Is multiculturalism really that bad when america managed to become a superpower with it?
Multi-Ethnic Society
Look at America's history and they didnt succeed of multiculturalism. America did the most racist shit in the world including genociding an entire people - Native Americans.
We've been going downhill since segregation ended.
America became a superpower when it was +90% white 60 years ago. Notice how it's decline as a superpower coincides with the continuous drop in the white population?
>become a superpower with it?
citation needed
well you'd have to prove that their success as a superpower came as a result of them being multi-cultural.
Soviet Russia was multicultural and they became superpower.
Britain in the early 20th century wasn't multicultural, but were superpower.
Nazi Germany was 100% white, and it turned out to be a disaster.
It made America a degenerate hellhole and whatever America touched turned to shit soon after (Germany, Japan).
In every asepct other than military and the economy America is a shithole. Canada was much better in almost ever aspect until the 1960's.
Yes it's terrible
It always drift to a white minority which makes it even worse
>despite of
despite of multiculturalism america managed user, despite of remember it was an anglo nation
>America did the most racist shit in the world including genociding an entire people - Native Americans.
When will this meme end? American colonists didn't go around gassing Injuns for decades. Injuns just didn't breed at levels comparable to the colonists so their numbers relatively went down. Then they were thrown a bone: go on these pre defined reservations and we'll give you gorillions of shekels every year.
america was never a multicultural society as it became a superpower.
>literally just built enclosures for their black populations
>as the enclosures spread blacks ruin community after community
>white flight has like 50more years before whites are chased to the ends of the earth
It really didn't, it was multiethnic maybe, but there was an extremely strictly enforced Anglo cultural norm that everybody was rigidly expected to adhere to, basically no speaking non-English in public outside of ethnic boroughs, non-English descended people were expected to be okay with being treated lesser or differently, etc. and it worked out fucking great.
First, sage.
Secondly, this .
We got to where we are DESPITE the nonwhites, and that's when there were relatively few of them and they knew their place. Racemixing was banned.
We honestly should have kicked out or shot all of the freed farm equipment when we had the chance. We probably would have colonized Mars by now if we did.
I don't want to be 'that' guy, but it's just "despite X." You could also say "in spite of X," which means the same thing.
America climbed to the top without multiculturalism, and started its decline once the civil rights movement and feminism really hit
If you have issues with others who look slightly different than yourself then what will you do when you meet a member of our galactic community?
As long as the non-whites stay segregated to their own areas it works out a-ok, Chinese in Little Chinatown, Blacks stuck in Detroit, etc.
giv norway gf
Trudeau sold our national bank to jews in 70s. This ended canada. He then pushed the melting pot multiculturalism bullshit. Established trudeau foundation which magically made millions for him and his family and selling bank guaranteed this funding and his sons future pm funding. He also started selling all our gold to pay jew debt.
We had pretty much zero national debt before this even after building highways and st lawrence seaway and so on. Trudeau killed canada.
Once blacks were freed and stopped contributing to society by picking cotton for fair market price, they became a net negative on society. America was overwhelmingly white when it became a superpower, which overcame the debilitating effects of other races. Now that this is no longer true, the US is on a pretty blatant decline.
>when america managed to become a superpower IN SPITE OF it?
ftfy chap
America became a superpower in the 1940s, before the multiculturalism
>with it
USA is superpower because cultures were shared and melded...ex: Halloween
you fucking idiot
America became a superpower in the 1940s, before the era of civil rights and political correctness and feminism
That was the old days when nobody knew anything. Many mistakes were made.
Can't you understand difference between selective immigration and open borders?
And has fallen since. Really makes you think,
America didn't become a superpower with it.
Lets be real here. When faggot left wingers talk about multiculturalism they aren't talking about people from the same region of the world who share the same religion roughly, same moral values, have developed at the same pace and are pretty much only separated by language and some cultural quirks.
No they are talking about niggers, Arabs, gooks and so on.
America became a superpower because it was a mix of European ethnicities that integrated into a Judaeo Christian society that had its Anglo Saxon origins at its core.
America has declined ever since multiculturalism embrace anyone that wasn't European. It is going to lose it superpower status because of this.
because when you don't share the same cultural values you end up with ideological conflict.
America became a defacto superpower because europe pushed the self destruct button
fuck Canada right in the ear. I just live here now.
if any of you faggots are ever in downtown Vancouver, I'm the guy walkin' around with a beer.
I'm fixin to get me some damn drinkin' liquor.
America hasn't been a super power since Vietnam. It was over 80% white then, now it's 61%(2017)(excluding kikes(should be counted as Asian)hispanics(should be counted as multiracial.) Also Arabs aren't considered white here most check off Asian or black on the census.
And yet its black population was always above 10%.
Don't forget the Chinese slaves working at the railroads.
Diversity is your strength goy.
it became a super power when it was majority white and when that started changing, everything got worse
but also stop replying to spambait
this is on par with flat earthers
what is this?
the only reason the USA became a superpower was because they had the most productive part of the North American continent to themsleves after 1848, it had nothing to do with multiculturalism.
Yeah, america looks great.
Multi-ethnic is not the same as multi-cultural.
america became a superpower DESPITE it, not because of it
what do you call the dagos, irishmen, and poles that came over in the preceding decades? white?
USA took immigrants that wanted to work, these days, everyone is taking immigrants that don't.
>managed to become a superpower with it?
only with europeans
it is now dying thanks to multiculturalism of spics and niggers
was the trail of tears just a normie meme. I mean Andrew Jackson was a rough son of a bitch but it just sounds like a really fast, albeit cruel, migration of Injuns.
Multiculturalism did not exist when america was becoming a superpower.
>e pluribus unum
pick one
Jackson did nothing wrong!
Furthermore, america was an economic superpower already in the beginning of 20th century, it was predominantly anglo-saxon.
>tfw cannt haf norwy gf