick fetish is all I care about
Why don't you join ISIS?
DUP really doesn't affect the republic though, if anything this new coalition has shifted the Overton window further right in the whole U.K.
At least support the right irish nationalists, not the sinn fein commies.
You're about as Irish as my big Anglo balls. Why do so many Americans insist on larping as Paddies
I think a lot of Americans heritage fag because the American identity has been degraded to a meaningless title shared by 320+ million people of various backgrounds, the only thing they have in common is the laws they are subject to
ITT; Americans who dont realise theyre ancestors are actually Ulster Scots.
Limey is mad because he knows we will ship them weapons again on the sly if we want. Mind your p's and q's if you know what's best for you. You are just dealing with ISIS now, the IRA gets fired up again and you'll be scurrying around town looking over your shoulder again.
Been looking for that pic, thanks
All the IRA does now a days is deal drugs, protect Gerry's Pedo friends, and sit on their asses as their country gets enriched in front of their eyes
>now on Blue Planet, a rare retarded potato nigger in his natural habitat of delusion and hypocrisy
>all the English shitposters who found out about dup ten minutes ago
You will not do no shit, simple as!
We have peace in mainland, Republic of and Northern Ireland.
All ends as that, nobody is interested in no shit.
Get a life and GTFO slobby cnut
I remember my first trip up North in 92 with my brother. I saw a couple of guys on crutches on the sidewalk on the Falls Rd.
>"why so many young Paddies with crutches?
>"they've been kneecapped for dealing drugs.
Shits crazy.
English tard, go polish your spoon collection so mommy tells you how nice and shiny they are.
Here we go again...
The ira are not irish nationalists, they are marxists who started a civil war against the real nationalits:
They got their arses kicked and ran north to cause trouble. They just happened to keep the Seinn fein and ira names.
>Come downstairs, Martin. Your dinner's ready.