Really hate liberals

really hate liberals

These "liberals" hate themselves;so they don't need your hate.

I thought being a theif was part of the nigger culture , surprised how that woman isnt mad over his culture appropriation

Isn't this guy a Jew?


giv curvy black gf

Dressed like an actor going to rehearsals.

Almost as much as you hate paying debnts

But what's the guy dressed as?

>biggest debts in the world

While I can see others ITT made this joke, this Bong here did it masterfully

Looks like it

I hate faggots who make duplicate threads.

>debnts aren't a social construct

>Nobody owns culture
Nobody owns culture
>Nobody owns culture
Nobody owns culture
>Nobody owns culture
Nobody owns culture
>Nobody owns culture
Nobody owns culture


>I don't know what percentages are

Argentine education.

>mfw with % and all you still have a bigger debt than Argentina

>society isn't a debt construct by now

Gotta play the game to suck on dem mammy tittays my brothas.


I thought it was called embracing culture. I guess that negro will have to stop stealing white culture and go back to African style nomad living according to that logic

This is now a black culture appreciation thread.

>fucking nig-
>decide to Google
>Ouandja Magloire - who also calls himself 'Mad Dog' - is seen eating the leg of a Muslim slaughtered by a rampaging Christian mob in the Central African Republic.

>Magloire told a BBC reporter at the time that his action was revenge for the murders of his pregnant wife, his sister-in-law and her baby. He claimed that Muslims were responsible and he was angry with them.

>'They broke down the door and cut my baby in half. I promised I would get my revenge,' he said.

>‘Mad Dog’ spotted his victim on a minibus and followed him after deciding he looked Muslim. He gathered a crowd of about 20 Christian youths who forced the bus driver to stop and dragged him from the bus.

>Without emotion he told the BBC: 'I poured petrol over him. I burned him. I ate his leg, right down the white bone.'


>An Americoon poster

No fucking way man..... No wonder us whites enslaved them and scrambled for Africa

he's the naughty one


Normal people piss on Pisslam instead of spreading it into their body. Also,

How can you hate yourself that much?
>inb4 he's not a cuck and only does so to get nigger booty

I would love to dress as a redcoat and colonize the black girl....but that would be an offence and that's why I moved to Brazil at least I can carry a fuckin knife here....

White liberals are the worst for enabling this shit.

Gotta Colonise her

It's the equivalent of a juvenile delinquent in a high school environment.They don't give a shit about their studies or their future;they don't give a shit about themselves or their family,and they believe that makes them mature and sought by other members.
The guy in the pic believes that his actions will elevate him hierarchically when in reality hes deluding himself for an ephemeral compassion by "the oppressed"

Couldn't you just counter somebody white people are stealing their culture by saying that implies whites/Europeans have never had any culture, and say they're being racist?

Africans don't need no clothes.


A culture defines a people, a race does not define a culture. Fuck liberals are stupid

>implying nigger ever had anything

when a nig accuses a white of cultural appropriation point out to them are are SPEAKING IN ENGLISH

>He didn`t black face too

Shitty cosplay desu senpai

I hope you're a proxy.

Lol. He's self flagelating this hard so that if perchance one day he accidentally says "you people" who won't get branded a racist.
The best part being the more "proof" you have that you're not racist, the more racist you are.

>dress as a thief
>wear a du-rag and dress in baggy, black clothes


They will just tell you you can't be racist against whites.

it's not even rage inducing, just cringey as hell

>culture is a possession that can be stolen

Good luck maddog-chan!

Our country can sustain debts as long as our debt-to-GDP ration is good.

>you wouldn't steal a car.

This is the cuckold's current profile pic. His virtue signalling knows no bounds.