Yesterday i went to the anti sharia rally larping as a photographer/photojournalist/guy running around with a phone and camera
Guys... Let me just tell you, when you finally realize how you look in public or the way you act, it will utterly destroy you
I came to the realization that i should not be around cameras or leave the house, much less go to a goddamn political rally I also asked for a picture with my fav livestreamer without realizing how fucking cringy and stupid it is. I even took a picture of them like right in front of them. fuck my life. Im sure they all talk to each other and now im the laughing stock I drank a few beers before heading over there to help with my social anxiety but it just ended up backfiring on me.
I dont know what to do lads
Should i just end myself? Im not going to say which event it was because itll be too easy to find me and become Sup Forumss favorite thing to laugh at
Guys if youre fucking weird just dont go to these rallies, i found out the hard way Ill never be able to enjoy another livestream ever again
Seriously if you cannot handle real life you will not be able to handle a rally and you WILL be recorded and people WILL laugh at you Just stay home
The footage will always be out there of you being a fucking subhuman freak piece of shit
The funniest thing tho, i actually POSTPONED A SUICIDE for this fucking protest. I was literally going to kill myself on that day but i decided to go to my first political event instead I really have no choice now
I never thought that simple embarrasement/cringe would cost me my life but im 25 years old and act like a spastic autistic child and always will, theres absolutely no possible reason to keep living
Goodbye Sup Forums first you ruined my mind and now youve ruined my life . i hope all you faggots live long and fulfilling lives on the internet
>goodbye poly, you've ruined my mine and now you've ruined my life
lmao, we didnt do shit faggot. man up and accept responsibility you cuck
Logan Fisher
All my problems are because of other people.
> Start living in the sense that you are European.
Austin White
>somehow being more cringe than antifags and liberals
Luis Fisher
You're just being paranoid and overanalyzing. Most people don't care enough to be that judgmental about strangers.
Joseph Hall
Jackson Bailey
This is a demoralization shill. SAGE
Jonathan Hill
lol, get a real hobby faggot...metal detecting, pyrotechnics, fishing, rockhounding, woodworking, chemistry, etc
Life isn't about being cool...stop thinking about gay shit like that. That's why you are awkward, thinking too much.
Take 30mg pseudoephedrine(Sudafed) instead of drinking alcohol. You need to mildly activate those dopamine receptors, not GABA receptors.
Thomas Bell
I am taking responsibility
Im just trying to warn others, i wish someone wouldve told me this before
Mason Thompson
You anxious depressedfags need to realize something:
Look at how much you just analyzed and thought about yourself, you self-centered bastard. Now realize that everybody is that way. Nobody cares. Get over it you fucking puss.
Joseph Kelly
Told you that you act like a fucking cringefag in public? Maybe if you weren't hanging around with snowflakes libtards all day, you'd have found that out already. I second the guy calling you a shill.
Luke Barnes
Pics please op. I want to see how good looking you are :)
I mean, if your going to kill yourself anyways, why not. Become a symbol or the nu-right. And besides, we might be able to give you advice on how to properly dress and stuff.
John Reyes
Couldn't finish this wall'o'text. Wanna learn how to stop being so cringey? Start by being concise.
Brody Lee
Nathan Scott
Nice mindvirus op
Caleb Jones
Easton Cox
>tfw you begin to red-pill people when you are drunk. >tfw you begin talking about Odin and Frigg.
Andrew Kelly
>shilling this hard
Grayson Butler
fake and gay
Charles Foster
If this is actually real, kill yourself but take as many Muslims as you can with you. Don't be selfish.
Samuel Cook
Listen sonny, I don't know - or care - if you are LARPing. The way to stop paranoid thoughts is to simply go with the flow and accept the things you cannot change. You cannot change other people's thoughts. You have total control of your own thoughts, the secret is to not try to have control but simply to have control. You can even practise, and prove to yourself you already have tital control, by lying on your bed and imagining yourself on the edge of a cliff. Jump in your mind, see yourself plummet and then before you hit the floor STOP! and sit up. You are now in control. (Buddhist style intervention techniques. Buddhism is all about control of ones own mind)
William Price
>tital control? >full control! *Typo
Lincoln Murphy
I'm tired of normies blog posting. They think they've swallowed the "le redpill" but they don't act like it.
Just kys OP, saged
Dylan Scott
You seem pretty based user.
Justin Lopez
Get over yourself you egotistical faggot. >even in the briefest of interactions with trangers I KNOW that they are thinking about me 24/7 and talking to their friends about me etc etc etc...