Start living in the sense that you are Euopean


Other urls found in this thread:

Imma pee in your mom's butt.

i truly am European, aren't I?

If you aren't a mongrel, then yes.

Your forefathers where Euros you are a Euro and so will be your children.

Stop shiting on table you eat from stop fulling amernigger economy.

They have it cheap because they leech from your country's wealth.


Fuck off EU shill.

1950's America was the closest thing to a real "European Union" that has ever existed.
A melting pot of all Europeans, a glorious testament to our race.

The (((EU))) is just a disgusting perversion of a noble ideal. It cares more for sandniggers than it does for Europeans.

What once was:

Lithuania and Poland blocked that poster from use on exactly the grounds your pic highlights.

I honestly assumed it was a shoop when I first saw it, had to check to make sure.
>no such luck

There are literally more (((Stars))) on there than crosses...they are just blatantly gloating at this point.

Fuck Moseley.

Hitler's secret plans with the UK was to send all males over 15 to concentration camps.

So yay, at least the Brits wouldn't be exterminated... but converted to German DNA within a generation.

>believing this blatant nonsense

Lol, there's a sucker born every minute.

You seriously think the German ambassador would have told Churchill, "yeah we plan to kill all the men once we invade."


Lmao why was Charlie chaplain such a faggot?

America was the great experiment. What could be when Europeans put aside brother wars and worked together. Then the fire nation attacked

You seriously think the Germans would've killed all British men.


Why didn't they put all of the French men into concentration camps when they conquered & occupied France?? REALLY makes you think....


Because Hitler lost the war. Thank God.

You are retarded, they didn't want to exterminate people, they wanted to exterminate communism from earth, and take Russian lands.

Still, Hitler talked in his second book about a war with america and japan in the far future, so that is really the part that scares me about nazism.

>they didn't want to exterminate people
Those kindly Nazis, helping old ladies cross the road and shit.


They wanted to depopulate the slavs lands on the lebensraum and to throw jews on Madagascar.

Throw gays, criminals, minorities, spies and POWS on their camps. This wasn't a nazi thing only, it was a war thing.

Hitler didn't want war with England, France, America. He wanted war with the Russians. You know this to be true. Why 60 million people had to die for gay germans, the dismantlement of jewish influence on Germany and Danzing? It was suppose to be a German Russian war.

The real evil, the real risk, was Hitler intention of carrying out ultimate wars with America and Japan on the far far future, probably now, 2017-2020. The world could have been reaching the abyss right now if Hitler had won, who knows.

So you're telling me...that they were willing to put all of the 6 gorillion Jews/gays/retards in camps IMMEDIATELY, but for some strange reason they had to wait on gassing the French and all of the other white Europeans they conquered?

Idk man...your story isn't making a lot of sense here...

Kill yourself or get killed, EU-comminust scum

They would though. Just not hook nosed kike parasites.
The world would have been so much better if they had won.

No, we are Amerikaners. I fucking hate Europeans.

>they had to wait on gassing the French
The gas chambers were working at full capacity it seems. Duh.

May the colonies forever be European

hmm, that would get me killed tho OP

immigrants in western Nations dont like us, but move here4 some reason(((they think we're racist and crazy)))
oh well; maybe this circumstance is ironic?

Hitler was working on the nuclear bomb. He would have used it indiscriminantly too. Great swaths of the world would be radioactive wastelands.

>literally everywhere the White race has chosen to live has prospered under his rule

really makes you think, just what did we all mean by this?

top zozzle

Gaschambers are a propaganda meme

Chanbers were used for delousing.

Actual killings were done via injections.

All those 'nazi camp survivers' have so far been outet as larpers n fakers. Althou official, sadly the mainstream , who created the meme, does not spread the correction likewise, so ppl are stuck in their false belive, which was nothing but a propaganda lie, forever ...

Hilarious that the most honest people in WW2 were Hitler and the Nazis.

Used against who? If he won against URSS, the war would be over.

He had no other geopolitical enemies, nor ideological competition, and continental Europe was his to influence and shape on his will.

His final war was the one of the few things I could seen as really fucking dangerous for real. If he desired an isolationist stance after his victory, it would be all right, who the fuck cares about a country conquering land once, and deciding to stay quiet in their place. Total war against a potential superior nation to america is a fucking scary thing.

Russians would never pose the same level of threat that nazis could. On tech, on ideology, on science...

(((Fire Nation)))

Hilarious that you think the exact opposite without realizing how childish you sound.

At least Germany was fighting for its own interests and its own people. Britain pissed away their empire supposedly to "guarantee the freedom of Poland".
>to Germany: don't you dare invade Poland!
>to USSR: good work team! hooray for the good guize!


They probably were used for killing people.

Regardless of the killing methods employed, they had death camps anyhow.

And the Nazis lied about just everything as it pleased them to justify anything they wanted justified, so really, who knows what they would or wouldn't have done to everyone else.

>checks flag
God damnit....

But but ... here's a picture of Himmler with some children... therefore proving the entire Holocaust to be a hoax!

Sperglords gonna sperg.

Fuck off. Mosley was for the war when it happened. He just didn't think a war between Germany was necessary.
You talk about Mosley like he wanted Germany to win.



He's either trolling or retarded. If what he said was even REMOTELY true, they obviously wouldn't have let Mosley go after the war.

>If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

Fuck yeah! Damn right! My family comes from the Normans who left their wives in Denmark to join a greater people, and then came to America to get away from these European faggots.

>enjoy your Gynotits Europussies