Where is your god now pol?
A based, rational, strong Muslim POC female just DESTROYED HIM!
Where is your god now pol?
A based, rational, strong Muslim POC female just DESTROYED HIM!
Wrong link faggot.
Rational? Based? Strong?
I don't think you know what those words mean if you reference the interview with that woman.
Just open the link, racist. Refute one thing she said.
Here's some of her earlier stuff from Brown University. youtu.be
Stop shitposting for five minutes and realize you're why this board is garbage.
Pick 1. Also, any nigger thats a muslim and bitches about muh slavery never graduated middle school and should be called the fuck out.
Don't even have to open the link, she's wearing a hijab and you think shes rational. How dense can one person be. Must be trolling.
"racist", she's Muslim you ingrate. Confirmation bias activated, you really are a retard.
I saw this TC segment live. Tucker humiliated her and made her look like a headscarve wearing, highly intelligent chimpanzee.
None of these are Tuck
If you actually watch the segment, Tucker destroys her. She literally advocates for Muslim safespaces on American campuses
OP is fag bait
Damn, more like KEKER Carlson. How will he ever recover. I better grab my hijab and stick my ass in the air for muhammad.
Muslims, Jews, and Blacks have contributed more to our society than you can ever dream of.
Exhibit A: youtu.be
Exhibit B: youtu.be
It's the only way I can have these links up for more than 2 minutes. Because people like
You all will bump shitposts without even clicking them.
This isn't politics or news. It's obvious bait to banter and belongs on
Crazy how you can fit every good muslim, Jew, and black in history onto one jpeg image
good job TRS
Pro tip: typing gibberish in CAPS LOCK doesn't make it true. Also, sage, you dick-shitting nigger-faggot.
Top fuckin kek, those links
How the fuck can you be bothered to write a post while being too lazy to view the title, or even just the thumbnail of the videos he posted?
Exactly what I was thinking.
she destroyed her own argument at the end by claiming it's 'race' is more important than 'allah'
fake muslim
This thread should be pinned and all the plebbiters should be banned
He got destroyed sooooo hard you didn't even post the link
>one Muslim is actually good
>suddenly its not #notallmuslims anymore
fuck lefties, we dont fall for your bullshit
Why would i need to when op is talking about racism and islam in the same sentence retard?
Your a fool
>islam is a race
The only black muslims were converted when taken into slavery or otherwise dominated by muslim arabs.
Theyre also looked waaaaay down upon in arab muslim societies you retarded faggot. Lmaoing at how retarded you are.
Wacth the video you nigger or go back to where you came from
Ok, i didnt open ops trickery bait links. Fml.
Plus she said she became muslim 2 years ago.
Before that she worshipped at the Church of Dumb Cunt.
Tucker knocked her teeth out.
because he's clearly trolling for our side. he even posted a video about the history of Haiti which proves that niggers deserve nothing more than slavery
Lurk Moar faggot
Already seen those. Nice try on ops part to sneak redpills under the guise of a bait thread.
Isnt there a clean street that needs to be shit on so you can continue the rise in genetic birth defects?
How can you have an argument without seeing other side's evidence? You didn't click the links. Signs of a larger problem
I see watcha did OP, clever goy.
Yes fuckin nigger you were the one who just sperged about mudslimes without even clicking the links, you are a faggot of the highest order you should neck yourself god damn newfags
Jesus Murphy this video.
I really would like to see such a muslim mancave.
> I'm black first
How can you burgers accept such degree of communautarism. Even the worst french shitski activist wouldn't admit that on TV.
At little obsessed, are you ?
Obsessed with free speech? Yes we kind of are. Don't go to jail for posting on Pol frenchie
Tucker made that cunt look like a complete fool. OP is a faggot
that has nothing to do with what he was saying you goddamn amerishit
Fuck off and kys
This bitch was playing identity politics had zero intelligent talking points and was just a loudmouth
It has everything to do with it. My people are so bad we put crazies on TV to laugh at. His people are so great they elected the granny fucker Muslim loving macron.
this thread perfectly demonstrates how far this place has fallen. Sad!
How so, user? Seriously. It's a rowdy thread full of vitriol, hate and sarcasm. Never change, Sup Forums.
Oh the sage Muslim safe space BTFO. She lost the minute this shit crossed her mind
Semantics : the meaning of words
>TC grills a mudshit hag
>leftard goes hooooo BTFO
> It's called a delusion when you hallucinate things that didn't happen, son
>leftards looks around amazed b-but ..
>starts foaming at the mouth
You fuckers are so destroyed , sjw muppet faggot, you've become a bunch of tarded babies parroting the party line you're disgusting. GTHOH, Yvette Felarca cuntla(r)pers . Fire up the ovens boys.
its unthinking short attention span retards that go around responding to bait threads with low effort posts and videos like the one in this OP can't get any attention anymore even though they are he most important way to red pill normies on the jews and save the world
>muslim women
Pick one and only one
What you want slide faggot?
this is absolutely not slide
Is she even fucking black or just """"""trans-black""""""?
This shit is getting out of hand.
>strong Muslim POC female
You left out she's a black lesbian.
muslim clear black woman
nice trips
whitey btfo i guess
guess it's time to go prep the bull now
yeah let's have a taxpayer WEWUZMOORS LARPers safe space in the gas chamber
Kill yourself tonight, you'll get 72 virgins
Blacks contribute to our society alright. They make up less than 15% of thwbpopulation but commit more than half the crimes.
Fuck man you have no leg to stand on here. Reality isn't your friend
Carlson is very good at picking his opponents.